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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. My trouble with the Elephant is finding a scenario with one in it. Except for the one where it is immobilized. Are there any other?

    So I thought I´d try an Axis defence QB to try it out. But it´s rarity is so high I wasnt able to buy one. Any suggestions?


  2. Ever since CMBN came out some posters have been decrying the unnatural 'natural' coloring and lobbying for 'Saving Private Ryan', 'Band of Brothers', 'The 300' atmospheric war movie coloring. So you've been given the option of either seeing the game as it ought to be seen, or seeing it like a war movie/newsreel. Bill's AAR screenshots look just like 'movie mode' on my machine without adjustments.

    Yes, it seems a bit ironic, doesnt it? But I think I know the explanation:

    As far as I can tell most of the "complaints" about too bright colors came in relation to CMBN - not CMFI.

    Personally, I didn´t like the colors of CMBN to begin with - allthough they are probably rather realistic, as you said Mikey. Luckily for me, that was relatively easily and quickly fixed, thanks to Aris´ great terrain mods.

    On the other hand, when CMFI was released, I never felt any urge to install any terrain mod. Probably because the colors of the "scorched" Sicily were already much more subdued than in CMBN.

    So now, when I use the movie mode, I actually think that the colors are too faded. I will continue to try it out in CMFI, but I don´t think I´ll use it regularily.

    But I am really looking to forward to trying it on CMBN, where I think it will be of much more use than in CMFI.

  3. Well we all know I'm sure that our community here is second to none..and a very generous member has gifted me CW

    Wonderful! What a great gesture. :)

    Can anyone recommend a great campaign?

    The Scottish Corridor (CW) or Kampfgruppe Engel (german - I think that is from the CW module, but not entirely sure). Both great campaigns in my opinion.

  4. Moving forward - albeit slowly.

    Most of the town´s houses and roads are now in place, now for the time consuming - and sometimes tedious - work of finishing the places in between: The gardens, backyards, woods and such.

    But these places are in my opinion perhaps the most important, because they contain all the little details that makes a map come to life.

    To be continued...



  5. Thanks for kind words.

    I have certainly also been dreaming of those factory buildings - hopefully we´ll get them for the east front game. I have been considering rubble-flattening the roofs too, but I don´t really like the effect. So I´ve chosen to stay with the default roofs. :)

  6. Very nice job!

    Makes me wonder if we get some new goodies with OMG?

    Flavor objects, new buildings, terrain types?

    Yes, that would be great. If I remember correctly, Steve (or Martin or..?) has said that Market Garden will include new bridge types. I presume that is because some of the bridges in the MG battles were much larger than the ones presently in the game.

  7. A map without a scenario/AI plans is like being with a hot woman but not being able to touch her.

    Nobody is preventing you from making your own scenario with AI plans for the map. Actually, that is exactly what the map is made for.

    But given the almost complete lack of response I´ve recieved from my earlier scenarios I really can´t be bothered to go through all that the extra work that is needed for making a scenario.

    I will upload the map when it is finished, because I would make the map anyway, so there is no extra work. But making a scenario would mean - at least - doubling that work.

    This is the best urban map I've seen to date - very atmospheric and "bustling with life" in comparison to other maps.

    Thanks a lot - I try to give a lot of attention to the details :)

  8. Of course I will make a scenario for this map. Probably several. But I will not release them in the repository because I don´t want to go through the hassle that comes with releasing a scenario: Writing briefings, conducting tests etc. I do not think it is worth the effort.

    And even though I see and appreciate your points I will certainly not test access points, movement paths or fire lanes. With a map this size that would mean a release date around 2019 or so :)

  9. Having done an urban map myself (Palma di Montechiaro for CMFI), your biggest headache will be eliminating movement and fire opportunities between adjacent buildings where you do not intend them to be connected. Align the buildings so that you can place high walls between them wherever possible, though even this doesn't seem to work 100% of the time. Removing all the doors and windows from adjoining walls of modular buildings helps, but it also is not foolproof. No matter what I did, there were still ways to fire and move through solid walls in some places. You'll want to playtest a lot to figure out where this is happening, and then try to eliminate it as much as possible; just don't expect to resolve every instance.

    Thanks for the advice, Bimmer. Luckily - for me - this isn´t going to be a scenario, just a map. I am not going to upload a scenario with this map. I think it isn´t worth the effort, considering the lack of feedback in the community.

