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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. I was just wondering if this was the tank in question


    the pic is from from mid-lat 43 and tanken at Rådhuspladsen(city hall square) copenhagen(sry for small pic in bad quallety)

    Well, it certainly looks very similar. But the one I mentioned was in a film clip - and as far as I remember the town hall square was quite deserted. This picture looks like it was taken at some sort of parade (?).

    Perhaps the clip I´ve seen was from the film you mentioned?

    Thanks for proving beyond doubt that there was indeed Pz IV F2/G/H´s in Denmark at the time. But could you provide any sort of explanation for why they where here?

    I don´t get why a tank with a gun with very good anti tank capabilities would be stationed in Denmark. It seems like a waste of valuable equipment. Tanks in Denmark would only see action when fighting riots or the resistance. And it seems to me that in that case a pz I, II or III would do the job just as well.

  2. Thanks. I have been using Fraps myself, but thought you were using something else, since your videos are much better quality than the ones I made.

    But then I remembered that I have changed my graphics settings for CMBN since last time I used Fraps, so I thought I´d give it a try again. And yes: my videos do actually look much better too now.

    The strangest thing is that even though I have raised all the graphics settings in CMBN, Fraps now seems to be running much more smoothly than before. :) ?

  3. Someone did step up and do a very nice Lynx mod, but I suspected people would wait for the update first.

    Thanks. I also did a Wespe mod, and I had planned to mod the Marder I and KT too, as I consider these the greatest eyesores in the game. But then I learned about the patch and decided to skip it, as I have no idea whether the patch would change the files in some way that would render my modding work obsolete. BFC have only stated that a patch will come, never revealed anything about the timing or the content.

    There is a lot of very nice things to say about Battlefront and their products. Not about their communication efforts, though.

  4. I've seen many many TV WW2 documentaries use footage that simply "fits" the situation or setting. If this was the case with the clip you saw, they might have just thought a fitting clip with a PzIV would be cool and no one would ever question it. The majority of the documentaries are for non-grogs.

    That possibility has indeed crossed my mind too. :) But I am certain I recognized the town hall square in the footage - as well as the Pz IV. But I´m not 100 percent sure that they were both in the same shot at the same time. So there is a - small - possibility that it were two independent clips edited together.

  5. Thanks for the replies.

    Yes, I know about fortitude north, Michael. But Copenhagen is almost as far east as you can get in Denmark, and any invasion would have been on the west coast of Jutland. In 1944 that would have meant at least 24 hours of traveling by road and boat, before the Pz IV would reach the landing area. Doesn´t sound right to me. Anyway, the general strike was in early july 44.

    Viborg (in Jutland), as Winkelried mentions, would make much more sense as this is only about 100 kilometres from the west coast.

    I don´t think the panzer could have been in Copenhagen on a stopover from Norway, as this would mean it would have to had to travel by ship to Copenhagen, then from there by road or train, then by ship again, then by road or train once more - before it even reached the german border.

  6. Hi

    Here´s a question I have been unable to find a sactifactory answer for myself. So I thought some of you armor grogs might be able to provide an answer.

    Some time ago I saw some footage on tv from the general strike and riots in Copenhagen in 1944. And one of the shots showed a Pz IV driving across the town hall square.

    What puzzles me is this: It was clearly a Pz IV F2 or later - one equipped with the long 75mm gun.

    Why would the germans place a tank with a very good anti tank gun in Denmark - a country where the chance of meeting enemy armor would be close to zero?

    The chance would be zero if it hadn´t been for this brave attempt: http://www.milhist.dk/vaaben/lands/v3/v3dk.htm (btw it never saw action - wasn´t finished untill the eve of the liberation)

    Anyone got an explanation?

  7. Flyinhank, your problem is due to a well known bug: Barbed wire.

    This makes the game crash when you press "go" in the first turn - but only if you have loaded a save file of the first turn.

    So what you have to do is to start the campaign from scratch, setup and play the first turn - without saving and reloading.

    Tiresome and annoying? Yes, certainly. But not impossible to work around. And make sure you save the game "between" the missions as there are more barbed wire to come.

    Hopefully, BFC will release a patch that fixes this sometime. But with BFC you never know if it will be tomorrow or next year...

  8. There was a thread on that subject some time ago (try searching) and if I remember correctly, the reasoning was something like this: Yes, a Tiger should be able to push a truck out the way. But should it be able to push a Stug out of the way? And should a PSW 222 be able to push the truck? - and so on.

    In short, I think the answer is, that it would be too complicated to model all the different push dos and don´ts - relative to the weight/power of each individual type of vehicle.

  9. It does get a little frustrating to watch a PIAT gunner with no rounds and a squad with PIAT rounds stand by as a tank rampages through your lines.

    A related problem/frustration - though minor - is about sharing of mortar rounds: Why don't ammobearers hand their ammo to the mortar team? Or could the mortar team at least spend the bearer team's ammo first? It would be nice to be able to send the bearers off to acquire more ammo while the mortar is still having rounds to use. Now, the ammo bearers can only go for more when both teams are out of rounds.

  10. It is just bad, even for a side-hobby. They want $35 for a set of half-assed textures for one model. It has been a month. Did they even patch the King Tiger?

    As others have already stated there´s plenty of other content in the CW module to keep me happy. The brilliant "Kampfgruppe Engel" campaign alone is IMO worth all the money.

    That said, I agree that BFC should have patched the half finished german vehicles long time ago. But unfortunatly BFC seems quite slow in making these patches and equally arrogant when it comes to keeping the community informed about these things.

    I have modded dirty versions of the Lynx and Wespe, the Lynx mainly because I couldn´t begin playing Kampfgruppe Engel with that eyesore. I wont mod any more, though, because I have no idea if a patch is going to render all my modding work obsolete - and I have no idea if this patch will come tomorrow or in six months.

  11. I always save my set-up phase of a campaign mission as <Filename Battle # SETUP> as I often exit and reload the SETUP file to complete the setup.

    Never had a problem. So maybe I just was lucky(?)

    I guess you were. As mentioned the game only crashes when you press the red "go" button after you have loaded a save file of the setup phase. So if you just saved and pressed go there wouldn´t be any crash.

  12. I have tried the same in the past, but the "Replace color..." command it´s not helping too much. So I decided to desaturate the layer completely, recolorize the whole texture with the base color I wanted using Hue Saturation command and the finally use clone stamp to delete the final former camouflage completely. It´s a headache and time consuming...

    LOL. Exactly, what I tried - except I decided I wouldn´t go as far as removing all camo "manually". Very modder-unfriendly BMPs.

    BTW, Aris: Do you have any idea whether the improved versions of the german vehicles that should be coming in the next patch will have (negative) impact on any mods made now?

  13. I agree with you in principle, frigo. And I have tried to remove the original camo in both the Lynx, I already released, and in the Wespe. Unfortunately, the camo is made in colors that I am not capable of removing. Maybe others know how to do it, but I have tried every way I could think of - with no luck. :(

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