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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. For those of you that would like to play with a real dirty Aris Panzer IIIG right away, I´ve taken the liberty of making a very temporary one - out of Aris´ Panzer IIIN mod for CMFI. All I´ve done is simply to replace the letter N with the letter G in the files.

    The conversion to Pz IIIG isn´t perfect - there are a couple of small glitches. But in my view these are preferable to the very pristine original in the game.

    Aris, I hope you don´t mind that I´m putting this out for general use - untill you get around to making your own - perfect - version of the Pz IIIG?

    Get it here:


  2. If they replaced the old independent buildings, they would mess up existing scenarios. I don't believe Battlefront would do that.

    Not necessarily as I see it: BFC stated earlier that with MG the scenario designer will have to choose which region the map is in: Normandy or Netherlands. So I had imagined that the Normandy independent buildings would simply be replaced by dutch ditto if I chose "Netherlands" in the editor.

    Can anyone clarify/comfirm?

  3. Lots of great news indeed.

    One of the pleasant surprises for me - if I´ve understood it correctly - is the extra independent buildings: "new independent buildings can be found in the Other category" (p. 48).

    I read this as the new buildings can be used with the old independent building - instead of replacing them. Is this correct?

  4. From @umlaut's scenario on his awesome city map

    So happy you like the map, Ian, but jeez are you playing the first scenario I put out with the map?

    Because, as I warned, it wasn´t tested at all - and after trying it I don´t think it is winnable at all.

    I am currently testing a proper scenario for the map - so if you want to test I could send you that?

  5. I´m still looking for one more tester for the Ciembienne scenario, I am making. If you´d like to test, please send me a PM.



    About the scenario:

    Human british vs german AI, 90 minutes (fictional)

    More pics from the map: http://www.battlefront.com/community...d.php?t=110703 (NB: the troops in these pics are NOT in the scenario!)

    Here´s the briefing:


    Our attacks in this region of Normandy have been successful and we have broken though the german lines in many places. At the moment we are trying to exploit our momentum to the maximum and seize as many key areas as possible while the jerries are off balance.

    Amongst these key areas are the railroad bridges and cathedral in the small town of Ciembienne: Y o u r o b j e c t i v e s.

    Our intelligence tells us that the germans have scraped what forces they´ve had in the area together to block our advance. This means their defences are relatively unprepared and weak: Probably a couple of infantry platoons, supported by AT guns, MG´s and mortars. But as you are well aware: Attacking in an urban area is never going to be easy.

    Our biggest headache is a platoon of Jagdpanzers that have just arrived to reinforce the defences. They are going to be very hard to deal with.

    Luckily, we´ve recieved an exceptional piece of intelligence: A source working in the lorry workshop in the centre of town tells us that the Jagdpanzers arrived there last night for maintenance. They are set to leave for their defensive positions at 0500 hrs.

    This is a golden opportunity to strike the panzers at their most vunerable! We have raced two sections of scouts in carriers into the southern edge of town - each reinforced with two PIAT teams. They should arrive around 0430 hrs.

    Our informer in town tells us that there should be no guards at the workshop. But the germans are patrolling the streets. So keep your eyes open while approaching and avoid the patrols if at all possible. Engaging them will probably lead to heavy casualites and delays - and thus jeopardize the mission. But keep moving forward - we need to get to the workshop before the panzers leave. You have 30 minutes to complete this task.

    Once the Jagdpanzers have been neutralized, use the PIAT and recon teams to scout ahead of the main force.

    The main force will arrive at approximately 0500 hrs and will consist of an armoured car recon section, three motorized rifle assault sections, one light tank section and one cruiser tank section.


    On map:

    "Stealth group"

    2 x scout sections with 2 PIAT teams each - arriving in Bren carriers*


    Main force (arriving from app. 0500 hrs):

    3x motorized rifle assault troops. Each troop consisting of:

    1x HQ section

    4x Motorized "reinforced" rifle sections

    1x light mortar detachment

    5x M5 halftracks

    Each troop is reinforced** with

    2x scout detachments

    2x breach detachments

    1x bren detachment

    1x armoured car recon section

    2x Daimler II armoured cars

    2x Humber III light reconnaisance cars

    1x Light tank section:

    2x Stuart V

    1x Stuart VI

    1x Cruiser tank section:

    3x Cromwell IV

    Enemy forces:

    The german forces are believed to be relatively weak and consisting of two to three infantry platoons, supported by a few guns, MG´s and mortars. And of course the 4 jagdpanzers. We have no knowledge of other armor - but they might have a few vehicles in left in the area.


    First: Locate the lorry workshop and use your PIAT teams to destroy the 4 Jagdpanzers.

    Then: Secure the objectives.


    *) The Bren carriers are immobilized. This is because they are not to be used as transports, as their sound would alert the defenders. They are on map because they contain extra PIATs.

    **) The rifle troops are reinforced by small detachments that can be used as gunners in the halftracks when the rifle sections themselves have disembarked. They also add extra firepower and satchel charges for blasting through obstacles.


    "Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand", Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

    Force-specific Backgrounds CMBN. Germans: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4866/details Allied: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4865/details

    Force-specific Backgrounds CMFI. Axis: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4904/details Allied: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4905/details

    Camouflaged defensive works mods: http://www.battlefront.com/community...d.php?t=108424

    Reply With Quote

  6. I´m still looking for one more tester for the Ciembienne scenario, I am making. If you´d like to test, please send me a PM.



