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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Would you mind if i released the Divided parts of the city as QB maps once ive done it?

    Not at all: Make smaller maps, QB´s, scenarios or whatever (campaigns? :)) from it.

    All I ask is that you credit me with the map.

    This is one of the best maps ever, thanks for all the work you have done,

    Thanks a lot, Lille Fiskerby (Thyborøn, Gilleleje eller ...?)

  2. Thanks guys :)

    Just a quick note to say that I´ve updated the map a bit:

    I corrected a few oversights in the map and changed some diagonal roads that turned out to be too narrow for vehicles to navigate.

    The new map file has been uploaded to GreenasJade´s site http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4960/details and should be in the repository soon.

    I´m also working on a scenario for the map - so if any of you would like to help out by testing it, please send me a PM.


  3. Considering the playtime I get out of the CM series, they are quite cheap IMHO. In fact the CM series is about the only thing I devote my precious little gaming time to.

    CM is great value for money and is in a league of it's own!

    My words exactly.

    (For some reason this reminds me of an interview with a danish rock singer who had taken up chicken farming as a sort of secondary business. When asked, he had to admit it wasn´t really profitable at all:

    "But considering the amount of time I spend on it, the deficit per hour isn´t that large.")

  4. - It´s plain smoke and smoke from blasts. (there is fog too but it´s mostly smoke you see in the images.)


    Damn! I had hoped that this kind of fog were about to enter the game.

    There will be a few massive master maps in the disk. They depict big areas that include major bridges like Arnhem and Nijmegen. Other designers then can cut the bit that they want for their own scenario.


    Sounds great. Really looking forward to playing them. The one in the video looks really good.

    By the way, I laughed out loud when watching the video:

    Just when I read "How far is this bridge?", my son called out from the other room: "Far!!"

    (that´s danish for "Dad")

  5. Here´s a little scenario to go with the map. It´s a very primitive - and completely untested(!) - scenario. So play at your own risk.

    I´ll not upload it to GaJ´s site or the repository, as this is not a proper scenario - just sort of a very rough sketch.

    So why make it available? Because it will allow you to play on the map right away - without knowing what the opposing forces are. Think of it as sort of a premade Quick Battle.

    Only allies vs axis AI



    Completely untested is to be taken litterally: I haven´t even played it myself yet - and the victory points may be way off. So it might be utterly impossible to win - I don´t know.

  6. One error I noticed is one of the bridges crossing the rail track in the north of the town has it's adjacent elevation set too low, so the bridge is sitting on top of the rail track blocking LOS and imaginary trains.

    OK. Haven´t noticed this. Could you please tell me exactly which bridge, so I´ll be able to correct it in a newer version?

    Edit: I think I´ve spotted it now. The eastern of the two roadbridges going over the rail tracks, right?

  7. Lovely map that well done. Anyone else think that trains and one or two cars(flavour) would really add to this?

    I certainly do. Locomotives and train cars are on the top of my wish list for flavour objects.

    Automobiles are pretty far down that list, though. Private cars were very rare sight in occupied Europe during the war. Firstly, because very few people could afford them back then, but most importantly because petrol wasn´t available for civilians.

    In Denmark there was a nazi terror organization that bombed civilian establishments in retaliation for the resistance movement´s sabotage bombings. But often people were able to guess their plans because they made reconnaissance trips in civilian cars. And everbody knew that only the germans had access to petrol.

  8. Fantastic! I personally love urban combat and have been working on a couple of urban maps myself. And yes, the small details really bring the map to life. I haven't loaded up the map yet but I'm hoping there are no windows and doors on inner building walls. A real pet hate of mine!


    Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you when it comes to the inner walls: I agree it would be nice if the windows and doors were removed, but on a map this size it would probably have taken me about another week of work to go though all the buildings. And I really wasn´t up to that, so I decided not to.

    But I won´t mind if you open the map in the editor and do it yourself ;)

  9. At long last I´ve finished my large urban map, the fictional town of Ciembienne. Downloadable from this site soon - or right away from GAJ´s site: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/

    I begun making the map because I hadn´t come across any large city maps in CMBN. Now I know why that was.

    This task took a lot longer than I had anticipated - mostly because I really wanted to get all the details right. I´m the kind of CM player that won´t play a scenario if I think the map looks unrealistic. Usually, that is because I think there are far too few details: Nothing but lawns between the houses or under the trees, to exaggerate a bit.

    So I´ve spent a lot of time on these "between places" - the gardens, backyards, woods and such. Because I my view they contain all the little details that make a map come to life.

    This is just a map, not a scenario. There are no units, AI plans, setup zones etc.

    In most cases the map itself will probably be too big for most battles. It is approximately 1 x 1 km which is very large for an urban map. My idea is that you select the part you want in the editor and use it to make your own scenario or quick battle.

    This map is fictional, though many of the elements are inspired by how my own town looked in the forties. So it might look more dutch than french - and so might be more suited for the Market Garden module.

    As you can see I am using Tanks-a-Lot´s fantastic building mods. They really make a difference when making something like this - and thus I highly recommend you use them when playing this map.

    Use the map freely for anything you like. All I ask is that you please post screen shots of your battles in this thread. AAR´s are welcome too. And if you use it for scenarios, please credit me for the map.

    Mojn - and enjoy

    PS: the units in the pics are just to add some flavour and scale




  10. Well, I like to make maps - and in all modesty I think I´m relatively good at it.

    But I don´t have the knowledge that many of the grogs around here posses about WWII - and so I really wouldn´t know which maps to make - or how to go about getting the data needed for making the maps.

    But: If you or someone else were willing to provide me with the data, historical/google maps, etc that were needed to make such a map, I´d love to give it a try.


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