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Everything posted by mazex

  1. A number of devices on the motherboard are actually connected via the PCI bus on the Southbridge, ie built in network adapers, sound cards etc... Install all the drivers for built-in devices on your mother board and it will probably go away! Good luck /Mazex
  2. [ February 22, 2007, 05:06 AM: Message edited by: mazex ]
  3. [ February 22, 2007, 05:06 AM: Message edited by: mazex ]
  4. Mostly true, but Sweden and Finland will head to opposite direction. New centre-right government of Sweden will rethink their defence spending and force cut-backs. (which were absolutely ridiculous, supposedly they were left with 24 operational field artillery guns and so on) Finland will increase significantly her defence spending after the March general elections. This has gained a wide political consensus, after two or so years of working behind the scenes. </font>
  5. Just out of curiosity why the huge imbalance in troops. Is the Swedish army that much bigger than the others? </font>
  6. C'mon - don't go realistic on me How many nations with 9 million citizens produces that much cool military hardware? That has to be considered as a bonus that could null out some of the "We have not gone to war for 200 years"? Somewhat seriously (even though I realize that Sweden is a very unlikely candidate for inclusion), Sweden has troops under NATO command in Afganistan and Kosovo. We have a Corvette on patrol duty outside of Lebanon right now... Sure those are really peackeeping troops - even thogh one of the swedish soldiers i Afganistan was killed a while ago. The real candidate that could warrant some kind of an inclusion is the "Nordic Battlegroup" that is beeing formed right now to be active from 2008. It is a EU battlegroup set up that will be able to relocate to any hotspot in the world (accept subartic) within 10 days. It is really one of the first steps to a real military cooperation based on the EU. The NBT consists of a mechanzed batallion (2500 soldiers), where Sweden supplies 2100, Finland 200, Norway 150 and Estonia 50. It will mainly include mechanized infantry companies based on CV90, but MBT:s (Leo 2) and even JAS-39 fighter-bombers are planned for inclusion in the NBT if needed. That makes it a definate fighting unit and not merely a peacekeeping Patria XA180 equiped "police force". The NBT has been rather controversial in Sweden as it definateley is set up for combat and not merely "border patrol duty". In a module where the EU supplies forces to a hot-spot like Syria in the future, it could be up for inclusion. Here is a video from a live exercise for the Nordic Battlegroup that is rather cheesy but it includes interesting hardware like: JAS39 Gripen STRV122 (Swedish Leo 2 modification) CV9040 (40mm bofors CV90) CV9030 (The one with urban camo) AMOS (CV90 based "intelligent" 120mm mortar - co-project with Finland) Archer (Top modern "intelligent" 15,5cm artillery - Canada, Australia etc are potential buyers) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2695960670143112040&q=battlegroup As I'm already off topic - here is a rather funny video that is not faked where a CV90 is a few inches from crashing into a civilian truck in northern Sweden during an exercice... /Mazex
  7. Hmm, if you throw in the Dutch and German forces then you might as well add add some basic Swedish forces too Swedish troops are in Afganistan at least... Even though the Swedes have been very silent the last 200 years you should make no misstake. Before that we have fought more wars than most - starting with the Viking pillaging of most of Europe Swedish semi "freebees" that are part of the Dutch and German arsenal: Strv122 (one of the best Leo2 mods) CV90 (Swedish IFV used by the Dutch) Patria XA180/XA203 (quite similar to the Patria XA188 used by the Dutch) Those are the more important vehicles of the swedish army so just add the Minimi (called Ksp90 in Sweden) and the FNC 80 (AK5 in Sweden - a bit more niched weapon Belgium, Sweden and Indonesia uses it). The AT4 is Swedish as well and they ought to be in the USMC module? How about the swedish Carl Gustav RAAWS - will it be included in CMSF - or is it only used by the Rangers? Hmm, Norway uses the Leo2 and the CV90 too... Add them as well to enable a Swedish invasion of Norway /Mazex [ February 18, 2007, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: mazex ]
  8. Not the case In Gaming their is a limited "Budget" of computing power FPS games have plenty of computing power to spare for visuals Games like CM makes use that computing power to make accurate simulations possible So its not the BFC team that isn't up to making a good 3d engine (I'd say there are few better than BFC in true 3d not just eye candy) BFC prioritizes Gameplay and Realism over eye candy within the limitations of the computing power Budget don't believe me? Try a search on the subject </font>
  9. Hi! I realize that your budget makes it rather hard doing the fancy stuff seen in the block buster games of today. Don't take this as critisism as you are doing a great job with the size of your team, but have you ever thought of using someone elses 3D engine to focus on the gameplay and research work where you are market leaders? /Mazex
  10. Hi! There are many terrain mods that makes CMBO look a lot better, check out http://www.combatmission.com/ for example. I'd go for CMBB anyway, or why not buy the CMBB-CMAK bundle? CMBB is my favorite at least. The next release in CMx2 after the disastrous chioce of Syria as the first game will luckily for you be WWII-WTO... Regards /Mazex
  11. mazex


