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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Hi Alex

    For what it´s worth:

    I have tried the CMBN demo on my office iMac - and I think it looks very good. But not noticably better than on my home PC. Mind you, I haven´t done as much fiddling with the in-game graphics settings on the iMac as on the PC, so there might be room for improvement there.

    This video for BFC was made on my home PC (but edited on my iMac): http://youtu.be/tnk-eWLr28Y



    I just realised that a video made on my PC of course isn´t much help to you (even though I can tell you that the difference isn´t great). I´ll try to make a short test video on my iMac tomorrow.

  2. that doesn't help you tell whether you've given it a "Deploy" order or not

    Yes, I know - and I agree that this can be a problem.

    My comment was aimed at this sentence:

    I have especially trouble seeing whether some weapon like MG is deployed or not.

    And my point was that once the MG has been deployed it is actually rather easy to see.

    Semantics, really. I´m sorry if my comment seemed rude, it wasn´t meant that way.

  3. About the hotkeys:

    There is a document called "alternate hotkeys" (in your data folder if I remember correctly).

    If you rename that "hotkeys" (remember to backup the original first, if you want to keep it) you´ll get some other hotkeys - that in my opinion are much better. You can also edit (customize) the hotkeys by editing the text in the document. Or in-game if you have the 2.00 version of the game (I think)

  4. Hi

    Making briefing and tactical maps etc is a lot of work - espcially if you´re making them for scenarios you haven´t made yourself. I guess that is why noone has stepped forward.

    I´ll gladly take a look at it - but I can´t promise you that I will make the maps. Sending you a PM with my email adress.



  5. Having read the forementioned schedule, I'm under the impression that Market Garden is not te be expected before the second half of 2013.

    I don´t think you can necessarily conclude that: The first three items on the list are patches - and I would imagine that much of the content of these three patches would be the same. So they could be released within a very short time span, I think. If so, then MG would be number two on the list - after "Something Nice".

  6. Thought, I´d post Steve´s comment from the CM:FI forum about the plans for 2013 here too. Those owning only CMBN might not have seen it:

    Our schedule is a bit flexible, but as of now for 2013:

    Normandy 2.01 patch

    Normandy 1.12 patch

    Italy 1.02 patch

    Something Nice

    CMBN Market Garden

    CMEF 1 (1944-1945, starting with Bagration)

    CMSF 2 (introduces v3.0)

    For 2014:

    CM Bulge

    CMEF 2 (1943-1944, starting with Kursk)

    Various Packs sprinkled in here and there along the way. But it's too difficult to say what and when specifically.

    We have no plans on doing a North Africa game at the moment, but I wouldn't rule it happening.


  7. I don´t know how the wind sounds in your game is, but here is a suggestion based on my own experiences:

    With regular intervals I´ve had games with a very loud (gale-like) wind sound. It quickly became apparent to me that when this happened something had gone wrong while loading the game.

    What I then discovered was that this only happened if I exited the game to the desktop or some other programme while the game was loading. Now I always stay in CMBN while the load screen is on. And I never experience these wind noises any more.

    Hope this helps.

    PS: For some reason I´ve never experienced this in CMFI. Thus, I expected that the wind noise problem would disappear with the 2.0 upgrade. So after the upgrade I exited to another programme while loading - and the gale sound was back. So the upgrade didn´t help.

  8. Hi

    I´m looking for a couple of people who´d like to test my new scenario "Rainy River". This is a small/medium Allies vs AI battle about a recon force that has to seize a river crossing from german defenders - and repel a subsequent counter attack. 90 minutes but not too many forces to control.

    If you´re interested please send me a PM with your email adress - and I´ll send the btt file.




  9. Hi

    I´m looking for a couple of people who´d like to test my new scenario "Rainy River". This is a small/medium Allies vs AI battle about a recon force that has to seize a river crossing from german defenders - and repel a subsequent counter attack. 90 minutes but not too many forces to control.

    If you´re interested please send me a PM with your email adress - and I´ll send the btt files.




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