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Posts posted by 37mm

  1. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    [QB] Delusions of grandeur

    Pots & pans & the colour blue spring to mind... or was it red.


    Oh & as for my sig line (which I've had for several months now, congratulations on your quick observation skills)... it is 'official', I was blessed by Peng himself of course (& then disowned ... what a total bast££d... oh how I... love him) but more importantly I anointed myself 'Messiah' after realising how badly this place needed fresh blood (IIRC twas a mind numbingly boring post by Berli... no it wasn't even a post it was just an annoying noise).

    I'm playing a kick ass scenario called 'trap or something in el gobi or maybe at el gobo or somewhere near a gobi... oh & there’s a trap'.

    I recommend it...

    [ December 21, 2004, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  2. Damnations all of ya & a fecking new year!

    I now know that I should’ve restarted the thread like I was tempted to do… it’d have pissed of that damn Pengless bureaucrat plus it might have woken up that feckin Seanachai (He accuses ME of ignoring him yet I’ve written six posts aimed at him & gotten zilch).

    You know I (I being 37mm not 37 mike mike) managed to whinge my way to squire…ship, so there is precedent if I have to start whinging my way to becoming a knight.

    Ain’t bloody right of course, I’ve completed one quest perhaps if I complete another one that’d get more attention… that’s right another bloody one. TWO quests’… the secular world fecks me off sometimes…

    And another thing where’s that Irish buggar?

    Sodden off like the Tasmanian, that ShostiesIV, and that V24below (though that feckhead is no great loss), I tell thee!

    I also tell you that we’re losing SSN’s (& potential choir boys) because of poor rules & stuff… I don’t even need to tell you who I blame for that…

    (sigh) <font size=1>A bloody soddin lawyer, why a bloody lawyer?</font> (sigh)

  3. Originally posted by Hiram_Sedai:

    Last model thingy for this year:

    - My first Sherman




    M4A3 Sherman, 1/35th Tamiya, 1944 Ardennes Forest


    Does enjoy mean something different over there than it does here?

    250th post...

    [ December 20, 2004, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  4. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    It's really sad to see this....it's like the breaking of a young stallion, the taming of a wild tiger to perform in Las Vegas Shows, The beaching of a great sea mammal. The gelding of a proud bull, muzzling a spirited, faithful dog...all those things and more....

    Fear not Pengless New Yoika, I have not been tamed I am merely helping out my liege... its not as if I'm about to join the 'Woo-hoo the Justicar is THE greatest' club!

    I may as well bold his name as I try to destro... save him from himself.

    [ December 20, 2004, 10:04 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  5. Well it seems no-one is sending me turns (including a certain lady who got all stroppy with me not so long ago… *sigh* one rule for us & another for them ey lads?)… so I may as well dip my toe back into the pool once again & deal with our errant Justicar.

    Mr Joe Shmoe

    I feel you don’t understand what I’ve been trying to do, I can’t speak for Boo, but for me personally I haven’t been trying to destroy or humiliate you in any way if anything I have been trying to save you… from yourself

    You Joe must have realised long ago that your authority was slipping away, you needed a public relations victory, you needed ‘celebrity’… you chose wisely my Liege… he provided the movie star good looks & fine teeth to the crumbling justicarate.

    And yet you hadn’t been honest to Boo had you?

    You intended to merely use his aura, his essence & yet share nothing of your own ill gotten power. My liege if he has any fault it is a tendency towards being TOO loyal, TOO understanding.

    If I was him I wouldn’t have put up with the put downs, the lack of true authority, the parasitic 'feeding' by a decrepit old fool.

    But Boo stuck with it, he worked hard to smooth over the increasingly insane proclamations you were spouting out, he was more loyal than any one man had any right to deserve…

    However the final straw must surely have been your personal war against me… from the moment I arrived the sheer chasm between you & Boo has been made obvious to all. Whilst Boo has nurtured & cultured me as best he can, backing up my holiness with material & intellectual tools you have shied away from ‘the leading light’. Terrified by the firm questions I have asked of the corrupt Justicar

    You have used your dictatorship to humiliate the house of (sigh) JD Morse (sigh) but worse you’ve only ended up humiliating yourself…

    Joe it could have been so different…, you should have realised that Boo was a true partner & your righteous successor. Instead you forced him into becoming the anti-justicar & I suspect your hand in the witchery which even now lingers over him.

