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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. if you have a 2 men shreck team for example and the shreck guy gets killed and the ammo bearer survives, you will get a new shreck guy in the next mission, complete with a new shreck. I am pretty sure this second point is true, IIRC its either stated like that in the manual or i read it in a comment made by Steve.

    I am pretty sure that is not true - at least not always. In one campaign (KG Engel) I had a schreck guy killed and the ammo bearer picked up the schreck and continued fighting. When the next mission started, the schreck was gone - and the schreck guy wasn´t replaced.

    I wasn´t surprised that the soldier had dissapeared, but I had imagined that the schreck would carry over to the next mission. It didn´t.

    Come to think of it, the difference between our experiences might depend on the type of schreck team. My team was split off a squad by using "anti tank team". Perhaps yours was an independant schreck team from the beginning?

  2. I am in love with the War Movie Lighting (WML) and will probably be using it throughout this AAR.

    I have a feeling I am going to love it too - in game. But for screenshots and movies, I suspect it will make the shots too bland. I have discovered that when making movies (like the CMFI promo) I have to make sure that the weather is clear, because overcast/rain will make the shots loose definition - much more than in game. Seems to me that something like this might be the case when I look at the WML screenshots here.

  3. As I said in the other thread: Great scenario.

    I was quite surprised by the size when I loaded the scenario, though: I don´t know much more about this battle than what I´ve read in Ken Tout´s "Tank!" (wonderful book, btw). From his desciption I had expected a much smaller encounter - but perhaps that is rather telling about the perspective from the point of view of the indivdual soldier.

    Is Tout and his force from the NY in the scenario? And if so - where?


  4. No, all you have to do is touch it :) (I am playing it too at the moment, Axis vs AI, though)

    I agree with out that this is truly an outstanding scenario. I just have one or two questions for George MC, when he hopefully reads this thread:

    What am I supposed to do with Gaumesnil? The walled area is marked as an objective - but it isn´t mentioned in the briefing.

    Are you going to continue making these tiny scenarios - or will you someday make a large one? ;)

  5. These are very good pics - in contrast to another reenactor site I came across some time ago:

    They had changed all their pictures on the site to black and white - except the last one at the bottom, where they wrote something like: "Bet we fooled you - these are not real WWII photos but reenactment photos".

    Well, they might have fooled someone - it they hadn´t been wearing wrap around mirror sunglasses - and all been at least 30 pounds overweight :D

  6. Well, there are things mods can't hide/disable, such as building transparency when there are troops inside.

    Indeed. I dream of a toggle like "hide game aids"(?) in CM1. It would be great if we with one keystroke could toggle: floating icons, bases, red crosses, building tranparency, vehicle hit text, landmarks, objectives, perhaps compass - and so on.

  7. Thanks for the links, JK.

    Unfortunately, I can´t use most of the pics: Either they are not from Italy, they are posed/parades or of very poor quality - or a combination of the three.

    Stills taken from films on YouTube will be of far too poor quality.

    For some reason it seems to be very hard finding good pictures of italian troops in action in Italy.

    Try comparing with the quality of the kiwi pics that JonS posted links to earlier. A world of diffenence - in both quantity and quality.

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