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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. I know you say you have plenty, buuuuuut, have you seen this

    Well, yes: I already have a lot of these pics (form the Imperial War Museum´s database, I think), but there are certainly also a lot I haven´t seen. Thanks a lot.

    Looks like it is going to be a set of force-specific backgrounds dominated by kiwis and fallshirmjäger (they must have had the largest PR budgets of the war).

    Or could you come up with a similar site for the italian forces? ;)

  2. Those are re enactors.

    A pity, as those were pics of a rather good quality. But I kinda suspected something like that, as the troops seemed unusally well fed - for the 1940´s Italy.

    Thanks to Albe Pavo and Quintus Sertorius for the links. Unfortunately, they don´t hold much useful material: Most of the pics are either of pretty poor quality, not from Italy, parade stuff - or some combination the previous three.

    Many of pics on comandosupremo.com are only available to members, and I don´t want to join a site just to browse for pics. But thanks nevertheless.

    I suspect that either there are no good action photos from Italy easily available on the net - or you have to search some database that is in italian (which I neither speak nor write :( )

  3. Jon:

    I used red for exactly the reason you state above: I figured it would be the color that would stand out most clearly. After I had made the first few backgrounds I noticed that the red text was still a bit hard to read - so I did add a black background shadow to make it more readable.

    Do you also have problems reading the ones with the shadow? If so, I can try to make the text a bit bigger in the next addition. But I have to strike a balance to ensure that the text doesn´t dominate the picture too much.

  4. Some months ago, I have written an e-mail to battlefront and offered them the idea of some kind of "professional" scenario-/campaign designers (including myself :)

    Well, you would have to consider the implications of that. If you begin selling your scenarios and campaigns, the users will suddenly become your customers. And it is a customer´s priviledge to complain, moan, bitch, gripe and make all kinds of demands regarding the content of his purchase.

    Theoretically, at least. Noone in the CM community would of course ever dream of doing that.

  5. Since I released my set of new force-specific backgrounds for CMBN I´ve begun compiling a similar set for CMFI (Actually, I haven´t begun this without some hesitation, as I really like the current force-specific backgrounds in CMFI. Unfortunately there aren´t that many of them, so they become a bit old after a while).

    I´ve found plenty of good pictures of especially fallschirmjäger and commonwealth forces on various photo sites (so they will be perfect for the release of CMFI Gustav Line).

    But I am a bit short on good shots of US forces - and a very short on photos of the italian forces.

    It seems that every photo of italian forces in action is either of exceptionally poor quality, from another country than Italy - or both. So does anyone here know of a site, where I can find pics of italian troops and equipment in action (most I find are parade style stuff)?

    Also, if you´re aware of any particular pics that simply must be part of the force-specific backgrounds, drop me a line here - or in a PM.

    Below is a couple of examples:





  6. Awesome work umlaut! does anyone know if theres a limit to how many force specific backgrounds one can have?

    Thanks :)

    When I made this mod I was a bit nervous if the game would only allow up pic no. 99. But as you can see, we´re now into three digit numbers, so I would imagine that we can have at least up to no. 999. But I guess only a test or an reply from BFC will clarify that.

    If any of you should want to make your own Force Specific Backgrounds, here´s how to do it:

    Save the pic as a bmp-file with the dimensions 1024x768 pixels.

    The highest numbers of my force-specific backgrounds are 147 for the germans (red) and 171 for the allies (blue). So in order to add to these you should number them sequentially from there, IE:

    The next german pic should be named force-specific background red 148

    The first next allied pic should be named force-specific background blue 172

    You can then place your bmp in your z-folder or - if you have a collection of FSBs - pack them with rezpack before you place them in the z-folder.

    It would be nice if you would also upload them to greenasjade´s site (and to the repository if the files do not exceed 100 MB). :)


  7. Does anybody knows anything about the effectiveness of camouflage?

    I wonder why the Germans camouflaged their uniforms and colorschemed their vehicles often, while the Allies usually kept everything in one or two colortones.

    Is there any camo-grog "in the house"?

    I am certainly no expert, but here´s a couple of brief attempts to answer:

    As far as I know the US also tried camoflage uniforms in Europe, but abandoned the idea because other US/allied units mistook the camoflaged soldiers for germans, who had already used camo for while.