    About the scenario:

    Human british vs german AI, 90 minutes (fictional)

    More pics from the map: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110703 (NB: the troops in these pics are NOT in the scenario!)

    Here´s the briefing:


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Our attacks in this region of Normandy have been successful and we have broken though the german lines in many places. At the moment we are trying to exploit our momentum to the maximum and seize as many key areas as possible while the jerries are off balance.

    Amongst these key areas are the railroad bridges and cathedral in the small town of Ciembienne: Y o u r o b j e c t i v e s.

    Our intelligence tells us that the germans have scraped what forces they´ve had in the area together to block our advance. This means their defences are relatively unprepared and weak: Probably a couple of infantry platoons, supported by AT guns, MG´s and mortars. But as you are well aware: Attacking in an urban area is never going to be easy.

    Our biggest headache is a platoon of Jagdpanzers that have just arrived to reinforce the defences. They are going to be very hard to deal with.

    Luckily, we´ve recieved an exceptional piece of intelligence: A source working in the lorry workshop in the centre of town tells us that the Jagdpanzers arrived there last night for maintenance. They are set to leave for their defensive positions at 0500 hrs.

    This is a golden opportunity to strike the panzers at their most vunerable! We have raced two sections of scouts in carriers into the southern edge of town - each reinforced with two PIAT teams. They should arrive around 0430 hrs.

    Our informer in town tells us that there should be no guards at the workshop. But the germans are patrolling the streets. So keep your eyes open while approaching and avoid the patrols if at all possible. Engaging them will probably lead to heavy casualites and delays - and thus jeopardize the mission. But keep moving forward - we need to get to the workshop before the panzers leave. You have 30 minutes to complete this task.

    Once the Jagdpanzers have been neutralized, use the PIAT and recon teams to scout ahead of the main force.

    The main force will arrive at approximately 0500 hrs and will consist of an armoured car recon section, three motorized rifle assault sections, one light tank section and one cruiser tank section.


    On map:

    "Stealth group"

    2 x scout sections with 2 PIAT teams each - arriving in Bren carriers*


    Main force (arriving from app. 0500 hrs):

    3x motorized rifle assault troops. Each troop consisting of:

    1x HQ section

    4x Motorized "reinforced" rifle sections

    1x light mortar detachment

    5x M5 halftracks

    Each troop is reinforced** with

    2x scout detachments

    2x breach detachments

    1x bren detachment

    1x armoured car recon section

    2x Daimler II armoured cars

    2x Humber III light reconnaisance cars

    1x Light tank section:

    2x Stuart V

    1x Stuart VI

    1x Cruiser tank section:

    3x Cromwell IV

    Enemy forces:

    The german forces are believed to be relatively weak and consisting of two to three infantry platoons, supported by a few guns, MG´s and mortars. And of course the 4 jagdpanzers. We have no knowledge of other armor - but they might have a few vehicles in left in the area.


    First: Locate the lorry workshop and use your PIAT teams to destroy the 4 Jagdpanzers.

    Then: Secure the objectives.


    *) The Bren carriers are immobilized. This is because they are not to be used as transports, as their sound would alert the defenders. They are on map because they contain extra PIATs.

    **) The rifle troops are reinforced by small detachments that can be used as gunners in the halftracks when the rifle sections themselves have disembarked. They also add extra firepower and satchel charges for blasting through obstacles.

  7. Somewhere Steve said they would not go back and do North Africa as a Fortress Italy module. North Africa would be a new game. He also said Gustav Line would be the only Fortress Italy module but they may do one or more packs to include such things as late war vehicles and French forces. So do you trust my memory or are you going to make me go back and find the quotes? :)

    This is exactly my recollection too. But perhaps our memories are just equally bad ;)

  8. I'd say this is more like a Chess Grandmaster trying to play against the aforementioned Viking Berserker. First thing to happen is that the chess table gets kicked out of the way, pieces flying. Then the axe is introduced.

    Sounds like the story of Ulf Jarl´s death - back in the viking times here in Denmark. On new years eve 1026 he played chess with king Knud the Great (he is the one you english know as king Canute), when they began to quarrel.

    Ulf left the king´s house in anger - and Knud had him killed (by sword, not axe) - in the church!

  9. I know a bit about making films nowadays, but not much about how things worked back then.

    Judging from the documentaries I´ve seen (and I´ve surely not seen nearly as many as many grogs here) I´d say much of the footage seems to have been reused over and over again. I suspect that this might be some of the reason:

    If you don´t make your film from the original raw material, but based on an already edited documentary, your clips will be restricted by the lenght of the clips in this documentary.

    So theoretically: If everyone make their movies based on the material in the previous documentary, the clips will get progressively shorter, as they can never get longer, but often will be shortened to fit the editing rythm of the current movie.

    So if the original raw footage is no longer available, but the film makers base their films on already edited stuff, this could be part of the reason.

  10. One thing to combat the lack of AT assets whilst in buildings is to play only on maps with a realistically detailed depiction of an urban enviroment.

    For example the ciembienne (sp?) map is perfect for this.

    Happy to hear this. Creating a realistically looking town and an urban environment that allows for AT weapons were my main ambitions when making the map.

    Very cunning trick there, ian. I´ll make sure to remember it this time (I think I have "used" it accidentally a couple of times, but never thought of exploiting it further).

    As Erwin said, he has kindly offed to help me testing a scenario for the Ciembienne map. But when he has finished testing, I am going to need voluteers for a second round of testing. Perhaps one or two of you "urban combat grogs" ;) would be interested?

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