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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. It would be awesome if it meant your troops were moved up in experience, or you got some extra ammo etc.

    I agree it would be nice if there were (the option of having) some sort of "reward" for succes in a campaign mission.

    Gaining experience has previously been discussed ad nauseam and is not likely to occur. Read here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94574&highlight=experience+reward&page=2

    Extra ammo would also be nice, but I think BFC would probably reject that too.

    Personally, I think it would be nice if you could have the option to choose with/without "rewards" when beginning a campaign. That way the rewards wouldn´t be forced upon the purists.

    Anyway, I would really like some sort of statistics screen when a campaign ends - instead of just.....nothing.

  2. It sometimes amazes me the misconceptions people entertain about the fighting in North Africa. Same is true about CMAK. For one thing, as sburke alludes, a lot of the games that were played in it were set in one part of Europe or another.

    Well, these misconceptions might to some extend be connected to the fact that the title of the game was Combat Mission:Afrika Korps. Don´t you think? ;)

    A more correct - but admittedly less sexy - title would be something like Combat Mission:Mediterranean Theatre.

    I played and enjoyed CMAK a lot (it was my first CM game) and I especially enjoyed the european scenarios.

    But what really made CMAK great for me was the CM:ETO (European Theatre of Operations) mod pack that transformed the game to north western Europe - from Normandy to the Bulge.

  3. I did reasonably well without any smoke screen:


    If I remember correctly (it has been a few months after all), I sent two platoons and three Stuarts on a wide "right hook" to the southernmost edge of the forest. First I let one jeep lead the way to test if there were any hostile fire. When I felt it was save I sent the Stuarts and the trucks with infantry. They all made it safely to the edge of the forest where I parked the trucks.

    The last two Stuarts and one platoon I sent very carefully up the left (west) slope. They very soon encountered the germans and had to take cover. But they were little by little able to spot the german positions. I was then able to get my FO to direct arty at them.

    At the same time my two platoons and three Stuarts moved slowly up through the forest and took care of all germans they encountered by massive fire superiority. I had mortars moving near the left edge of the forest. They could then strike germans positons on the ridge, when they spotted them.

    My right hook reached the summit and one platoon attacked the german postion there from south while the other attacked from the east. They took it with relatively few casualties.

    I had then planned to move them westwards along the north side of the ridgeline while my single platoon on the west slope attacked from the other side. But the germans decided they´d had enough and surrendered.

    That was a scenario I really enjoyed.

    The next one (Hill 1209)? I´ve been stuck halfway up the hill for months now, trying to pull myself together to finish it. Reminds me a lot of the CMBN "Courage and fortitude" campaign. It took me ages before I finished the second mission "School of hard knocks". I just did a couple of weeks ago. And boy am I glad I did, before the 2.01 upgrade with new MG deadliness. Well now I have the incentive to finish Hill 1209 - before the über-MG´s arrive in CMFI too ;)

  4. Hi

    I´ve just uploaded my new scenario: "Rainy River" to the repository (you can get it right away at GreenAsJade´s: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4863/details)

    This is a small/medium Allies vs AI only battle about a british recon force that has to seize a river crossing from german defenders - and repel a subsequent counter attack. The length is 90 minutes, but there are not too many forces to control.

    I am very grateful for the help of the scenario testers:

    British Tommy

    Jaeger Jonzo



    Thanks a lot for the help and advice, guys.

    Here are some pics:






  5. Anyone have a collection of Aris' mods? Would appreciate a dropbox share if someone has them all together. Thanks.

    This question has been asked before. I pretty sure the answer was something along the lines that it would not be practically possible to make a collection as this would take up several GB of space (my own Aris folder is 6.14 GB unpacked).

    Another problem would be this: Many of Aris´ vehicle mods contain several versions of each vehicle - with different decals. You must then after downloading decide for yourself which decals you want in your game - and drop these in your "z" folder. If someone was to compile all the mods, then he would have to decide which vehicle versions would be in - on behalf of all those that were going to use the compilation.

  6. So, those who've downloaded the patch, what are your thoughts?

    I´ve just tried 10 minutes of playing from saves in recent games - to try to compare the difference.

    MG´s and mortars seem to deploy correctly now. :D

    But the surprise to me was that the game seems to run more smoothly - and perhaps even load faster. Like having a brand new game.

    Has anyone else noticed this - or am I just imagining things?

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