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Posts posted by 37mm

  1. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    I was unloved as a child. That's what I like about you guys; you make me feel young again.




    JUSTICAR… this is the kind of thing that you as your new rejuvenated Pengful, website owning, Messiah blessed self should be stamping down upon… or on.

    Its disgusting, if limpy 'one of the nags of the apocalypso' comes along & starts infecting this place with love then sooner or later we’ll all end up hugging trees and making loving to vegetarian gerbils (no offence my liege)... and I'd rather be Belgian that that

    [ January 09, 2005, 01:28 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  2. Right I don’t mean to raise a stink and all (unlike that despicable [and not in the Pengful sense] v41lowshmuckface [interestingly enough I came across this web page which reminded me of the little cockroach] who can’t help but raise one heck of an an odour) but I’m greatly disappointed by the rate of turn return… return of turns… turn giving by some here in my ongoing PBEM.

    Some here are beyond criticism, my liege obviously and even that Nobahead Oddstralian (and under normal circumstances I doubt I’d ever have said that a filthy Oddstralian was beyond criticism)… but others, well others deserve (or more correctly ‘are now more deserving’) a good old kick in the nads for the way I’ve been strung along (except the dear lady… she deserves a nice cup of tea & a sponge biscuit or some such).

    I expect now a bunch of slimy apologies to make their way to me…

    “I’m sorry oh blessed one but my wedding wa… blah blah blah”

    “I’m sorry oh immaculate doorknocker but the operation left me in consi… blah blah blah”

    “I’m sorry oh leading light but there was this fricking Swede on the Peng thread & his words induced a coma… blah blah blah”

    Well I tell you now… I don’t want to hear some inevitably pissed paddy or some pointlessly pointless Belgian or some… some other feckless sort boring me to tears with flimsy excuses… I want a full inbox and I want it now…

    Sheesh I’d almost believe that you were all deliberately trying to slow down my ascension to Knighthood

  3. *Crawls out of his hole where he has been envisioning*

    Well, well, well clearly the ancient sheriff and his whiskey bottle partner ain’t dead yet…

    You oh’ Justicar hath done well! My righteous criticisms of you being nought but a hopelessly inept fool whose dictatorial presence had been tolerated long enough, although accurate, provided an incomplete picture.

    This website of yours is a fine site & a grand idea; it also looks like a lot of work to little gain. I am glad that you’ve decided to spend the last moments of your painfully long life updating little sections here & thither.

    I congratulate you on your work & your return to grace also … see I ain’t called a Messiah for nothing… a golden age beckons for us all (except rleete of course)…

    *returns to the dark place where the dogma is being written (by well trained mice would you believe)*

  4. Well it’s been the usual disappointing 24 hours in the pool…

    The Justicar rekindled his fruitless war on me & the house of (sigh) JDMorse (sigh)

    My liege defended me valiantly from many foes though taints of witchery still linger about his person

    Seanachai stumbled around like an ogre with a sore head (and a bad hairdo)

    Stickypiss annoyed me (and he still hasn’t sent turns… probably ‘studying’ or somefink…)

    An Australian or two showed up

    That Emrys git annoyed everyone

    And no new SSN’s crawled through the doors

    Will this place ever change?

    I bid each & everyone one of you (except rleete of course) feckless wonders a new year…not a happy new year obviously… just a new year… although in my calendar it is still technically day 85 of year 0…

  5. Originally posted by MrPeng:

    Where to begin?

    A. No, you haven't.

    11. Wrong again, hosebag. Sh!t rolls downhill. You got the directionality all wrong. My resolutions become yours. And besides I resolved long ago (January 1, 1989) never to make New Years Resolutions.

    42. Why wait? Just kill the little mousey bastards now.

    Delta. So, you found the hidden cameras eh? I suppose you will be expecting royalties? I'm amazed that there are 37 people in the world willing to part with 19.95 Amerikkkan dollars a month to see your unedited life. Oh, and I don't bother to watch, it just goes directly to the web.

    Frappe. we hug at xmas - we sing too. we continue to hate, of course, but we do hug and sing. I like hugs. I like going up to complete strangers at xmas time and giving them big unsolicited hugs and shouting "Happy xmas you effing xtian!" Then I put the boot in. And then I sing to them to the tune of Joy to the World:

    Don't chew the world

    The world's not gum

    Its dirt, its disgusting

    It wont blow bubbles

    Its mostly rubble

    Try Wrigley's for chewing

    Try Wrigley's for chewing

    Try Wrigley's for chewing

    Now piss off.

    A Blessed is he but how he tests…

    11 You’re correct (obviously) but just as a Messiah can’t go around contradicting his God likewise a God cannot contradict his Messiah, let the devout sort out any contradictions for they are beyond us

    42??? Where the hell is the fun in that? I’ve been testing the potential for immolation of the little buggars & that just kicks ass… oh & err it might lead to a cure… kind of thing for … being ill… or getting immolated….

    Delta Found them! Found them! The doctor found them more like, how the feck did you get a camera there & for what end?

    Frappe Grand song... you mind if I adopt it as the first prayer for the choir boys?

  6. Is it just me or are there only like two 'cheery wafflers' and both of them are Australian… heck half of the posts in the waffle thread are by so called ‘Penguins’.

    I don’t know why they (or we) bother.

    Ya know some of these 'cherries' would make okay SSN’s … I say a ‘merger’ (i.e. a Peng takeover) could be to everyone’s (i.e. Pengs) benefit.

  7. Is it just me or are there only like two 'cheery wafflers' and both of them are Australian… heck half of the posts in the waffle thread are by so called ‘Penguins’.

