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Posts posted by 37mm

  1. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    snipped because it didn't concern me... and toss that useless, arrogant swine 37mm at my feet.


    You have a tongue, don't you? Get busy putting a polish on them. [/QB]

    Err yes I have a tongue oh mighty, thread closing, reward-less ‘quest’ giving false 'god'... surely YOU should know that?

    Anyways as to your 'my boots are not spick & span, WHAT am I go to do?' problem I may indeed have something to help you...

    *37mm rummages in his lab & returns with a vial… 37mm pours the contents over the boots*

    There you go acidified rat guts I knew they'd come in handy for something…

    Actually thinking about this I’m not so sur…

    Ah buggar it…

    Your boots are now clean so If you don’t mind I’ll be off… busy, busy, busy… people to save, mice to torture, HE to hurl… ya know how it is…

    *37mm notices vacant expression*

    … well anyways I’ll be off.

    [ December 16, 2004, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  2. *Nightwatch pleasantly minding his own business, humming to himself, cleaning the Justicars ‘equipment’… he hear's a sound behind him*

    *37mm puts his arm around Nightwatch, Nightwatch is about to protest about that prime nochte thing again…*

    “Hello there me young sprout of a lad, working your way up in the world no doubt?

    NW: “err. Yeah”

    37mm: Let me show you something

    NW: “Oh no please, no more Mormon surprises!

    *37mm leads the young lad down an alley & they both come across a destitute waster, drunk & mumbling to himself about the prise of fish*

    NW: What is this? It’s terrible! Shouldn’t we help him?

    *37mm a cruel glint in his eye says*

    ... “Sure go ahead”

    *Nightwatch walks up to the old, daft buggar but as soon as he gets within three feet the fool hurls a brick, Nightwatch retreats with considerable groinal bruising*

    37mm: You see lad, that there is a knight, which one doesn’t matter, for most will end up in this state.

    NW: A knight… but, but I wanna b..

    37mm: Oh I understand what you want to be, there’s nothing wrong with the secular world, ambition, such as it is, is fine & all but… but it ain’t enough, not really.

    NW: the secular wor…

    37mm: You seem a nice enough chap, pleasant I’d go so far as to say… you know we don’t get many of those around here… and a good job too I say & through me Peng say’s. However what you are now is not what you will be if you stay the course. You’ll become bitter & twisted & hateful & desire only vengeance & blood… you’ll wake up drenched in all manner of foul liquids but that’s okay… it’s as it should be… its…pengfull

    NW: That sounds pretty awfu…

    37mm: But then… it never lasts, they become tired you see. They forget things & become confused… they forget PENG… terrible *37mm shakes head*... & they end up like this here knightPengless, a mere shadow of the vile, disgusting creature it must have once been…

    NW: errr…

    37mm: Remember one day when you see it all slipping away & you will… trust me… you remember this here moment & come to me for help. Peng can help & through him I... of course there is another way…

    NW: another…

    37mm: eye lad, another way… I could teach you of Peng… I’ll need disciples you see, choir boys as well, you could be one of them… the first of them… think about it… do you know what lad?

    *37mm puts his face right up to Nightwatch’s face, his slightly deranged eyes staring intently*

    NW: err... What?

    37mm: I’ve started having…visions.

    *37mm saunters off, a faint glow surrounding his person*

    [ December 16, 2004, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    snipped waffle...It's my understanding, for example, that young 37mm (a GREVIOUS offender in the Uppity department)... snipped waffle


    Justicar, Justicar, Justicar… what have we done to deserve you, ey Joe?

    If I am uppity then maybe it is because others here are down...ity

    There’s nothing wrong with that of course we all have our stations in life & we must remember where the railway tracks run (or don’t run, be it the case)… because if we don’t (though of course if we don’t I’m sure someone will) then we’ll drift off course, perhaps we'll be marooned forever on a vile dark, foreboding island (where it rains a lot).

    As such I propose rather than flinging rotten ooze (which if I may say does not befit your title) at the ‘leading light’ we should instead concentrate on dredging up those who linger at the bottom of the pool (not naming any names... other than rleete of course).

  4. But my pics are of the horse lubber grasshopper my dear... his is this one but black?

    Unless the black version he speaks off is the Horse Lubber... but that sounds like a load of nonsense...

    Hmmm you know if the Justicar started talking about bugs I'd criticize him no end for being Pengless, but in this case I got a game of CM out of my transgression. So even when I appear to act Pengless I instead become even more Pengfull.

    Truly am I blessed!

  5. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    Though the information given indicates that Georgia is not their "normal" range, it is the same critter....

    Now...in thanks, I'll even grant either or both of you a...*suspensful music ensues*...game. [/QB]

    Err which of the two critters was it mine (which looks like a kick ass grasshopper) or his (which certainly looks as if it befits an SSN)?

