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Everything posted by roqf77

  1. well, bovington official allied documentation. and that of the germans. including a tank crew from one of the tanks that got knocked out claimed it was the british. not the canadians.
  2. sea monkey. take your own advice. liam and a number of other people have made far more political posts. or is it just you dont agree with what im saying? i meaN WHY SINGLE ME OUT WHEN 4 OR 5 OTHER PEOPLE HAVE MADE POLITICAL POSTS?
  3. well pot aint so bad. this was sub,itted to a select commitee in the uk. http://www.drugscope.org.uk/druginfo/evidence-select/cannabishealth.htm says pots health risks balance favourably with alcohol and tobbaco.
  4. thats true. saddam, was also trained and equiped by the rest. the oil fields are being administered by the un and have been for a while. england has its own oil reserves off ireland(northern ireland) and the falklands. i do not take my freedoms for granted. you making massive sweeping statements about things you could not possibly know. as far as meeting soldiers who have died, ive seen it happen. im not a betrayer, i do not hate america in any way. i have gone there many times and while i prefer england, if i had to go i would probably move there. the us is not and never was the arsenal of democracy. not in the way most americans think of it anyway. not to say the us didnt help because it did very much. dont judge germany and france in the same league as spain. they are plagued with corrupt politicians. from what ive been told chirac was actualy caught for corruption, but because his opponent was a neo nzi the french secret police just ignored it. Germany has a spineless flip flopper in power, dont get there military confused with there politicians. as far as sparking up joints, not all of europe has pot legalised. the uk isnt entirly legal. its decriminalised i believe. the effect of ehich is that for personal use, the police can only take it from you. but it is still illegal to deal. and possesion with intent is still illegal. as far as ,y spelling goes im dyslexic, so there would be no point in me using a dictionary. i will always make some spelling mistakes no matter how careful i am.
  5. waltero. you need to see a shrink too, you have the worst case of penis envy ever seen. you make freud look balanced.
  6. hellraiser. i dont have a shrink. they sent me to see one but i couldnt find him.
  7. liam you should go to the doctor, because you have the worst case of mental diarehoa i have ever experienced.
  8. im not arguing with you liam anymore. but just on a point of information the eu sends most of it troops to nato not the un. which do more good than the un. what about bosnia kosovo and siera lieone? al places america was either int the minority or did nothing. and im english but my mother is american.
  9. liam you need much more clarity in your thinking thats all im saying. America is not the only country in the world, infact outside of iraq the european union has far more troops stationed in the peacekeeping role than the us. but then if you realy were half as educated as you thought you were you would know that already. the bulge brakthrough was amix of good german units and poor quality us units spread far to thinly. the panzer units in normady 8 out of 10 were sent against the british and commonwealth forces. Thats includes the deception. the only crack panzer division that was placed against them was redirected to caen on d-day itself. But again you probably knew that already. it is clear to me that you are not interested in a debate. a wise man said to me never argue with an idiot as they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. im signing off on this conversation good day sir.
  10. And artillery never forget artillery! thats the one thing jason c always leaves out!(no dig just kidding ate)
  11. hellraiser, that was exactly my point about supplies. but i think that, the western allies would of been more than a match for the ussr but hey.
  12. sorry rambo but i disagree. he didnt not smash through the siegfried line. it was actualy manouvered around by monty believe it or not. what stopped patton was over strecthed supply lines. remember at the stoppage, monty and dempsy were just as far ahead as patton and had done it against much stiffer resistence. and just for you informstion it was omar bradley that broke out of normandy not patton as many try to claim. the pause gave a germans time to reset there defences, and the war cotinued until there industrial capacity was taken in the ruhr. and it was taken by monty. patton made an attempt but was repulsed at a bigger loss than market garden in terms of manpower and equipent. besides the d-day landing were in mid 44. people get a bad picture of monty around caen but remember 8 out of the 10 armoured divisions posted in normandy were placed against the british positions. and one of the two the americans faced were considered unfit for frontline combat.
  13. sorry,yes of course thats what i meant. Im not aware of any russian tests against the stug, but it is possible while test amunition would Penetrate butit wouldnt in the field because of this.
  14. http://www.freeweb.hu/gva/weapons/introduction.html#Ammunition_Quality_Used_During_Testing according to this website, british ammunition quality was the best. The germans had a defeceit of about 5-10%, russian was substandard until mid 44. and the american standard is okay. so it might also be an ammunition consideration. so im no expert and this only vague information but yes rune it might be something to do with the ammo.
  15. the fact that the russians were aware of kursk before it happend and built up accordinly had nothing to do with it then?
  16. no i dont.but if thats your opinion than that fair enough. but you should note that in the case of the ira, it was not lettng them blow themselves up that has generaly stopped the killing. it was with tough security measures and opening a dialogue with them. i have studied the history of ireland, so that simply just is not the case. although i agree terrorism doesnt work. but simply selling them guns is definatly not the answer, we have to try and engage them as well. work at the grass roots level to try and undermine their support, without new recruits there will be no terrorists in 30 years. Look at india as an example, although there is some problems wityh there administration, it is a reletavily weathy country. wanting contact with the western world, many complaint lines in the uk have been contracted out to indian companies. your pov on hitler is skewed massivly, he never approached any table with an other intention than war. and as far as your comment about oil i think that says more about the content of your character than anything else.
  17. he was visting front line troops to see how things were going. do you think he would of been a better officer if he didnt care?
  18. bad luck. sherman pv 4's are about even from my experience. mark 4 seems better ambushing and defending. and the sherman is better att attcking from a tank v tank perspective.
  19. just to confirm the luftwaffe tank thing didnt happen. but the evacuation had alrerady begun beofre hitler ordered any stoppage. the initial stoppage was ordered by von runstead(i may be mistaken by the name) as he belived that he was losing to many tanks. He didnt understand what a weak state the british army wqas in. nor may have hitler. not all of his interventions were bad or made on bad logic.
  20. liam you need to take your own advice. i was talking about asylum seekers. no im not gay but i dont know how that would matter? i mean is being gay mean im stupid please clarify. the middle east i do not believe i mentioned in that way. i was talking about the war on terrorism! i know about the middle east, but if the problem simply began then why has it taken 80 years for the first direct terror attack on uk soil? "hings over there were not done properly now we're going in and cleaning up Evil Dictators after the fact and administrating people that are with modern weapons still living in the 16th century in some cases further back than that." if thats true what about the rest of the world? the us aint doing it single handed. up until iraq the uk had the highest number of troops stationed over seas on peace keeping duty. and the eu has more than the us anyway. and israel wanted to go there. its just the west wall and the gaza strip area's are sacred to both. so i apologise for my disrespectful manner, but there we go. just one pint at dunkirk it was actualy von runstead that held back at dunkirk not hitler.
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