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Everything posted by JulianJ

  1. Thanks a lot Ian. Let me buy you a pixel pint of beer out of my new increment of zero. You're welcome!
  2. Thanks for the clarifications everybody, particularly Mikey. The game bureaucracy is as bad as actual work, or possibly even the Army. I do need a pay upgrade....from 0 to 00!
  3. Above my current pay grade however!! I think I need to be promoted to Specialist, Modding Grade 2 before I can attempt that. Still, the town is progressing in other areas...so that's good.
  4. Hi everybody, I have successfully modded one building - just a variant on a stock CMBS commercial building and got it to load in the scenario editor. After more reading-around, especially @umlaut 's work, I have come to the conclusion that modding modular buildings is never going to work. Today I modded CMBS independent building 103 - a commercial building, and called it building400 and put it in the Z folder including a renamed .mdr file from the original 103. After opening the Scenario Editor I cannot seem to find it loading. Any ideas? Please. Second request: I know know how to mod flavour objects. What I want to do is turn the posters through 90 degrees to make them into shop/wall signs and billboards. If info is right there is "space" for at least 5 more poster designs, but I need an appropriate .mdr file. AFAIK calling it poster5.mdr will mean it turns up in the right place in the scenario editor. Unfortunately I have failed to open a .mdr file and don't know what to do. Anybody able to manipulate one of the poster mdr files so the alignment is changed by 90 degrees? Thanks Julian
  5. I must say I am enjoying the modern era (in terms of killing and blowing things up :-)) over WW2. I started out 5 decades ago fighting tabletop wargames with Airfix figures and kits (1/76th scale). WW2, Romans, ACW (never a big fave, though I did play it) then Napoleonic. WW2 was probably my favourite and of course since 2000(?) I played CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK among other computer games. I also ran huge tabletop WW2 scenarios back in the day with 6-10 players, and created some RPG scenarios with WW2 as a backdrop. (the best one I adapted from a book in the library, which had a terrible illustration of a Panther in the snow on the cover - I thought if it had actually got published, the book must be good - it was. I took its plot, Intelligence Officers tracking down a Nazi spy ring in late 1944, and modified it slightly. The poor players end up interrogating a prisoner near US front lines on Dec 16th. Then all hell breaks loose and they have to fight with ad-hoc US units, escape from captivity (the truck taking them towards Malmedy hits a mine, fortunately) and get back to Allied lines to finish their mission and kill the Nazis in US uniform who are about to assassinate Eisenhower). The players loved it. WW2 definitely has a pull. But I've gone off WW2. In my mind it's got a bit repetitive. I like the idea of Italy and different terrain/units but I probably will buy SF2 instead. It's down to taste. Maybe in a few years I will want to fire up the Sherman or Tiger or T34 again and get stuck in. BTW my mum thought wargaming was "just an adolescent phase" I would grow out of!
  6. Questions, always with the questions! My railway line goes under a road bridge. I ditchlocked it. It took me a couple of goes to get the right bridge over a raised embankment..but now the railway lines under the bridge are crumpled, like they were hit by artillery. Not a good look. Any ideas?
  7. Another question: I am playing Brutal and I can see that there are very regular lines of trees = orchards, in places. When I tried this with mine, the trees turned out irregular, more like a forest. Is there a particular tree that is a fruit tree?
  8. @sburke Thanks for the info. It does seem there is a steep learning curve. One other simple thing I wish battlefront would enable: CTRL+S to save. That would be helpful. CTRL+Z too.
  9. Thanks @3j2m7 I see there are some ways to do interesting work with buildings.
  10. One other thing I have found out - it is near-impossible to get the poster flavour objects to work - they just float around in mid air. So I can't create some signs and just stick them on walls.
  11. This is all very much a work in progress. Some of the buildings will be removed or moved around. I was just playing around with the editor. In the game, the captions are completely readable: here's the telephone exchange, town hall, housing administration. Hidden is the railway station. On the right is some social housing, the estate is not finished yet. When I have created some more retail buildings they will to in the town centre.
  12. Here's the town I am building. I was very disappointed by the QB maps. None of the ones I've seen resemble real places at all, let alone locations in Ukraine. So I am putting together a map which is more like a (compressed) real place. With different districts, and of course tactical problems to be overcome. In the foreground is the Military Supply Depot, in case you can't read it.
  13. And here's the first modded building. I thought it would be obvious. A pub. With authentic Ukrainian beer adverts etc, and a craft beer recommendation sign. Unfortunately they are all pretty undreadable. And I got a raging thirst to try Ukrainian beer while I was doing it.
  14. Thanks Mord - I was careful about the naming. I think it might be that it is texture (03). That's a bit of a bummer tho, I thought I could reskin the buildings and then the new ones would be available at a click.
  15. Oh dear. My first building mod works brilliantly. No.2 has failed to appear. I dunno why. I wish Kieme was around as he undoubtely would be able to set me right. I just modded an independent building, and put it in the z folder but it hasn't appeared, and I can't work out why, so I am now throwing a childish tantrum and sodding off. I will be back again no doubt. Have a nice weekend, you pixel-murdering swine.
  16. LIDL? now that's an idea...but no. Chulhu? Hmm....don't you think the Ukraine has enough troubles with religion already? That's a negative my Necronomicon-toting friend.
  17. Thanks Mord, that's useful to know. I wasn't aware of that. Are you going to venture a guess what my new building is?
  18. @kinophile no, that's the wrong answer. You can try another guess, I'm not restricting anyone to one answer.
  19. I modded a building! First off: they are all in v100b. It took ferking hours! Just to change two levels of one side....and most of the signs I put up are unreadable. I can see now why Kieme worked in HD. Still, I've got the hang of most of it now. So I think others will be much quicker. I can't do a screenshot. I just press PrtScn and all I get is a black frame. Anybody tell me how please? Finally: +1 rep to the first non-Brit who guesses what the building is. Tee hee.
  20. I must say @Sgt.Squarehead, the idea of Trumpton riots made me laugh. It is a sad day when mayhem breaks out in that most docile of places. I hope the Pugh brothers, never mind Dibble, are not revealed as perverts.
  21. That's a pity. Which brz file are the buildings in please?
  22. One other question - can you put flavour objects on roofs? I tried putting an aircon on a flat modular building roof, which seemed the obvious place for it, but it didn't take.
  23. Thanks everybody. That gives me a few ideas to work on when I have some time, maybe at the weekend. If they don't turn out too disgraceful I will post them up.
  24. Oh dear! I just sent him an email, but perhaps I should call out the MPs - he's obviously gone AWOL. Cheers mate, anyhow.
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