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Moronic Max

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Everything posted by Moronic Max

  1. What exactly does that mean? Edited to fix zee quote [ October 31, 2006, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: Moronic Max ]
  2. You're wrong. Go look at the screeies again. It's exactly like Starcraft. Exactly, I say.
  3. French vs. Space Lobsters on a terraformed moon that suffered major civil wars and technological regression--that's why the French are using Napoleonic weapons and tactics again. I think CMx2 will be closest to Starcraft, with the A-rabs standing in for the Zerg, the US Army for the Protoss, and the USMC (in the module) for the Terrans.
  4. I was thinking more like stoning, or tar & feathering, but that works too.
  5. Jaysis. Reminds me a lot of reading about the effects of cannon in the days of wooden ships and iron men (cough); the cannonball doesn't do all that much, but the wooden shrapnel it creates...
  6. Aww, I want links! Links, damn it! I need intarweb scandal for sustenance.
  7. Uh, the reviewer complained about the pace of the game, and then cited Halo to demonstrate that he likes slow games. Did that make anyone else laugh?
  8. Whatever, man. Game developers--all look alike, y'knowwattamean?
  9. Right on, man, right on. In that spirit... ...I think we need to buy Steve a new hat. I'll donate $1. Anyone else wanna participate in this charity event? Hell, we could make it a ball or something.
  10. Is this something (I'm assuming it's okay to ask questions in this thread) that you can go back and recode without much effort at a later date? If, for instance, six months after CM:SF's release RAM becomes a penny per ten megs and fifteen gig sticks become standard*, would it be realistic for you guys to release a hotfix that would just raise the hardcoded cap? *Yes, that's an extreme (-ly absurd) example, but it makes the point.
  11. I prefer the line the commisar gives while executing units in Dawn of War: "If you will not serve in combat, then you will serve on the firing line!"
  12. How long will it take me to call in a tac nuke strike?
  13. It is not; as Steve stated earlier in the thread (er, I think it was this thread), there's no order delay in RT because order delays are inherent in the system--while you're futzing about with one unit, you're giving no input to others. A delay would be redundant.
  14. What I find amusing is the notion that combining fps and rts is new; Battlezone and Uprising did that roughly a decade ago (the former was by far the superior game).
  15. Heh. One of those pro-RTS types (in the top 100 for Warcraft 3, IIRC) was a friend of mine's roomie for a year. Yes, they seem to have move-by-wire reflexes; however, they are most emphatically not representative of the average RTS player. The whole reason they're pro is because they can sustain the 120 apm thing for an hour. Most RTS players can't even hit that tempo (or anything near it), much less sustain it.
  16. Which is why if we do pull out we really ought to leave troops in Kurdland, if nowhere else. Let's see the Turks invade then
  17. I vote for: whatever. Just give me more toys. Do we have an estimate on how much these modules will cost? Further, has it been decided whether these modules will feature singleplayer campaigns or are more "sandbox" style additions?
  18. If that's serious and not a tongue-in-cheek thing, then this might not be a great time to join up.
  19. This is the bit I found most flabbergasting: If the optimistic scenario has us putting back Iran's nuke program by a few years, why in the name of all that is holy would anyone risk the pessimistic scenario--y'know, the one that has Iran retaliation being so severe as to demand a ground invasion by American forces? The potential costs far outweigh the potential gains. For that matter, if the article is accurate, we can either accept that Iran will get nukes or we can go for regime change. If we go for the "hurt their program" option, we only delay the inevitable, while at the same time creating a whole slew of new problems to deal with.
  20. Going by the examples he provided, that should read "in the same way the CMx1's armor penetration/damage model did" I'm assuming you'd only lose the ability to traverse your turret as a result of incoming fire. Ditto losing multiple wheels (if your wheeled vehicle loses multiple tires, you're either being shot at or driving like a madman).
  21. I gotta say that the middle option seems to be the best one. Unless you guys were planning on going the Warcraft 3 route and making the story integral to the (singleplayer) gameplay, you don't lose much (except the time lost to place names and such) and do gain much, in terms of flexibility for new units and interesting locations. Not that I think Syria lacks for the latter, but...
  22. I may very well be wrong, but I'd expect there to be a number of legal issues to deal with there.
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