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Everything posted by sburke

  1. What, it's only a flesh wound i feel happy .... so many Monty Python lines.
  2. who cares, stop at Einstein cafe and ship me one of their coffee pint glasses! Mine keep getting broken!. Seriously they make some good coffee.
  3. BF also adapts based on changing circumstances and new info. What they may or may not have said doesn't mean they absolutely will or won't. We can always keep asking, it doesn't hurt. Hungarian at least gets my vote. I'd love Romanians too, but if I have to choose.....
  4. start with the wedge Ian suggested then change to a 360 next turn. That way you make sure they don't inadvertently give away their position.
  5. they will never make a game based on the battle of Stalingrad. They will make a game for the 1942 period. They might include buildings. Really all you are looking for (primarily anyway) is better buildings to reflect the unique flavor of that fight. The biggest single item I think that would help that is a factory style building. The current modular buildings don't really cut it. There is precedent for that so one can hope.
  6. I believe they are mutually exclusive commands. Easiest way to deal with it depending on time is to either have them approach the way point facing the direction you want then issue the 360 command or give them a command to move there with a face command then issue the 360 the next turn. Personally if you are looking for them to ambush from that location I'd worry more about the 360 to prevent them opening up and giving away their position.
  7. yeah, the UKR guys seem to have gotten the more difficult task. I have done a couple play throughs of this one. The first time the US was in and out no problem. 2nd time they were blocked, successfully eliminated the enemy force, but ran out of time. The UKR guys 1st time got wiped out before even closing on objective. The second time they hit the objective but were blocked on the exit. It is a tough, but very exciting scenario. Chris should take this for a spin on twitch.
  8. And just to fill out her record, she also attacked a US ship, ramming the USS Indiana in 1944. Even better she was damaged by depth charges from a British destroyer which had just been cut in two by King George V. Who the heck teaches naval personnel to drive?
  9. absolutely yes! Now which is your favorite warship? i did like the earlier vote for Kirov. Yeah she was ahead of her time I think. Definitely created a threat that had to be considered. I also loved the Kiev class ships when I was pulling out my 2nd fleet counters
  10. Lol Lucas stop already man. There are a lot of reasons we disagree with you and you don't seem to hear those either. One item I think fundamentally we disagree on is the definition of winning. No way, no how is Putin winning a military victory. His goal to win is survival and an ability to still influence events. The core I think of disagreement is where escalation becomes a matter of diminishing returns. Saddam and Putin had/have the same issue. They simply do not have the resources to match an escalation so the process of escalation is one they have to studiously avoid. Your strategy at all phases is a constant escalation far beyond the point of diminishing returns in the view of most other participants in this discussion. The back story we have is a situation where we have to theorize, Putin feels an opportunity to destabilize and forestall the Ukrainian gov't developing a closer relationship to the west. Period. The limited objectives of that war make taking any risky steps to directly attack any NATO forces outside Ukraine counter to keeping the conflict localized and therefore completely counter to the goals of the offensive. That is why I personally think there is no case for your strategy and your comparison to Saddam is flawed. Saddam was facing invasion, Putin is only facing the failure of an offensive on Ukrainian territory. There is absolutely no reason to go all in and every reason not to. Damn okay I got drawn back in. Oh well talking ship names was not really going to last much longer anyway.
  11. And just to totally go off topic, Putin is not that smart. He is just real good at the kind of thug politics it takes to run a criminal enterprise. If he was all that smart, he'd have done something with the Russian economy while Oil was high. Russians will look back on his tenure as the lost years of opportunity. He has cost the Russian people so much it is hard to know just how bad the long term impact will be. It is truly heartbreaking to see the entire future of a country mortgaged for so little.
