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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. That is dedication, we willlove it when you have time to finish!
  2. The 32 bit issue locked in for Normandy, but it really needs to make the list for the Eastern Front family. 64 bits should be almost universal in another year or two.Then we can figure out what the other hardware limits are. For the most part you can throw money at the other factors.
  3. This is somewhat frightening but I think I also meet most of those qualifications. Coincidentally, I emphatically endorse Ali-Baba's suggestion.
  4. Damian90, the game cannot possibly model every single subtlety in the real world physics and engineering involved, but just as a guide to playing the game what I wrote above is pretty close.
  5. And an excellent job you have done with them ,too!
  6. The more/less armor for red tanks is almost a distinction without a practical difference in game terms. All red armor is extremely vulnerable to all three primary blue weapon systems, 120 mm sabot, Javelin, and TOW. The better armor on a T90 might matter against sabot at ranges considerably longer than most CMSF maps. The best blue armor is better against the the best red missiles, Kornet and Metis, but not better enough that its a good bet by any means. The red sabot rounds though are not in the same league as blues.
  7. Step 1, think very hard about the three or four best places to put a Javelin team if you were the other guy. Step 2, mortar the *&T%R%$$$^ out of them. If its PBEM and he is the subtle type all you can do is wish your side had shellled for that new active defense system the Israelis have out..
  8. Well vehicle turrets point towards the center of a target arc, so their optics would too. I am going to go out on a limb and guess that that does improve spotting more than a little. Infantry is much less clear in this regard, even things like sniper teams.
  9. Setting up in rubble after the collapse should provide excellent cover, otherwise Stalingrad would have been renamed for some unpleasant German person, as opposed to an unpleasant Russian one, But being in the building when it comes down should be fini.......
  10. this was just exhaustively discussed in this thread http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94051 and Steve said some sort of change was in the offing for 1.32
  11. The armor and the environment look great. The soldier models are fantastic, but the identical postures are a little jarring. Is there any chance of some random variation eventually? Granted I almost never zoom in that close when I am actually playing.
  12. There is a relatively coherent theory floating around out there to the effect that the standard railroad gauge goes back Roman chariots. There can be deep and non obvious reasons for some of these things.
  13. Now if only the being there wasn't so *I%%$$##I( unpleasant!
  14. I am going to go out on a limb ans say it was not quite that frequently done.
  15. Steve, you have like six years of fantasies to keep up with here. There are people who have convinced themselves it will do their dishes. I merely expect it to dust and vacuum, personally.
  16. I appreciate your checking in Steve, but could you give us any indication of the M707s abilities? Say relative to a M1s targeting system, in game terms. The web is absolutely mum on the specs in the absence of a .mil ID at least.
  17. The combat orientated vehicles have screens for their targeting systems displayed inside the vehicle. So M1 and Bradley crews can see better when buttoned up, in SOME cases. At long range and in the dark being the two most obvious. It can be a tough call about unbuttoning in closer range daylight combat. It may even vary considerably with the exact M1 model. Their are quite a few significant differences in the commander's station equipage.
  18. Just out of curiosity could you put the Humvee on a small hill? Also, did you use a cover arc. I am reasonably certain that the optics have a very small field of view, especially at higher magnifications.
  19. I have said this before but it is worth repeating, if this vehicle is on a CMSF map with any enemy to speak of, it to &$$ing close. It also happens to be the real scout platoon TO&E. So if if you can't find it a very safe over watch position just park it out of the way somewhere. Ponder the Pentagons logic at least as much as BFC's in this case at least. Maybe they figured if they made it completely helpless in a fight he crews would try harder to avoid them. And the game does give you the single biggest advantage the blue side has, which is more or less perfect blue force tracker effectively.
  20. Thanks Steve, We can't wait for Normandy. Well we we will, but.........
  21. Good Russian boys are dying while we wait for this "second front" you keep blathering about. Some of them are even being killed by Germans, which is an affront to the socialist collective.
  22. Thanks for the additional info. In terms of relative protection levels in the game does anyone else think that ditches/trenches are weak compared to buildings? We might as well pulverize the rest of this poor horse while we are at it.
  23. Thanks for checking in, Black Moria. Do you have any opinion on how much it matters if the masonry structure of a building is of less than sterling quality? I don't think most middle eastern building inspectors are overly picky, except about that little envelope.
  24. That was pretty good sized commercial building wasn't it, although I definitely take your point. It takes a lot of artillery, most of the time.
  25. JonS, I am rapidly getting the impression that you HAVE seen some ordinance effects up close. What is your opinion of the minimum sized bang to more or less ensure that you can cross a standard sized house off of the list.
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