    The past is probably not a possibility any more… Boo’s resignation has allowed him to devote more time to his true love… faceted gemstones. I doubt he’d want to ever aid you again.

    However I may be of assistance… maybe not NOW as I’m only a Knight-to-be (indeed should be) but maybe later you could relax your grip on the reigns, hand over to someone with more jip, just for awhile, just till you get a control of things again, till the... the cloud clears.

    Come on Joe you can tell me about your problems, the burden of being Justicar must be great, who could have handled it so well for so long… but everyone has a breaking point… EVERYONE Joe… your point passed long ago… you’ve been running on borrowed time… I know you like Western analogies…

    Joe the wagon is leaving town

    All I want to do Joe is help you…

    [ December 20, 2004, 06:42 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  6. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    snipped as it was all a load of nonsense

    Oh Justicar, Justicar, Justicar

    Was it I who allowed some of the worst thread titles & rules yet seen to go unmolested, rules so confused that no SSN could fathom his rights from his privileges?

    Was it I who upon witnessing the greatest of threads & rules seen for many a moon decided to throw a benny which almost certainly aided in the closing of that glorious thread?

    Was it I who ignored thy masters blood hamster, who mocked our house at every possibility?

    Was it I who endlessly undermined his own hard working junior Justicar in front of everyone?

    Is it I who wets himself continuously yet simply waves a rule book that no-one has read & few believe even exists?

    Was it I who upon completion of my quest tried (unsuccessfully) to demote me to serf as reward?!?

    You are here today Justicar, undermined not by me but by yourself… you have no-one else to blame.

  7. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Shaw, this 37mm creature does not acknowledge me. He consistently ignores my posts.

    Nonsense you probably don’t remember, what with that honeycomb skull and all, but I cleaned your shoes. It was on page 6…

    The Justicar probably has a Pengless subsection or clause or something that prevents people crawling in the Cesspool

    [ December 19, 2004, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  8. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    A great Messiah you are. Take me for example, people are naturally attracted to me, without promises of sheep. I have narrowed it down to either my irresistable personality or the big bar magnet I'm holding.

    It's probably the personality though, magnets don't attract the saw dust that's filling your heads.

    Do you mean irresistible as in ‘I cannot resist giving him a kick in the dooleys’?
  9. Some people say they don't like the desert battles because they are all flat & featureless battlefields but can’t they play QB’s with medium hills, villages, medium tree’s etc?

    I agree that Matilda’s & to some extent Valentines are used too much in AK, Crusaders look cool at least just before they explode & burn…

    But then 80mm Stugs & Tigers were used too much by German players in BB so its just deserts I say...

  10. Originally posted by Nightwatch:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

    Hmmm I obviously need to work on my ‘converting’ technique…

    Well, maybe you ought to check out ancient/modern methods of recuiruitment.

    I mean, some offers of illegal substances and perhaps the possibility of female carnal pleasure and we would have been talking! </font>

  11. Originally posted by stikkypiss:

    Ugggh, and I thought this place couldn't get any worse. Despite the stirling work being done by the biologists as they try to sort this place out, there are now Greek speaking guys, and I'm not talking about the wholesome modern Greek. Noooooooooooo..ANCIENT Greek. Ewwy.

    Wholesome, modern, Greek… three words you’d never have thought would be in the same sentence. What next controversial, exciting, Belgium?
  12. Originally posted by Nightwatch:

    I had a horrible nightmare last night, something about some decrepid, smelly trampmm coming up to me, pawing me, mouthing some alchohol fuelled gibberish so slkurred that I could not understand it, and trying to interest me in some other tramp. It was horrible and loathsome, and the other tramp wasn't that nice either. He ran off ranting something, and then lit a match that caused his alchohol haze to combust.

    Hmmm I obviously need to work on my ‘converting’ technique…
  13. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    first (since my other points don't count)...since when are you "hurling HE"? You have had two days now to ponder your demise at my hands. Are you that afraid of me you non-turn-sending, egotistical, self-centered, narcissistic, sado-masochistic, God-complexed delusional....biologist?!? [/QB]

    I'll send the turns out in the morning or maybe later tonight, now I'm going off to see a movie... sheesh

    (Hiram you have my sympathies... actually no you don't)

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