    Having followed this game for a couple of years I must say that a delay of a few months is really nothing, as long as it gets released. As it is out in Russia I think that question can be put to rest. It's just a question about how much of the arcadiness BFC can get 1C to drop. The longer the better I'd say... /Mazex
  12. Is it only me that starts thinking of the game "Twilight 2000" when seeing those screen shots? Yes, I know - they are alpha shots... Having said that, I had a lot of fun with "Twilight 2000" back in the days... /Mazex
  13. Three months have passed since "very-very soon"... How's it going? /Mazex
  14. As I remember it that was one of the first screen shots showing soldiers. I guess that some water has passed under the bridges since that but the mg42 models should still be there...
  15. Sweet! More than one level then! Good luck! /Mazex
  16. Hi! I guess you ran into some additional testing of the demo as you have removed the compressed ranges for guns. Waiting like a kid before Christmas I have to ask, do you have any timeframe for the demo release? /Mazex
  17. mazex


    If I remember it correctly after following it for a couple of years the correct chain is: Battlefield Command -> Wartime Command -> WW2 RTS -> Theatre of War Gotta say I like that last name best... As I remember it they (the original western publisher Codemasters) changed the name from Battlefield Command to Wartime Command after Battlefield 1942 had become a smash hit. Then Codemasters got financial troubles and had to drop a lot of titles and 1C put the interim name WW2 RTS on it while looking for a new publisher... /Mazex
  18. He he, did not notice that the banner had changed either... Then I realized that they have stolen my idea for a crotch mod! Damn thee! The very first CMSF mod as it was supposed to be! Look in this thread where I legitimately whine about the thighs beeing too thin on the original banner soldier (or the groin too big). A very useful and contributive post... This was my original edit of the soldier that I thought had to thin thighs (you will also see how much the soldier have progressed which may be more relevant ). And now we add the new soldier from the new banner: Spooky isn't it? They've clearly ripped mod crotch mod! What am I going to do now? I remember other moroons like me whining about the M4 beeing to big and they have obviously been ripped of their modding ideas too! /Mazex
  19. I agree with the posters that consider this the best promo video ever. It is really funny, AND shows off what the engine can do. The "script" and "directing" is really good too. It's not easy to tell a short story like that without confusing the viewer. I think I laughed most at the sissy workout/music video session with the panzer grenadiers If you have time to make a promo video like this I hope that the demo is close to finished /Mazex
  20. Well, for me a map editor is really important too. I guess that this applies to most of us here and 1C naturally realizes this and will do everything possible to get it for a later patch or add-on? One of the things that makes CM keep on living is really the map editor that is really easy to use, even though it has it's limitations... I read that we will get the demo soon and judging from the euphoria from the BFC guys I guess that we will be content anyway Good luck! /Mazex
  21. Congratulations from me too! I must say that the congratulations are really for us hard core gamers! I've been fearing that some crappy publisher was going to pick this one up and dumb it down to try to improve sales to teenagers... I've been following it since the Codemasters days and remember all the forum discussions over there regarding the desire for a WEGO mode, the 1x1 km map size etc... I guess it will all start here again /Mazex
  22. Mmm, cold war gone hot. Easily THE setting I would like too for CMx2. Paying more than $100 for that would be no problem... Just think of the Mi-24:s hovering over the autobahn waiting for the SU-24:s to deliver their first strike. In the distant the roar of the east german T-64:s as they pass the border. All out war, with no given winner. What a dream insted of US vs. Syria... /Mazex
  23. Well, to be precise the Swedish destignation is M86, while AT4 is the international name used when exporting it. We used it a lot when I did my military service in the late 80:ies. In Sweden we very seldom fire the sharp loaded versions of it as the grenade in some very rare cases may explode in the barrel. I've heard that the US army does not let that stop them from using the fully loaded versions in exercies. One nice feature of the AT4 that we practiced a lot is to attach it to a tree and aim it at a certain spot at a road and then you attach a long line to the firing mechanism. When the supposed Soviet tanks should come rolling you could pull the line to get a nice hit in the side armour while not having to reveal your "real" position... The line could also be drawn back over the road to make a "trip wire fired" AT4. Kind of nice if you want to watch the show from a safe distance /Mazex
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