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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. I don´t know how the wind sounds in your game is, but here is a suggestion based on my own experiences:

    With regular intervals I´ve had games with a very loud (gale-like) wind sound. It quickly became apparent to me that when this happened something had gone wrong while loading the game.

    What I then discovered was that this only happened if I exited the game to the desktop or some other programme while the game was loading. Now I always stay in CMBN while the load screen is on. And I never experience these wind noises any more.

    Hope this helps.


    PS: For some reason I´ve never experienced this in CMFI. Thus, I expected that the wind noise problem would disappear with the 2.0 upgrade. So after the upgrade I exited to another programme while loading - and the gale sound was back. So the upgrade didn´t help.

  2. No worries, Aris. You´re the champ here - beyond any doubt. And even if I could make mods as good as yours, I´d surely never be able to compete with your amazing productivity.

    Glad I´m able to inspire you, though (and rather curious to know in which way) - I´ll probably take you up on your kind offer one of these days.


  3. For your info, frigo: I have released an updated Pz IIL Lutch that is meant to go with Aris´ mods. Look in the repository - or here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2457

    I´m also working on a dirty Humber III - soon to be released.

    I´ll be the first to admit that they´re not quite as beautifully made as Aris´ mods - but they are surely better than having a squeaky clean Pz II amongst all the other dirty vehicles.


  4. Here´s how I understand things (though I certainly don´t claim to be an expert. The more knowledgable will hopefully correct me):

    In v. 2.00 all units have bump-mapping (normal-mapping?) textures, while only some units have new BMPs (I know the King Tiger, Lynx, Wespe and many uniforms have new BMPs, probably others too).

    If the BMPs haven´t been changed, the mods should still be usable - but now with the better looking textures provided by the bumpmapping. If the BMPs have been changed, the mods will probably make the units look strange - varying from small details misplaced and upwards. Yesterday I accidentally placed my old Lynx file in the z folder along with the new files. The Lynx looked fine from all angles - except the rear, which looked very strange.

  5. I just want to clarify my options when comparing getting the 2.0 upgrade by download now vs. waiting for the Market Garden module by download. As I understand it, by purchasing and installing the MG module, my base game and Commonwealth module will automatically be updated to version 2.0. Is that correct

    No, I don´t think so. Here´s what I found from Steve in the "Upgrades Q&A"-thread in the CMFI forum:

    The next module in the CM:BN family (more about this in the coming days) will already be featuring CMx2 v2.0, and will *require* that upgrade.


    Correct about Market Garden requiring Upgrade 2.0. While it is possible for the Upgrades to be backwards compatible with existing content, Modules/Packs are almost always going to take advantage of new features and that means the Modules themselves are not backwards compatible.

    In the case of Market Garden, all 3D models and textures will use the new mapping features and lower polygon counts for better performance. All prior CMBN 3D and textures, including Commonwealth, will also be upgraded as part of Upgrade 2.0.

  6. umlaut: Am delighted to playtest vs AI... Maybe H2H if my arm is twisted (real hard)... :)

    Yes, I thought of you, because I seemed to remember that you prefer to play against the AI. I won´t twist your arm sometime soon, though - a H2H version is not on the horizon this year.

    Thanks a lot for volunteering - I´ve sent you a PM :)

  7. Speaking of hotkeys, I noticed that they had reverted to the old ones. So I hacked into the text for them and managed to change most of the important ones back. However, when I looked into the command panel, instead of showing P for Pause, it still shows [. I thought maybe I had forgotten to change it, so I opened the text up again and lo and behold I had changed it to P. For some reason though the game doesn't seem to want to recognize it. Strange. I'm going to think about this some more.


    I´ve had the same experience. Then I read someone here sugesting that you could simply copy/paste the contents of your CMFI hotkeys (assuming you have one) into your CMBN hotkeys.

    I tried it - and it works like a charm. Thank you, someone :)

  8. mjkerner:

    Thanks. That´s high praise, indeed :)


    Thanks. In my opinion the Lynx model is hugely improved in the 1.11: Lots of extra stuff like spare tracks on the front and jerry cans in racks on the turret. And as far as I can tell some of the other vehicles have similar improvements.


    Actually, I am working on a little Allies vs AI scenario, where the Lynx appears as a guest star. And in fact I had been meaning to ask you if you´d like to play test it? :)

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