    I think the main reason for camoflaging vehicles was to avoid air attacks. And since the allies had almost total air superiority in Europe, there was little reason for the allies to have it - but very good reason for the germans.

    The more knowledgeable will probably correct me very soon ;)

  8. Red No 65 is probably 1940/1941 too -a Pz 35(t) leading Pz IV short ...

    Yes, my bad....again. I was sure I had checked the date on that one, but I just checked now - and it says 1940. Sorry


    I am a moron, I know, but I haven't got a user/password to the site where you have put the stuff. And I didn't understand how to get an account either when browsing from the link you included. How do I proceed to get your file?

    I´m pretty sure it is rather simple to get a username on greenasjade´s, but I can´t remember exactly how.

    Unfortunately I can´t upload the files to the repository: I have tried, but apparently the limit for files here is 100 MB.

  9. Thnx for speedy reply. Size is allright, was a bit worried if the process of selecting these files would slow down loading times.

    It doesn´t seem so on my PC. But I wouldn´t imagine it should slow anything down: As far as I can tell, the game picks one picture file at random - and loads that one. So I think the speed would be the same, no matter if there´s 5 or 5000 files to choose from.

  10. Hi

    I´ve made a new set of force specific backgrounds for those of you that would like some variation in your loading screen

    - 258 new photos, to be precise. 140 for the allied side, 118 for the german side



    But wait! There´s more: This mod also contains Jim Rinkenberger´s Force Specific Backgrounds set of 20 allied and 20 german pictures (included by his kind permission). This means you can now - including the original BFC Force Specific Backgrounds - have 318 different photos in your loading screen.

    The quality of the photos is not as high as in BFC´s original Force Specific Backgrounds, though. I have not been able to find that many high quality photos.

    My motivation here is that quantity and variation are more important than quality. That means, that I think looking a new picture everytime I load the game if preferable to looking at only a handful of high quality photos. If you agree, you should use this mod. If you don´t, don´t use it.

    The photos have been chosen from these criteria: They have to be taken in 1943/1944 and they have to be taken in France. That of course means that not all of them are from The Battle of Normandy. But when regarding the germans, there simply weren´t enough photos from Normandy itself. The allied side´s pics should all be from Normandy.

    Some of the titles of the photos I found contained a brief descriptions of the picture. I have included the text of these descriptions, if I thought they added interesting information - usually who is on the picture or where it is taken. For example: I have not included a title like "Sherman tank on road", as you can see that for yourself. I have included: "A Sherman Crab flail tank crosses a Bailey bridge over the Orne, as it moves up to the start line for Operation 'Goodwood', 18 July 1944"

    The Force Specific Backgrounds are available now from GreenasJade´s site (http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods). Place them in your z-folder. If you already have Jim Rinkenberger´s Force Specific Backgrounds installed you can safely move or delete them, as his backgrounds are included in this set as well.



  11. You could try the federal German archive ("Bundesarchiv") If you search in the field "Bestand" with "Bild 101" and, for example June 1944, you get the pictures from the propaganda ministry from that month.

    Here's a direct link:


    Not all pictures are free. BFC has used this source, too. You can often see the little writing in the lower right corner.


    Or easier - use the wikipedia commons. Same pictures, less hassle:


    Thanks a lot. I have been trying a lot of search in Bundesarchiv in Wikimedia Commons before - without much luck. But I´ve just discovered that by widening the search from "Normandie" to "Frankreich" I will get a lot more relevant pics (for some reason most of them are fallschirmjäger).

    I´ll look into your search soon (but what is "bild 101" by the way?)


  12. Hi all

    I have - like many of you probably have too - grown a bit weary of the stock Force Specific backgrounds (the pics you see while the game is loading). Jim Rinkenberger´s backgrounds were a great supplement and has helped a lot for a while, but I think they are also beginning to get a bit old.

    So now I am trying to put a new - and larger - set of photos together. My intention is to focus more on quantity than quality, as it - in my opinion - is preferable to have more pictures than very good ones. In this case.

    I have searched the web and have found a lot of great photos of allied troops from the battle for Normandy - especially in Wikimedia Commons.

    But I have come across very few pics from the german side. There are surely many very good reasons for this - they probably had other things than photography on their minds at the time.

    But I still hope I´ll be able to find more.

    So: Do any of you know of sites where I can find photos of the german forces in Normandy?

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