    The map will probably be too large for most people´s tastes/needs (app 1x1 km), but the idea is that you then select the part you want in the editor and make your own scenario or quick battle.


  10. I´ve often wondered why there were no large city maps in CMBN, so recently I begun making one. Now I know why. ;)

    This map is fictional, though many of the elements are inspired by how my own town looked in the forties. So it probably looks more dutch than french - and so might be most suited for the Market Garden module.

    As you can see I am using Tanks-a-Lot´s fantastic building mods. They really make a difference when making something like this.

    Feel free to comment and/or make suggestions (though I won´t promise to follow them)

    I´ll upload when it is finished - probably in about a month or so.


    PS: the units in the pics are just to add some flavour and scale





  11. People don't plant or build houses on slopes, they tend to level the terrain.

    Well, I believe you are probably dead wrong there.

    Nowadays with access to heavy earth moving machines that might be the case, but in rural Italy in the first half of the 20th century these things were pretty much nonexistent. It would be much easier to make the house fit the terrain than make the terrain fit the house. And from my - granted limited - exeperience with italian villages this also seems to be the case when looking at the older buildings.

  12. Well, I am one of those that certainly don´t miss the random map generator. I agree that most of the maps looked awful - to put it mildly. This was especially the case whenever there were man made features involved. And with the much more detailed and sophisticated map features in CM2 the awfulness of auto generated maps would probably increase exponentially.

    I really hope that BFC will spend their precious time on (in my view) more important features.

    May I suggest that you might use the maps of the user made scenarios in the repository for your QB´s, Whiterider?


  13. Thanks to Mr Jensen for playing the scenario and for your feedback. There are three AI Plans and one of them is a bit easier to play against than the others or you are really 'Der Mensch' :)

    Well, though I am Mr. Jensen (why doesn´t the repository use our nicks, BTW?), I´m pretty sure I´m not 'Der Mensch'. It must have been the easy one. I was rather surprised myself at my few casualties:




    Quick AAR:

    I decided from the beginning that I would do everything to avoid the orchards/woods on my right flank, as fighting there would negate the long range advantage of my Tigers.

    So I more or less sent everything forward along the road - with my Tigers as a cautious spearhead.

    I was probably pretty lucky at the start, because I very quickly spotted a couple of the Shermans lurking by the walls in Gaumesnil. I decided to take a big chance and rushed a platoon of Tigers up parallel to the road on the right side. The gamble paid off and I managed to take out the Shermans from the eastern edge of Gaumesnil.

    I moved my forces forward very cautiously with one platoon of Tigers in constant overwatch in the wheat fields in the middle of the map - supported by the Jagdpanzers as more stationary overwatch. The Tigers leapfrogged forward one at a time (with cover armor arcs) - and managed to take out a lot of allied tanks in the eastern orhcards in the process.

    The second platoon - Wittmann´s - did more or less the same thing on the western half of the map - and took care of almost all of the allied tanks in the northern woods.

    The Pz IV´s didn´t do much serious fighting against enemy tanks and were mostly used to mop up crews.

    When I reached the objective by the road (point 122?) I turned my forces (Tigers, Pz IV´s and one infantry platoon) to the right and moved towards the second terrain objective.

    This way I managed to touch both terrain objectives with 33 minutes left. I had lost about four Pz IV´s, two or three Tiger commanders and a few infantry units. Most of my infantry were still trudging along the road somewhere around Gaumesnil at the time.

    As this point I had been forced to deviate a bit from my resolution to avoid the right flank: The road on the left had simply become too congested. So I moved one infantry platoon, the four Panthers and a handful of Pz IV´s up the eastern edge.

    They moved very, very cautiously, using this method: Infantry spots enemy tank, Panthers and AT-teams move in position to kill it. This way I managed to take out all the allied tanks on the eastern edge of the map - without losing more than two or three Pz IV´s. It definitely would not have been that easy in real life.

    When I felt relatively certain that there were no more enemy tanks around, I halted my forces. I had spotted a lot of infantry and foxholes in the orchards but didn´t want to risk my own forces by going in there to deal with them. So the last 20 minutes was spent trying to get as many of them as possible by use of artillery only. I don´t think it was very effective, but it was fun to watch.



    So: As I said before - a great scenario. Very fun to play, but - for some reason - perhaps a bit too easy. Or maybe I just got really lucky. Or both.

    Looking forward to the next ones, Mr. MC (but right now I need a couple of small infantry battles)

    Cheers :)

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