  12. lucas, calm down man, it is just a theoretical forum discussion. You do have to wonder why not a single person is agreeing with you unless I missed a post somewhere. Just agree to disagree. Warspite, see there is another fantastic name for a warship. Man just think of the movie line oh my god sir, we spotted Warspite and she is bearing down on us! oh my god sir, we spotted Gerald R Ford and she is bearing down on us! Hopefully he'll trip - okay yeah I know, that was a cheap spot, but those were the days I watched SNL Just not the same
  13. Interesting Wiki note. My father talked about having to shoot up fishing boats that refused orders to stand clear. In one case at least it was clearly carrying explosives when they fired on it and it blew sky high. Never heard about the MiG incident, but he probably never knew. Article below doesn't say whose MiGs, but it implies Russian. Following the refit, The Sullivans stopped at Buckner Bay, Okinawa and then proceeded to rejoin Task Force 77. Upon her arrival on 16 November 1952 she resumed screening activities and plane guard duty. She supported the carriers as they made the northern-most stab at North Korean supply lines, approaching within 75 miles (120 km) of the Soviet base at Vladivostok, Russia. MiG-15 fighters approached the task force, but combat air patrol Grumman F9F Panthers downed two of the attackers and damaged a third in history's first engagement between jet fighters over water. The destroyer arrived back at Sasebo, Japan on 5 December 1952. From Sasebo she joined United Nations forces on 14 December 1952 in blockading the Korean coasts. Her mission was to interdict seaborne traffic and bombard shore targets to support United Nations ground troops and interdict enemy supply operations. Arriving in Area "G" the following day, The Sullivans made contact with the enemy on the 16th off Songjin, North Korea which was an important rail terminus and supply center. For the next few days, she bombarded railroad trains and tunnels. She frequently opened fire to destroy railroad rolling stock, depots and prevented repairs to railroad tracks and buildings.
  14. Never got to see her, but when I was a kid, both Iowa and Wisconsin were part of the reserve fleet in Phila. Used to go up there a lot. Living in SF had been pretty cool while Alameda was still active. We do still have the Hornet as a museum.
  15. Be careful what you say. We have helmet liner grogs on this forum for crying out loud. and to repeat, no one has said to my knowledge that ToE research is holding anything up. Getting the new store up and running seems to be the difficulty.
  16. going way off tangent but what the heck - when I was in 5th/6th grade my buddy and I both collected WW 2models. He did a mix of stuff, but all mine was ships. My pride and joy was a model of USS Hornet that included B 25's. I had Arizona, Missouri, Prinz Eugen (funny can't remember if I had Bismarck, but I always loved the German Cruisers) a motorized version of HMS Hood, a liberty ship, a U Boat, a Nuclear missile sub (I think a Polaris sub in those days). I decided at an early age that the Bristish won hands down on ship names, but I felt that way ever since getting into sailing ships. Indomitable, Achilles, Lysander- those are just outstanding names. States just don't cutit for me.. or Presidents. We used to have Wasp, Hornet, Enterprise, Saratoga, Lexington, Yorktown..... now we have the Gerald R Ford.. at least the Enterprise will return with CVN 80
  17. Too hard, but I love the look of a lot of the Japanese fleet. Crazy superstructures. Emotional favorite - Fletcher class destroyers- my father served on the USS The Sullivans during the Korean war and I inherited his framed picture of her.
  18. Look in WiTE. Tell me how many Mausers there are in a German Battalion. What is the make up of an HMG team. How many rounds do they carry of what type and who has what. Not a "terrible" idea per se. Simply just not an idea at all. You can see the make up of a squad. but you can't see the breakdown of any unit higher to see what the HQ element for example would have. In CM - you purchase a Battalion. You then see what the breakdown of the battalion is. How many companies, platoons, squads, HQ elements and what each carries. WiTE tells you what a squad carries (w/o the variation that CM also has that is a big one - WiTE only does the ToEs, they don't allow for the variations that a ToE would have which CM does.). Tell me where you find the make up of a pltn HQ in WiTE.... Different games, different needs. Don't take this as a criticism of WiTE. They don't need that info. I don't play it so much anymore, but every now and then I'll haul it out. I actually prefer WiTP Simple reason is I love ships and no one else has really done anything with the pacific war. I'd pay double to see CM do pacific theater so I could do a Guadalcanal campaign. We are getting no love for the Marines in WW 2 (or the SNLF for that matter).
  19. The only element I see as being within the scope of what the back story to CMBS would potentially include is Russian mine laying off Odessa. I would question whether the US Navy would bother to try a landing there as opposed to simply unloading in Greece and motoring up. What is the risk versus the timing? The US would have to assume mines so you'd need to clear a path at minimum before getting into position to land forces. Considering the the time it would take to get forces into place in central Ukraine, I don't think I see the rationale to bother forcing anything in the Black Sea. In addition that would free up US fleet air to concentrate on an offensive capacity and not worry so much about defending troop transports. To to be honest though I am more looking forward to a possible Polish contingent. They would be the likeliest candidate to be first NATO boots on the ground and would be a lot of fun to game with.
  20. Well it is certainly more interesting than Cam Newton's post game interview.
  21. Notice Matt got a shoutout for his campaign game as well under "M".
  22. Ha, I was on my roof videoing the Blue Angels cruising my house. Literally right over it. I think there must be something going on in town. Go figure.
  23. emails get lost, open a ticket so they can track it. http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
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