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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. What it say's is that we are not functioning the way that we were intended to function!, Imperfection & Outside influence's are commandeering/Taking us over...as it did to the Nazis!. God's creation is NOT Imperfect!,...however,...degeneration of mankind with the passage of time [imperfection Escalates],...as well as Demonic Influence's...are responsible for what we are...where we are now!. Check 'The Lords Prayer!"...it stand's there to tell us that this situational mess that we presently are in will ultimately be resolved!. I hate preaching!,...and refrain most of the time from doing so!...but in a moment of extreme weakness,...as i am weak myself,...i must say something...sometimes!. I symphatize and feel for your concern's,...as it concern's me as well!. [ March 09, 2007, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  2. Normal Dude!... i hope that some of this information will give you a start in what you have requested!. Italian Armed Forces_OOB_Organization: http://niehorster.orbat.com/019_italy/__italy.htm Italian Tankettes_Tanks of WW2_Semovente 75mm: http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-armour/enemy/italian_ww2.htm World War II - Check/Examine/Scroll Down to_The Mediterranean 1940-1943: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WW2 Italian Armoured Vehicles of WWII: Click on the 'Tank Type' that you wish to get more information on!. http://www.onwar.com/tanks/italy/index.htm [ March 09, 2007, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. Topic: 1943-1945 Italy: The Forgotten Front. Normal Dude ... your project looks exciting!, but i have a question for you!. If this is a MOD dealing with the "war in Italy", then,...why the standard Map?, why-not just one huge map of Italy & Surrounding Landmarks like Sicily, etc, where historical reiforcements [some from the Eastern Front] or withdrawl's of forces [Pulled out of the Italian Campaign to help put out fire's elsewhere] can be simulated to help give that 'ITALIAN CAMPAIGN' feel or reality!. Also i forgot all the many defensive line's that the German's used, such as the Gothic Line and other's where Axis units could quickly fall-back & reform at, such as fortification's or whatever to give an added defensive bonus to the retreated unit's. With these 'Historical' defensive line's pre-built into the game [if that's practical at all ], this would hopefully make the Italian Campaign have a stronger historical feel!. Launch the Animation to get a GRAPHIC History on the Italian Campaign!. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/launch_ani_italy_campaign.shtml Detailed History of the Campaign for Italy: http://www.naval-history.net/WW2CampaignsItaly.htm Map of Italy & Surrounding Region: http://www.custermen.com/Maps/MapItalyB.jpg [ March 09, 2007, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  4. tunatamaker More tips for you!... 1. Bring in Fighters to assist in reducing Leningrad!. 2. When Leningrad is surrounded, attack with one unit, then try to move it out if you can and replace it with a fresh unit to attack Leningrad again from that same square [Rotate the troops out, to attack Leningrad]. Failure to replace the removed unit, may allow the Russian's to use the vacated square to implant one of their armies into it!,...so be careful here!. So...therefore,...'Winter' [Attack Strength may be reduced_Less Effective] or 'Spring' [MUD_Reduced Movement Capability...making Rotating troop's out much more difficult in a heated situation!] is probably not a good time to attack Leningrad!. 3. Use Warships to reduce the Harbour to '0' [Zero] to make the Leningrad defenders have a much more difficult time resupplying and restrengthening their forces. 4. Send one of your Finish troops or whatever you have to change the color of the ground from RED to GREY so that...again...resupply through the surrounding land area is not available for the defenders!. If you are successful in choking off their supply, the Russians should then be reduced or weaker turn after turn as you reduce the defence of the City!. 5. Make sure to have at least one 'HQ'[srength 10] in Effective Supply Range...to keep your Unit's in Supply and at maximum readiness!. Typically, the 'HQ' should be within 4 squares from a City, sometime's on occassion [summer+Flat Terrain]...the 'HQ' might be able to be 5 squares away from a Supply-City,...and still provide supply!. [ March 09, 2007, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  5. pzgndr Hello!...yes, i was specifically trying to land Italian Ground Units into the Northern African port's, and was unable to Disembark the Embarked Unit's???.
  6. tunatamaker Invest heavily in Anti-Tank, Improved Armour, Infantry Weapons Tech & Motorization Capability,...in order to have any chance of defeating the Russian's at all!. Failure to do so,...will lead to your inevitable Demise!.
  7. Two things i noticed straight off that don't work are... 1-'Research' doesn't seem to work at all!,...it's appear's to be dead in the water/non-functioning!. Essentially what i said appear's to be the case, my Research has been dead for many turn's [something i haven't seen in any other game], however only 1-Research Item actually occurred and that was a Tank-Research item...it has been the only one to take place...in about 8-Game Turn's!. 2-Transport's are not able to unload in harbour's!. [ March 07, 2007, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  8. ...At this time i think this old saying might be appropriate!... "Friends come and go, but!,...Enemies accumulate!". Not a positive direction to be going in?.
  9. Keep those idea's rolling fantomas!, let's hope that your contributed idea is considered!. We need to make creating MOD's as simple and as easy as possible!...following the idea of the KISS -PRINCIPLE!...' K eep__ I t__ S imple__ S tupid'!.
  10. Nyiet!...Nyiet!...Soviet!... . "Every Day Above Ground Is A Good-Day!." All kidding aside!...i concur with 'Jersey John' ...
