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Everything posted by Dennis50

  1. HA! Ignoring and a good hardy chuckle if I may be so bold. I can only ignore that which irritates me but a good chuckle can not be passed up. Please keep your frontal suicide attack coming ...it amuses me greatly. Regards, Gunz P.S. Do I feel a Lock coming? Yes the Big Slam is just a comment away.
  2. You sir are way over your head in being "full of yourself". I wish the best of luck to you in the big game of life. Regards, Gunz
  3. B00M$LANG ....Sir, you are way to full of yourself and need to step back just a little and take a look at the whole picture. It's really not that complicated. Grab hold of yourself (yes, I mean really grab hold of yourself) and say 10 times out loud "I'm not the center of the universe". Then you need to click your heals together 3 times ....Then ..it may be all right. Maybe not. After all I'm just a SSN ..what do I know. Regards, Gunz
  4. Gawd dang it ..another one of my all time favs. You guys would not believe the mems that are mixing in with the bud light right now ..not sure how this all fits in with CMSF but it sure is making me feel for the past. Regards, Gunz
  5. No kidding, that's pretty rare now isn't it? ....er, I mean rather why don't I take that one off your hands for a few shekels, maybe trade you a barely used copy of Theater of War? </font>
  6. are we about to enter the "cess pool" .. Regards Gunz
  7. "Disraeli Gears" ....one of my all time favs ..I have it in vinyl packed away and forgotten about ..you may have just caused me to go off in a frenzy to start digging ..my wifey is not going to be happy .. :mad: A very special Regards, Gunz P.S. anyone remember a album called "Super Session" ..have that also buried deep in the bowels of this house.
  8. I like Asus motherboards, mine is an asus ..but it sounds like you have a very angry MB. Dunno ..can't say I've ever heard anything like you seem to be hearing ..odd, very odd. Regards, Gunz Are you sure it's the MB and not a PS getting ready to go belly up?
  9. would that not be a plus for me ..a SSN of the Nth degree .. :mad: Regards, Gunz
  10. Nothing to say ..just trying to gain some real estate before the lock .. Regards, Gunz
  11. Did that work for you? I'm willing to give anything a try if you can tell me that it worked for you? Regards, Gunz P.S. If you can confirm from personal use that this fixes most problems ...how exactly did you apply the fix? ....Thx in advance for any help you can provide. Again ... Regards, Gunz
  12. This version is 1.01 ..I think. The volume of the wind noise needs to be about half of what it is now, at least. Just a very minor complaint, not a show stopper by any means. Regards, Gunz
  13. Download= excellent ..install = excellent ..license = excellent ..game = I like .. 'plosions, bullets, molten tnt = I like ..BUT ..that bloody wind has GOT to be toned down ...Please give us a volume control for the wind or somfink ..I think I'm getting vertigo from the gawd dang wind ...just a little bit for effect ..that would go a long way I think. Just my opinion of course. Other wise, no runs, no drips and Good job guys ..so far. Regards, Gunz
  14. Got the e-mail for download ..and downloaded in 11 minutes here in Illinois. Now I need to go looking for patch I guess. Regards, Gunz
  15. Me five ..but this is going no where fast i'm afraid ..and NO I will not pay extra for it. Regards, Gunz
  16. Extremely disrupting ....YES, I agree ...but PLEASE ..do NOT fling any dark and stinky matter towards Sweden or any other euro's. We do not need to give Faux any more reasons to start yelling Faux Alert. Regards, Gunz
  17. The question is ...why is it like the balance is from another planet out of the box ?? "The foundation is there" ..for the customers to try and make it enjoyable or playable ...with mission and map makers that are only usable if you have some programming skills ? I'm sorry ..but if I had known this ahead of time, I probably would not have bought it. Russian games are starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Regards, Gunz
  18. Wolf ..do you mean agp aperture ? If so, I always thought it was suppose to be set at what the amount of memory was on the card. Am I wrong ? Regards, Gunz
  19. I don't think they have the final say ..they can only suggest or request. This is not their game. Regards, gunz
  20. I would rather you forget about a beta patch ..word from you that progress is being made is good enough. Regards, Gunz
  21. DeLaVega ...ausgezeichnet. Wish I knew Tom Hanks ..I would call him right now to get with you and make a real movie. Nice job ..thanks for sharing. Regards, Gunz
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