    I don’t know why they (or we) bother.

    Ya know some of these 'cherries' would make okay SSN’s … I say a ‘merger’ (i.e. a Peng takeover) could be to everyone’s (i.e. Pengs) benefit.

  8. Originally posted by Nightwatch:

    The sodding Irish Buggewr is keeping his head down in embarressment after realising that his copy of CMBB is sitting 150 miles away at my parents house, and It will be at least tomorrow beore I can respond to your most excellent setup, Mi'Lord. *cries*

    Don't call me 'Mi'Lord' I ain't no fancy pants, lawyer-type... I'm a squire I actually do some work.

    You CAN call me your grace however...

  9. Well I’ve been gone a few days & I think it’s safe to say that I’ve been missed* but now its time to get back into the saddle, check out the view from the crows nest & grasp the viper…

    We have the Justicar quivering in fear, soiled, crumpled up into a foxhole & crying out for ‘his mummy’ (Seanachai?)… this of course ain’t right and a resolution of some sort will be needed… heck it could be my (& therefore Peng’s) new year resolution…

    We have a whole bunch of people sending me ‘Christmas greetings from the front’, people I’ve never even fecking heard of… and d’ya know what? There is probably a very good reason I ain’t ‘eard of ‘em.

    I pay for the Lord of the Rings special editions & what do I get?

    Do I get to see the hobbits go back to the shire & start kicking ass?

    No, do I ‘eck!

    And everything’s different from what I remembered, I’m sure Sauron won in the book… my he kicked ass… bit stupid not guarding the volcano & all but hell you win some & you lose some.

    In the lab the mice have enjoyed Christmas & gotten all uppity… the fools don’t realise what I’ve got installed for them next year.

    My inbox is disturbingly empty of HE… the dear lady & my liege have sent turns & that’s it… worse I have to send that Paddy some AK set-ups as he ate his BB.

    My spirit is racked with doubt I realise Peng himself is watching my every move & yet I haven’t even gotten him a single choir boy … how can I call myself a proper Messiah if there is no one to teach? On the plus side I have been threatened with auto-de-fe… martyrdom here I come!

    My what an interesting year it’s going to be…

    • Six pages of nicety, hugs & sing-along’s hardly Pengish is it?

  10. "Damn bad form, insulting an Olde One like that."

    It was not insult it was fact...

    "Mmppmfmmmmmfpmp Fmmmmmppm Pffppfmmpmpppfffmpfmm

    Pmfmffpmpmpp mmmpppffmppfpppmpp mmfppfpppmpfpffppfpppfmpmppmpm fppmfffmpmfp fmpmfpmpp mfpmmmpfffmmmfppppmppfmmfmm ppfmpf pffppfmmpmmpmpppffffm ppfppp fmpmfpmpp mfpmffmfmmfp fmmmppmmmfmm, ffmppffmf mmfmmmppp mmpmpp pfmmppfmmfmmmffppmmfffmmfmpmffmmf mmmfmp fmpmffppmmppfmm. Fmpfppppf fmpmfpmffpppmfmfmm mmfppfppmpfmpmfmppfmpmpp ffmppffmfpff pfmmffpffmmmfmpmpp pfmmpppfffmmppfpppmmm: fmmfmpffmpmfmpp mmmpppmpm fmmfppmmmmfmmfmmpppff. Ppmmmmffmmmpmpp mmm pmfmfffmpfmppmfmpp fmpppfppf ppmfmfmmfmfp fmmfppmmmmfmmfmmpppff fmmppfppmmppfmpmffppmmppfmm -- mmpfmffmp fppmfpppf pffmppmmmpmfpmfffm mmfmmmpffmppfmm? Mmmpffpff!"

    From http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=002948;p=1

  11. In fact I've played Nidan two more times & beaten him in both... the AAR’s will be here soon. I’m playing two games with Sticky & expect those AAR to get lost somewhere plus I'm playing that Aussie bloke & the dear Lady. I also technically have a game going on with that Tazzy SSN but he buggared off...

    Its not just tickety Boo, its incredi-Boo-ley tickety-Boo… I don’t think that quite worked

  12. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Where are the Squires of yesteryear?

    The crazed dictator stomped around the room as reports from the front poured in. the litany of disaster was complete, divisions, corps, armies had been destroyed. The lunatic raged to his commanders that 'the army of ‘41 wouldn’t have disintegrated like this.'

    The worn general stepped forward… "The army of ‘41 is dead."

    D’ya see Joe?

    You can’t fool me Justicar I know what you’re up to, you’re scared; you see it slipping away don’t you? I’ve been trying to help you of course… kind of, in my own way… as it were.

    Nonetheless you realise your adrift, isolated, your top sail is undone & the Indians are after your scalp, you’re a crazy guy at the top… you see treachery where others see patriotism. You see plots where others see dedication. You see bullets whizzing by your head whereas others are merely getting there eyes tested (two fecking feet).

    I understand Joe but you must understand you are (& have been for some time) the old sheriff who’s presence is only to provide humour (usually revolving around the whiskey bottle & waking up in those water troth things), a few wise but cowardly words and to die creating yet another reason for the hero to get his revenge.

    I pity thee… in my own way… sort of… as it were

  13. I think desert tactics are really needed, if just to get people into the desert... I've played several great games in the desert recently.

    Meet me at Medejez, Clash of the Titans & Khamsin have all been brilliant but I've been totally stumped by the WRBP- Tobruk scenarios... how the hell do you fight on a totally flat battlefield?


    Has anyone heard from JasonC in the past few months?

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