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Posts posted by 37mm

  1. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    You know what guys? I think *I* may well be on my way to my OWN "mortal enemy"!

    My dear lady I congratulate you on your possible acquisition of a ‘mortal enemy’ (I like the term nemesis myself) for I think we can all agree here in this place, at this time, in this company that enemies are indeed far more precious than friends and often more interesting…

    However I must say I’m slightly sceptical surely as you play with your dainty things, look after your Hiram and chatter pleasantly in the GF you have merely attracted a ‘slightly annoying person’?

    Perhaps you should leave the true hatred, the sh!t slinging, the bitter jibes, vile threats, bloodcurdling accusations, the nervous breakdowns, the drugs, the booze, the vomit, the phlegm & brutal savage combat of nemeses to the men around here…

    It's what we were put on this once fine planet for

  2. Originally posted by v42below:

    I was actually knighted by Her Majesty a long time ago, but gave the knighthood up voluntarily to stop the whining of the kannigets. You see, I was knighted without ever being a serf or a squire, which raised a few grey eyebrows (perhaps the Olde Ones were trying to open their eyes for a change, but failed yet again). Knighthood? Been there, done that...

    Oh, almost forgot... <font size=2>boot! </font>

    Gotta keep these young-uns on their toes...

    You call that a <font size=6>BOOT! </font>?

    You little limp footed pansy perhaps you’ve been learning your technique off one of the ‘four dwarfs'. I however have been trained by my liege in the ways of the <font size=6>BOOT! </font> and I can tell you that when you <font size=6>BOOT! </font> you should fecking <font size=6>BOOT! </font> like you mean it. Indeed the <font size=6>BOOT!</font> should seem MEAN when in fact it is probably a merciful <font size=6>BOOT!</font> .

    Clearly you can’t be a <font size=6>BOOT! </font> knight until you’ve been a serf or squire so you’ve never been a <font size=6>BOOT! </font> fecking knight! I can barely believe that the Justicar & the Olde ones lets you off the hook with a squireship but I suspect it was more out of respect for the Queen and not on account of any fecking <font size=6>BOOT! </font> merit.

    Now <font size=6>BOOT! </font> buggar off or I’ll <font size=6>BOOT! </font> be forced to teach you this soddin <font size=6>BOOT! </font> lesson again… oh & just one more thing

    <font size=6>BOOT!!! </font>

  3. Originally posted by Boo Radley:


    It is not up to you to question the comings and goings and staying at homings... er...whatever...of your liege lord!

    I cannot be at everyone's buck and wing... er... beck and call! I have places to see, things to go and people to do!

    As it happens, I may be able to pencil in a turn to you this evening, after I leave the office.

    But prodding does not make the pudding... quicker...or somefink!

    You sure have a way with words Sir... err is this the return of that witchery, that bizarro?

    Either way Sir I've cleaned your rubber ducky (I don't know what you did to get it so, so 'dirty') so its now ready for you to, to, to... do whatever it is you 'do' with your rubber ducky

  4. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Might be better. Doubt if anything could make it good, save that at the end you die.

    :D [/QB]

    Now that to me sounds like it could be a cue for a challenge but I'm not so sure how to deal with you or even if I should… Aren’t you technically a SSN?

    Either way you’d have to deal with a turn every three or four weeks, a major defeat two years later and then an AAR where I’d rub salt into your many wounds; so its probably best if you buggar off someplace else.

    [ December 08, 2004, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

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