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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Nah they are just pissed the wall came down. It was such a nice facility for racquetball and ever since then the eastern bloc states have suffered in international competition due to the loss of such a wonderful practice facility.
  2. What?! As matter of state policy absolutely not, where the hell did that red herring come from?
  3. Wait, you have a real life? My Liege does that disqualify one for the position of squire?
  4. They don't have an ssn to manage that? Hard to believe the cesspool is better organized.
  5. So does Stuka, only he dips it in the pissbucket.
  6. No, we won't. It is a secret to force folks to make increasingly odd suppositions and claims of CM obviously being broken. Heh heh Actually it is at an angle, the StuG did change it's beating relative to the shooter while targeting enemy troops, but the angle was still to left forward of loader. What is clear from replay is it does appear to be a ricochet into the loaders hatch. There is still some leeway there as replay is not always 100% accurate. However it does appear to be the case that somehow a round or rounds entered the vehicle. My guess is it hit their supply of schnapps rendering the vehicle useless as their private mobile bar.
  7. I don't believe that is entirely accurate. My first wife was an economist and I heard enough to know how hard it was for a woman to break into that field in a meaningful way. I also do know of female war gamers and the issues they confront in our community. BF is not tolerant of any behavior that would make another individual uncomfortable to be here, but even as a guy I have heard enough here to know it is not the most welcoming community on gender issues. The lack of perceived participation is from my view more a self fulfilling prophecy. If a group is treated in an unwelcome manner, odds are their participation will become invisible.
  8. I wouldn't, but that is only because I have to hope and dream that humanity is capable of more than it has done so far. Granted it will take two things. The ability to lift all of humanity out of poverty - out of a subsistence lifestyle, and a fundamental change in perspective where our pursuit of our ambitions are a bit more selfless. Yes I know, I am a total dreamer, but it is just my nature to feel that humanity is capable of more. We have progressed, why can't we continue that? We just need to speed it up a bit before we destroy our home.
  9. In addition, the 30 mm of rolled steel is irrelevant. It appears to be a ricochet into the open loaders hatch. The only question at the moment is what kind of damage it could do that would incapacitate the vehicle.
  10. c'mon dude we all know about bridge pathing issues. Take a look under the map if you want to guess at why, check out the bridge supports. Yes it is a game, a computer game and it struggles to resolve some issues. This particular one though you have no data on, only Broadsword and I do. For all I know maybe we missed a guy somewhere and an ATR round took it out. The only info you have is in that pic and that isn't enough to conclude anything.
  11. Excellent! Obviously your standards are pretty low, perhaps by now you have replied in turn to my Liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House The easier route is simply to sign up folks of a higher caliber, easily found. Our Voyeur has shown himself to be more than prompt at replying, so his acceptance (assuming he is fool enough to join such a "house") would immediately raise the standards there. A rain shower would improve things over there more, but we work with what we have.
  12. let's just leave the supposition aside. Once the battle is done Broadsword and I will take a closer look and see what it shows both both sides. I lost the StuG and you don't hear me calling foul. S**t happens in combat.
  13. We'll send up Emrys. He's not very sweet, in fact I understand he leaves a very sour taste, but we'll ladle him up with syrup and see if that can cover the deficiencies.
  14. where do they tend to show up? Wouldn't happen to be with 21st PzD would it?
  15. Roger that, Oh and good news, he is sending another prize my way post haste. Very accommodating of him. Maybe we can set up the pair out toward the entry gate for the Limo to drive by.
  16. Ahh I see, so he gave you the benefit of the doubt for finally getting something right. Well case closed I can leave the Shavian House Hall of Archives now content in the knowledge I will find nothing further here to suggest Stuka is, was or will be correct about anything else. Did you enjoy your minion? I am afraid we are all out so if you want some more we may have to send you Emrys.
  17. not your imagination, but also not quite how it works. The mechanism is confusing but essentially the HE count is your total rounds. Of THAT count x amount can be smoke.
  18. could be right, but I don't think I heard anyone actually mention a price yet.
  19. Well I'd have killed it, but what was left of the crew bailed in terror first. Would an intact StuG make a better prize or shall I kill it my Liege?
  20. You mean the one pummeling your men mercilessly as they huddle in terror? Meanwhile the ssn Voyeur is slowly learning his lesson. My men watched as he carelessly placed a Stug in plain view unattended for turn after turn. Let us go get her my men cried, but I cautioned them it was likely a trap. Finally they cried, death was preferable to this boredom, they would rather go down as men than continue to be taunted thus. And so I loosed my brave ferocious warriors. Deep into enemy territory they ventured waiting to be ambushed at any second. Finally they came upon their prize, and once again voyeur was flaunting an enticing flank. This time however it was not an easily rattled youngster, but an older more experienced man. Master of his Domain! He slowly, carefully and lovingly extended and sighted his long... bazooka. Voyeur had mistaken my troops of having that same predilection, but no these are not men content to watch. They cry for action, to be loosed upon their quarry. A prize to bring back to the Shavian Hall to show those who would stroll into the cesspool and issue their challenge. Shavian House is not to be trifled with. If you are looking for an easy victory go pick on Boo or Nidan1. If not a victory at least they appear easy.
  21. I have had exactly one in god knows how many games. If broadsword or I thought this were at all common it wouldn't have shown up as a thread.
  22. I was ready to compliment a brave ATR toting trooper, but an MG? I did see a penetration hit text, but I never thought it had come from this.
  23. I have actually been spending my time in the Shavian House Hall of Archives. I have been trying to research this moment when Stuka was somehow inadvertently correct about something. So far I found one old yellow, tattered page with some references to Stuka, hell being particularly cold, pigs migrating from Canada to warmer climates in formation and a margin note that as near as I can decipher says something like "the Black Plague was nothing compared to this...".
  24. Yeah really, they need to be SS zombie hordes.
  25. There is a more recent book on the battle as well George, not sure if you have seen it. The Bloody Triangle: The Defeat of Soviet Armor in the Ukraine, June 1941 http://www.amazon.com/The-Bloody-Triangle-Defeat-Ukraine-ebook/dp/B004JZYBLG/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top A review Midwest Book Review "During the summer of 1941, a marshy area of the Ukraine witnessed a battle between over 2,000 tanks in a pivotal, early armor clash of World War II. Victor Kamenir details the little known battle between Soviet and German forces that was a harbinger of things to come on the Eastern Front…Told largely in the words of the men who were there, this informative history shed new light on how the Soviet tank units melted away under the merciless onslaught of their determined and well equipped adversary. From the early planning stages, when German intelligence realized the Soviet command structure would more than likely be slow to respond to a rapidly changing tactical situation, to the final unsuccessful counteroffensive by the Russians, this book offers a complete picture of the entire event. Kamenir's insightful analysis also compares and contrasts the strengths and weaknesses of the equipment utilized by both sides in the struggle."
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