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Posts posted by 37mm

  1. Originally posted by YK2:


    *Scans through The Justicars list of honoury titles*

    Now he must be here somewhere....

    37mmm... 37mm.....

    Ah, there your are...

    Page IVV11XII paragraph 3909..

    May 2004..

    The SSN 37mm shall be recognised as Squire to Sir Boo Radley Knight Extrodinaire ...

    Ok check....

    So far so good, it seems you come from good stock, Croda and JD are among the creme de la creme of the Pool, And Boo , well you know....He's Boo ..

    Hmmm nothing else listed....

    * Scowls at 37mm *

    Who gave you all these titles?

    May 2004… no my dear lady that’s before my time.

    I’ve been here at the Peng thread for little over a hundred days… sorry I’ve been here for THE hundred days.

    If your little book is wrong on such a detail it may go some way in helping to explain the omittance of my titles… yes that MUST be it

    [ January 29, 2005, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  2. Originally posted by YK2:

    And you are?

    A piddling thing my dear lady but I’ve racked up a few titles a day so far, here is but a selection…

    Leading light of the house of (sigh) JD Morse (sigh)

    Finest Squire of the finest liege Boo Radley

    Official Peng blessed, disowned & tolerated Messiah of the Peng Challenge

    Sacred wielder of the holy doorknocker round

    Honorary 10th Member of the Fellowship

    The Thermometer of the Justicarate

    Anointed pope-to be

    Primus exquisite Peng thread AAR creator

    Lead expert on US beetles (apparently… I didn’t even appoint myself that one)

    Offical owner of the Abu-graib mouse orphanage

    Destroyer of Rainbows

    Leading visionary & future seeker of the Peng Challenge

    The very definition of humble & modest (alternative oxford dictionary 2004)

    Stopped clock on the apocalypso & the variants signs & portents foreshadowing it

    … etc, etc, etc

    I’m surprised you’ve never heard of me

  3. Seanachai says...

    First, though, I'd like to be reassured about several points:

    Would this be a Medici-style Pope, or some arse whose only intent is to smile, wave and affirm 'no Martin Luthers here, thank you very much'?

    There will be little time for waving & smiling if you are busy smiting

    Would there be Papal Princelings?

    Choir boys & disciples

    Would there be pilgrimages?
    Probably but you’re getting ahead of yourself & myself… these things can take bloody millennia to evolve (oops shouldn’t really use that word).

    I'm all for pilgrimages. I especially like those that involve halfwits from all portions of society, that meet at an inn, and agree to tell stories while they journey to some Holy Site. Especially if the bastards are forced to do it barefoot, in the snow, through the Alps, while scourging themselves and hypocritically begging indulgence for their many, varied, and detailed bloody sins.
    I myself prefer the idea of flagellants who pointlessly & aimlessly abuse & humiliate themselves, but lets not bicker over q’s & i’s.

    Man! That's the kind of Pope I want. One who assigns jolly pilgrimages that involve story-telling, brutal and unmeant repentance, and a full revelation of sins.

    I'll get behind and push any bid to raise up a Pope that demands that sort of thing.

    I am glad for the alliance I will call on it… indeed I will need it.

    I have foreseen it you see a great darkness, a tide of love & respect will awash this place, terrorists will embrace our presidents & prime ministers, Australians will breed with Scandinavians, Brett Favre will fall & the people will call out for help.

    Who will save them?

    Perhaps the time of the pool will come.

  4. Joe Shmoe stated that...

    37mm is CLEARLY a Rebel Without a Clue.
    Rebel without a clue? I suppose this ‘rebellion’ in question is the one against you?

    May I remind you o’justicar the grievance between you & I stems from the closing of a certain thread (thought I’d forgotten & forgiven ‘ey?) by your hands, a certain series of ghastly attacks on the house of (sigh) JD Morse (sigh) perpetuated by yourself and your continuing failures as a Justicar.

    I for one consider that grievance suspended by the good nature of your righteous website (I think we can all agree that any time you spend there is time which could have been spent here so is therefore time well spent) but if you wish to reopen the wounds then carry on as you will.