  11. vveedd ---It's difficult for me to picture what your situation actually is...however i will try to do what i can. A friend of mine had a similar situation to your's, he parachuted a fallshirmjaeger onto the Norwiegian Mountain's and was then unable to move them at all!. So he got more assault troop's and took 'Oslo'!,...so now with a 'Supply-Base' available, he landed an 'HQ' into Norway, then moved the 'HQ' towards the Paratrooper Unit, but i think within 5-Squares of Oslo[Keep the HQ on regular terrain...as Mountainous-Terrain will reduce an HQ's ability to provide supply]. Now with the 'HQ' providing supply [Of course the Summer is better for supply than the Winter...as well, it can make a difference!]...and it being a good time of year [spring or Summer?]...the stranded paratroop's were finally able to dislodge themselve's from their self-induced imprisonment!. I have extricated unit's in other situation's myself by using a similar procedure!. I hope this help's you out!.
  12. I can't exactly remember Wellington's quote, but it goes something like this!... "They came on in the same old way, and we stopped them in the same old way!".
  13. I've played 'Imperial Conquest 2', but that was quite a while ago now!. To me the game seemed well balanced, Realistic in many way's...and over-all, was a lot of fun to play, once one learned how to play it!. I still have a copy of it somewhere?.
  14. Stalin's Organist !...Thank's for the Head's-Up!, im very definetely interested in this "Guns of August" Game Simulation from Matrix-Game's. Please keep us all informed on it's progress, as well as some of the feature's in the Game!. Exel!... im with you on getting an announcement of intention's, that's just Human Nature to want to know!. So!...that will need to finally be Hubert's decision as to whether he will open up on his development effort's or not!. Im hoping that's it's a WW2 Version of the Pacific, but that's just my fantasical hope!.
  15. Normal Dude !...you have a fair question there!,...however i do not have the resolve or know-how to make this Mod, or any Mod,...i have never had an interest or capability to do one!. Perhap's one day...but not right now!. If i could do it, and knew how to do it, i would try to do it!.
  16. The "Z-Plan" doesn't sound like a 'Wee-Plan' to me!. An intriguing project you have in mind "Jersey John"!. I hope that the 'best of the best' idea's make it into your 'Mod'!. My personal take on the German situation, is that any visible German surface ship's would be at the mercy of Allied Sea Might!, and so would be readily doomed to eventual demise. [im not a Naval Buff, and neither do i understand these specific matter's very well_Im just venturing my own uneducated opinion]. If i was in charge of German Naval Programme's, i would personally go 'Full-Tilt' on advanced Submarine's that would hopefully be designed to able to evade Sonar Detection, be able to Stay Underwater longer, have extended operating range, and finally...be able to move swifter when required!.
  17. [uPDATED!] What-ever you decide to do, cannot...but be welcome Hubert !. I still 'Hope & Grope' for a present-day, readily updatable game representing current tensions, especially those in the Middle East. Mahmoud Admadinejad look's like he's conducting information gathering mission's to assess Iraqi & U.S. resolve/readiness for the upcoming attack that he seem's to be expecting from Israel & the Carrier Group's [Not 4 Carrier Group's-INCORRECT!,...Change to...6 Carrier Group's of which will be assembled and ready to go by Spring-Time]. Now China & Russia have economic interest's in Iran, and will see the Israeli/U.S. attack on Iran as a belligerant-affront!, as a...'Crossing Over The Line'!. A good number of Russian Spetznatz (Not sure of that spelling) Troop's are being directed to Russian/Iranian built Nuclear Sites to protect them incase American force's attempt to take those facilities by physically assualting them. That won't help much...i wouldn't think...if the Israelies use Buster-Busting-Nuke's to neutralize those facilites first!. Even if these Low-Yield Bunker-Buster's are used, expect the Radioactive contamination from their use...to affect Hundred's of million's of people over much of the planet, especially India which is downwind of Iran!. I know im asking for much, and if that is so, then, perhap's something representing my request can be realized at some later date. [ March 01, 2007, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  18. Right on!!!...tomorrow i download them all into my newly patched SC2 game!.
  19. One-Day i hope to have a wide-screen like you do n0kn0k so that i can try out those wide-screen resolution's!. I have a 17" Widescreen on my LapTop, but so far i haven't had any need to use anything else but the regular screen selection sizes!. I have already been playing the v1.0610 version...but have not tried the FINALE' version in this 1.06 series...so im about to do so right-now!. [ February 23, 2007, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. I hope that this improvement/enhancement effort will be un-ending until the game is without blemish and can be used as a stepping-stone for the next Step-Up-Version of Strategic Command!. Perhap's we can also look forward in the future to a 'PACIFIC THEATRE-WW2-SC2 Game Release by Hubert' as well as more Modern-Day and Ancient Historical and other variations,...such as 'War of Middle Earth', the presently underway...'The War of the Worlds' effort...and so on!.
  21. Are you hopefully getting some 'Inspiration' from this discussion forum ' Hubert '???,...for future endeavor's?.
  22. A disturbing article for those who can spend the better part of an hour reading it!. It does seem to make sense, unfortunately!. http://www.321gold.com/editorials/engdahl/engdahl021907.html
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