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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. The secret is:

    ...to install the 1.1 patch (if you haven´t already done so).

    I haven´t had any vehicles bog since installing the patch (that might be pure luck, but given the number of boggings I had before, I don´t think so).

    And yes: I feel pretty sure that it is a dice roll thing. In my experience, reverse, slow and all that are all equally useless.

  2. When browsing through the screen shots I noticed something that really got my attention. Namely this shot:


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    These two Semoventes (?) seem to be identical - except for their camo schemes!

    In CMBN it isn´t possible to have two completely different versions of the same vehicle in a game. You can renumber the BMPs to have different versions of the same file. But in the game the files will be mixed randomly.

    That means that if you modded one vehicle with camo and another version of the same vehicle without camo and put the bmp-files for both vehicles in the data folder, then your vehicles in the game would show up with a random mixture of camo and non-camo parts (one vehicle with a camo turret and non-camo hull, another vehicle with a non-camo turret and a camo hull and so on).

    The picture above seems to indcate, that this problem has been fixed - so we now can apply different skins to separate versions of the same vehicle type.

    If my assumption is correct this is in my eyes one of the greatest improvements in CM.

    BFC, can you confirm this (pretty please)?


  3. Good news?? This as awful!

    Haven´t any of you spared Aris a thought? The poor bastard is going to work himself to death before christmas. And who is going make those great mods then?

    Seriously: Fantastic news. Especially about the upgrades and an eastern front game within a year. You keep surprising us, BFC.

  4. Spain is currently defending their (well deserved) title as european football champions. He is probably - like most other male europeans - too busy watching the games to be doing much else.

    The final is on july 1st. So expect him back around the third. Or a couple of days later if Spain reclaims the title :)

  5. Well to kick off BF should release the promised patch for Commonwealth Forces which should, amongst other things, rectify and brings up to standard the King Tiger model.


    Steve said that they "didn't think it was serious enough to delay the game for 2 weeks just to have better visuals for the two vehicles in question. They will be updated with the next patch."

    Well. It has been three months now. And not a word on any patch. It seems to me that BFC have adapted their communications policy from the soviet politburo. :-P

  6. I enjoyed The Pacific, for the most part. However, I think it tried to do too much. It suffers in comparison to BOB because the storyline is rather fractured, whereas BOB is much more linear and easy to follow/relate to. The characters in BOB are much more likeable. I thought The Pacific was too maudlin in places, making the "characters" (these were real people) seem sad and pouty

    I must say I totally disagree with you on this part. When I watched BOB I was actually quite surprised that the "characters" weren´t developed more. Most of them are "only soldiers", we don´t know anything about their lifes before they joined. And I actually found it hard to distinguish between many of them.

    Identification is one of the ground rules of film storytelling and it really puzzled me that a master filmmaker like Spielberg had seemingly neclected that part (I am certain he did so for a good reason, I just can´t figure out why).

    In "The Pacific" we get to know "the characters" much more closely - and thus identify with them - and to me that makes the story of the series much more compelling. Even though I am actually not very interested in the PTO at all. When I watched "The Pacific" I was happy to see, that the producers seemed to have learned from their "mistakes" in BOB.

  7. Hi

    Just uploaded my latest scenario, called "Waylaid", to the repository and to GreenAsJade´s (http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4638/details). This is a purely fictional H2H scenario about a german guerilla-style ambush on a US column. Medium size.

    Please note that this is a very asymmetrical scenario: I believe Waylaid holds very hard - but also very different - challenges for each side. This is due to the very different composition of the forces, their tasks and other factors that are FOW. This is not going to be an easy fight for either side.

    If you´re the kind of player that focuses on balanced H2H games and on having your results registrered in a ladder, this is probably not at scenario you should play.

    The story:

    An american column has been given the task of escorting an artillery battery (here represented by 76mm AT guns) to their destination near the front. Near the village of Basse-Gris on the river Vire they have to move diagonally across the map to their exit zone - and cross the river Vire in while doing so. Just before the column arrives on the map, the american unit guarding the bridges reports that they are being attacked by germans. Then their radio falls silent. Seems like the column will have to find it´s own way across the river.

    Same map as "Two Bridges"

    Please note that the map is - except for a few minor improvements - identical to the map in my scenario "Two Bridges" that has been uploaded to the repository in august 2011. Back then, some of the playtesters of that scenario commented that the map was nice but that large parts of it wasn´t used in the scenario. Consequently, I´ve tried to make a scenario that to a greater extend utilizes the map in it´s entirety. I think I´ve succeded. But let there be no doubt: "Waylaid" is a completely new and different scenario, taking place on - largely - the same map.

    I´m very grateful to TheJetSet and Bertram for their great help in testing Waylaid. Thanks a lot for your feedback and patience, guys.






  8. Working on a rather small (500x300m) urban scenario, that evolved from some experiments. Expect many piles of rubble, city blocks, a factory area, working railroad underpass and lots of "mouse holing". :D It´s about 2 US Infantry Coys, plus bits of armor support vs. FOW germans. Map is about 70% finished and it possibly takes me yet 1-2 weeks of work, before test release.

    Here´s some screenies from another thread:


    Looks like I´m not the only one longing for a Stalingrad style CM2 game, eh Harry?

    Based on my experience with the quality of your CM1 scenarios, this is bound to be very good. Looking forward to it


  9. I must admit I´ve been sitting on an almost finished scenario for some months now:

    The testing was completed just as CW was released. So I thought I´d hold it back for a while, because releasing it then would have meant that it had drowned it the all the CW commotion. Secondly, I was quite sick of the scenario by then, so I thought I´d wait a while before applying the last changes.

    And then I sort of...

    ...forgot about it


    But have begun looking at it again. And I hope I´ll be able to release it within the next month or so....hopefully

  10. I was just wondering if this was the tank in question


    the pic is from from mid-lat 43 and tanken at Rådhuspladsen(city hall square) copenhagen(sry for small pic in bad quallety)

    Well, it certainly looks very similar. But the one I mentioned was in a film clip - and as far as I remember the town hall square was quite deserted. This picture looks like it was taken at some sort of parade (?).

    Perhaps the clip I´ve seen was from the film you mentioned?

    Thanks for proving beyond doubt that there was indeed Pz IV F2/G/H´s in Denmark at the time. But could you provide any sort of explanation for why they where here?

    I don´t get why a tank with a gun with very good anti tank capabilities would be stationed in Denmark. It seems like a waste of valuable equipment. Tanks in Denmark would only see action when fighting riots or the resistance. And it seems to me that in that case a pz I, II or III would do the job just as well.

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