    My liege once taught me that it is difficult to penetrate your stone death-ness (where has that particular flame warrior gone he was always my favourite him & the evil jerk) which makes conversation difficult however it sometimes helps to use the western metaphors of your twisted childhood… very well

    Oh old sheriff who has let the bad guys (with their dark hats, poor teeth & propensity for chewing little sticks & spitting) run amok in this here fine town (looks around at the dead end collection of dusty shacks, horse **** & drunkards) you should relinquish your feelings of distrust & envy at the sight of the obvious hero (white hat, nice boots & a love of mice) & instead aid him in his quest to bring justice to the town & the bad guys (that means shooting them in a comical manner)… oh & watch out for those darned Indians

  5. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    snipped yawn snipped

    Well back to old ways are we o’ Justicar?

    (You know there’s really no need for you to get your knickers in a twist just because I’m correcting your spelling mistakes)

    Fine listen to the soothing words of your senile sycophants but do not doubt my holiness.

    You can deal with your cold, barren, lifeless secular issues whilst I will revel in the tepid, humid, infested spirit of choice


    My acne is much better nowadays


    Dear lady, am I not owed a turn from many moons ago?

  6. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I purely HATE v42below?

    Honour bound? Honour bound?

    What poppycock

    A squire (who’s never been a Serf) disowned by his liege!

    Is it not clear that what we have here is a new classification* of pooler?

    V42farbelow is a Ronin…

    And let him stay that way until he whores himself off to someone else

    * Yet another unique classification to go along with most inane, most pointless, most likely to be picked on by stickypiss & the member of the Cesspool who most resembles a sphincter

  7. Originally posted by Geier:

    I don't believe in them anyway.

    Who’d ever have guessed it? A Swede claiming that Ozzies are obscure creatures of fantasy.

    Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Still digging out from under two feet of snow....be back later....carry on.

    Inevitably it is the terror of global warming which is to blame for this Nu-Yoika’s plight…

    [ January 25, 2005, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  8. Joe

    There'll be no funds collected to rehabilitate lawyers (even assuming that that's POSSIBLE) until the Brad/Jen crisis is taken care of lad.
    It might be possible & that’s good enough for me… I have a dream you know. One day I’ll say “I am a Knight of the House of (sigh) JD MORSE (sigh)” and I’ll say it without the sighing, without the nagging doubt, the terrible visions… with the whiskey bottle out of sight & out of mind.

    Anyway I thought that Brad/Jen thing was resolved if I remember correctly it ended when Brad became happy that Ross had knocked Rachel up & Phoebe hugged Brad because… well just because.

    And finally I think you got the order wrong on your last line. Biscuits and Chips are COOKIES and FRIES in that order, not the other way around.
    That’s quite good for a Yank… I doubt you read that in your Mormon bible, so where did you learn it from?

    From below...

    Why am I not bolded all of a sudden? I request, nay demand an explanation. I will not be bolding Shaw until a suitable explanation is provided
    The reborn Justicar is clearly acting in a most righteous manner. As I’ve said before even that pile of decaying faecal matter stickypiss is infinitely more deserving of his squireness. You’re lucky you’re even spelt properly o’ farbelowpar.

    And another thing; do not try to talk directly to Peng it is not only deeply insulting but liable to end up with you having to eat your own whatsydoodahs, if you must communicate to him you can do so through I.

  9. What the feck is this, this… Meek (spelt?bolded?spat upon?) guy?

    Coming in here mocking the Belgian (insulting that frigging wannabee-Frenchified crushed scrotum is my job), writing about make belief San Francisco (I suppose you moved to SF from Never-never-land) and its ‘university’, getting all uppity when Peng blessed his shoes with regurgitated holiness and exclaiming! all! the! fecking! time!!!

    Exactly how long will it remain here?

    I tell you it is a bad omen.

  10. Gather round, gather round ye Cess cretins. Will you help a new charity I’m setting up?

    The Rehabilitation for lawyers Program…

    Essentially the program has three steps, which I call the three R's...

