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Everything posted by Junglist

  1. That was pretty cool. You definitely spanked the defenders good and quick. I'll have to keep that in mind next time I see you in game, but I don't think I'll be running too much - a tactical withdrawal maybe, but no running.
  2. I knew you had to be in North America due to the EST thing, but for some reason I thought you were in Florida - I have no idea where I got that from! It's kinda cool that we've been nearby all this time. Along with Sir Jalinth (he lives in Barrie I believe) we could form a pretty lethal all Ontario team. Sorry Tarquelne, didn't mean to high-jack your thread and all.
  3. Junglist

    I'm back

    Hey Alfa-142, good to have you back. It has also been nice to see Kurtz and DrE getting back on the bandwagon in the past week, as well.
  4. Toby - are you visiting or do you live in Toronto? If so, why didn't I know that already? That would help explain the curling on Fridays I guess. In case you haven't guessed, yes, I live in Toronto.
  5. My initial response to the new suspension was "wow, this is cool"...which was shortly replaced by "wow, this is NOT very cool". Now, after several hours of use, I've got to say my opinion is starting to lean more towards my initial response. I've been a lot more reasonable in my use of the gas pedal, which has done wonders for cutting down on my flipped paladins. A real brake would be nice though. One of the truly great things aoubt this game is the responsiveness of the Developers. I can't help but think some of the above concerns expressed by the others are going to be addressed in later updates.
  6. Well guys, tomorrow is Sunday and you know what that means. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this Sunday as something has come up - as in free football tickets! Anyway, I really, really, really, hope that people will still gather on Sunday at the same time as the last 3 weekends. It would be a darn shame to let our most successful/popular effort at coming together wind-down. I personally was just starting to get wound-up about the whole thing. So come Sunday 3pm EST be sure to FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
  7. So that was you with the Library server. I was one of those people who dropped in, but it must have been after you were finished playing. Like my bboyle, I look forward to blasting you and your friend into a million pieces....its kinda the Drop Team way of saying "pleased to meet you".
  8. I've experienced this as well, it can be quite amusing.
  9. Iceman...where where you? Here I was all ready to fight for Rbentus and the live-ship never entered atmosphere. Anyway, you were missed. "Good on ya!" to everyone who did make it, however. Too bad about the lag issues some seem to be experiencing. I did have one bad lag during ctf game near the end, which wasn't fun, but for the most part the new upgrade worked well for me today...even at maximum server density. Looking forward to next Sunday already.
  10. Yeah, I actually just played a game and checked the command menu. Very useful indeed.
  11. When using the command vehicle, how does one drop numerous turrets at once? I've never actually tried it, but I've noticed it done by some of the more devious players. Is there a specific command I should be aware of? I guess I could just check the command options, or someone could just tell me.
  12. That was a fun game jby.
  13. Looks totally righteous though! Poesel, if you can get something with the same visual effect into the game, without the same ability to overwhelm, that would be pretty cool.
  14. Just finished playing my first complete game with V 1.2.1 and everything ran very nicely. New effects are pretty sweet too. One thing I've noticed with the new suspension model, heavy gravity seems to have a much greater effect on cornering ability.
  15. Well, I haven't tried version 1.2.1 yet, but I'm hoping the issues have been worked out. If things are working smoothly again I will be online at the same time as the last couple of Sundays. I look forward to seeing whoever can make it.
  16. I didn't crash, but there was definitely something wrong with the game. Upon joining I couldn't drop anything and there was only one bot capable of dropping anything. The game was super choppy as well.
  17. Iceman, if Rbentus is one of the clans I would like to declare my allegiance to, and willingness to die (multiple times per game if necessary) for anything and everything Rbentian. Anyone who dares stand in the way of the our onslaught will suffer the same fate of Developers! I guess I'm going to have to forgive Admiral Ferguson for siding with the Devs last week. War is so confusing....
  18. I don't know about you guys, but I found the battles on the last couple of Sundays to be quite amusing, on a whole bunch of levels. The enjoyment factor, without a doubt, is increased by the number of players involved. To this ends I think we should continue to assembly at the same time on Sundays. It was great of Clay to help provide the focus for the past two Sundays, but I think we as a gaming community are with it enough to keep a good thing going. Of course it would be great if Clay could make the games, but he, like all of us, will be busy some Sundays. However, if enough of us come together each weekend, who knows, maybe we'll start developing rivalries/teams of our own to help enrich the Drop Team universe. Who's in?
  19. Of course, when I compared the Devs to bullies when they ganged up on JBY and Jalinth, I by no means meant JBY and Jalinth fight like kids. If anything they must fight like lions to be willing to take them on by themselves.
  20. Of the 4 games played yesterday between the main group of Upstarts and the Developer croonies the results were: Game 1 - decisive win for Upstarts Game 2 - minor win for Upstarts (CTF with no flag capture on either side) Game 3 - decisive win for Upstarts Game 4 - decisive win for Developers From my understanding you guys also played a Game 5 against a greatly reduced Upstarts line-up, kinda like the schoolyard bully picking on kids when nobody else is around. Unfortunately that action took place after we had already seized everything valuable on the planet, so there.
  21. Wicked good fun. I think we should try to make this time (as per Poesel's earlier request) a regular event. Oh, yeah....we won!
  22. I'm kinda hoping the Upstarts will all align on one side, as the original desire was to actually have a more formal battle - all the better for strengthening clan ties. Oh yeah, and creating bitter rivalries to boot. Everybody is of course free to pick their own team in the end, BUT I have vowed to rid this planet of the Dev menace once and for all! By Odin's beard, it will happen! Once we banish them back to deep space we, the good Space-Vikings of (insert Iceman's name of Live-Ship from mod forum here) will be free to pillage in peace.
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