    Realization: a lawyer must first admit it is a lawyer (this can be difficult it might sue you for harassment) & then it must admit that it is a terrible bane to itself & society (incredibly many lawyers think getting murderers, corrupt politicians & Trekkies off the hook whilst throwing doctors, teachers & police into jail is ‘beneficial’ to society!)

    Rehabilitation: The difficult (& therefore fun) part, the lawyer must be ‘trained’ to break its habits. I advise sending a lawyer to hospital as often as possible for as many different ailments as possible eventually with time (a lot of time) the lawyer may come to see the hospital as a good place not a place to make money. In extreme cases however a frontal lobotomy may be required on top of the obligatory electro-shock therapies and ‘room 101’s’.

    Reintegration: A lawyer will be given a place in society more appropriate to its talents perhaps a small McJob or a stable cleaner. Constant reviews of the patients progress are vital as even the smallest incident can get a patient back onto the ‘sue, crash & burn cycle’. For instance many will be given a job in the catering industry… however if a colleague was to, say cut a finger whilst chopping veg, a patient could regress & immediately call out “who ya going to sue?”…

    So please remember to help out your fellow man (I’m sure everyone will enjoy ‘rehabilitating’ lawyers) & give generously.

  11. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Containined in one of the phish/spam messages I received in my office In box this morning was this cryptic message:

    "Ninety six bottles of beer, three a's, three b's, one c, two d's, thirty three e's, seven f's, one g, ten h's, nine i's, four l's, sixteen n's, ten o's, thirteen r's, twenty three s's, twenty three t's, four u's, four v's, five w's, three x's, and five y's on the wall."

    I believe it heralds Armegeddon.

    People will be pleased to hear that they too can be saved from Armageddon by buying ‘Peng’s mineral water’… it only costs $9.99 per 275ml bottle and goes well with all dishes.

    Ludicrously expens… righteously priced water might help me convert a dumba... open minded Hollywood ‘star’ or two… anyone know the email address of this Brad/Jen entity?

    Alternatively you may want to join Armageddon… I’d advise buying your own 'Peng Humvee'... I haven’t settled on a price yet

  12. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Why do I get the feeling that this series of posts will be held against me some day?


    Perhaps it is because you hath taken part in the prejudicizing of the ‘religiously inclined’ & that is surely a poor deal.

    I’m not talking about any of those false religions of course, mock away at will; heck if it was only those involved I’d join ya. However I feel it was the ‘religiously inclined’ who were most grievously insulted… this is a direct threat to my attempt to create a true religion, a religion of Peng himself (although his lordships visits are most blessedful it does grate somewhat when he is around, if the God is here all the time who needs the Messiah some would ask).

    Still a picture of the Easter bunny crucified would be cool (plus I’m sure the American department of homeland security would be very interested).

    V41lowshmuck wrote...

    ...why is every body looking at me? *backs out of the room slowly*
    If there’s one thing that annoys me more than a feckless Oddstralian cockroach whose false credentials were bestowed on him when the Justicar was nought but a weak willed fool (concerning those credentials, now that the Queen has disowned him {and rightfully of course}, should he really count {I use the term in the most contemptuous way possible of course} as a squire anymore… who is he a squire to?) then it’s a feckless, Oddstralian cockroach whose false credentials were bestowed upon him when the Justicar was nought but a weak willed fool AND who has a super inflated ego.

    No-one is looking at you ya disgusting little ‘false step into what seemed like firm ground but has now turned out to be a steaming pile of canine faecal matter’… They are looking at Peng (& me).

    Now please continue ‘backing out of the room’ (such a noble way of putting ‘flees from the room as brick after holy brick is unleashed’) I wouldn’t want to disturb you in a task that you are uniquely qualified for…

  13. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    Scientific proof that you all suck, except the ladies that is. They are the opposite.

    This site greatly disappointed me… apparently I’m a Chinese white collar worker perhaps suited for telemarketing

    Stickypiss next time you come up with a ‘scientific website’ perhaps you should run it by me first not only can I then verify its scientificness I can also righteously bless it (or declare it a heresy) in Peng's name.


    I now despise those fecking Vikings even more than usual... who can I support now?

    [ January 10, 2005, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

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