    Either way I just finished a couple of PBEM so I'd love a game... send me a set-up or I can send you one later... I'll make an AAR afterwards as well.

  6. This is a horse lubber load of nonsense... shiny, black, yellow stripes.

    Looks like nonsense probably is.

    For extra nonsensical info it can be 6cm long that’s big for an insect (In Britain it'd probably be top predator) in my opinion but as you refuse to give me an idea of how big an insect your looking for (size of a cat? Size of a centipede? Size of a car?) I’m not able to say this with any conviction…

    You know when fear strikes sometimes people remember things bigger than they actually were (shudders at the memory of a certain ‘incident’ with my liege a while back)… actually I don’t know if that’s true sounds like a load of nonsense I made up on the spot.

  7. I can barely believe I'm gonna say this but Limpy (or whichever one of the four dwarfs he is) could be correct (I wonder if that will go in his sig line).

    Perhaps we should want to leave this particuarly terrible incarnation of the thread behind. The only thing of note was my AAR... I don't even think there was a challenge within its walls.

    Too many images non-CM related as well…

  8. The worlds greatest Texan wrote...

    Sorry to burst your bubble there lad (actually I'm not, sorry that is, thrilled to in fact) but the late, great jd was and presumably still IS a member of the legal profession and a practicing attorney.

    37mm checks directory… chuckling to himself nervously (surely Joe Shaw is just stirring up trouble)… …


    37mm trembling nay convulsing with suppressed rage…. Only one thought… only ONE thought (that probably seems a lot to mace but nonetheless) burns through every synapse



    <font size=5>JUDAS </font>



    <font size=7>WHY BOOOO!!!!! </font>

    <font size=6>BOO Why?</font>

    <font size=7>Why?</font>

    <font size=8>Why?</font>

    Are you saying I’m a squire to a…. to a…. No it can’t be… surely not… I cannot write the words they are too horrible… how is it so… am I a squire to a…????

    <font size=8>BBBBOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!??????</font>

  9. Originally posted by Mace:

    That's only available for someone of MBT importance, like me!

    So many (three no sorry four) points I don’t know where to begin…

    (uno) I can of course self bold… I’m the Messiah (strange how people forget this it’s not as if I’m shy about the FACT)

    (err… deuxo) An Australian if my notes are correct (I’ll need the worlds greatest Texan of course to confirm this) cannot actually be of ANY great importance… does that extend to MBT importance… I’m confused my training hasn’t gone that far

    (triplexicoolo) Boo is my liege & he recognises me as NOT only the leading light of the house of Morse but also a potentially devastating ally against the ‘false Justicar’, ‘closer of grand threads’ and mortal enemy ( though I prefer nemesis) of ‘ The house of JDMorse' (who hopefully isn’t a lawyer as Shaw once eluded too)…

    (fouthtexico) Sod off you damned colonial & next time you come back here… well, I’ll send you away… again… to back from whence you came… which is where we sent you… so we’ll send you from whence you came which is where we sent you from whence you couldn’t come but unfortunately (modern technology and all) you have indeed come (calm down Emyrs)…

  10. Originally posted by v42below:

    I have to say, up until this moment, I have never seen someone kick themselves 13 times just to try and prove a point. I hope that hurt. By the way, who does this thing belong to again? What is it doing walking around without a leash and a muzzle?

    My, the standards around here have dropped! When will the knights remember that with squires comes not only great entertainment, but also responsibility. Especially when the cranial circumference of the squire is as tiny as implied by this one's username.

    Good day to you! <font size=8>SPLAT!!! </font> Aah, crap! Bloody perfect! The damn thing has left a Christmas present on the only clean part of the Cesspool - the way out. Come here and lick this off my shoe, sparky, lest I give you a side swipe BOOT to wipe it on your side. That's a good boy. Run along now, I'm sure your master is already looking for you and has lots of fun things *shudder* planned. [/QB]

    37mm stares at the screen open mouthed, his mind swirling with shock… he reaches for the 12 gauge, begins to turn it on himself & then decides… NO I’m better than this, this, this, THIS… arsehole licking nobody.

    Do you even know who I am?

    I’m the fecking Messiah you little fricking git! That means I not only have an infinite love of Peng but I also have an infinite ability to forgive myself.

    You talk to me of ‘dropping standards’ yet you don’t have ANY standards stool for brains, you are an SSN who for reasons that I don’t yet quite understand has been made a squire… but although you’re technically a squire you’re not a real one. You are less, LESS worthy of squireship than stickypiss! Stickypiss for Christ’s sake… if stickypiss was cow dung he’d not be worthy of fertilizing fields.

    Do you know what cow dung must do to fertilize a field?

    It just has to rot!

    Stickypiss isn’t worthy of being called a rotting piece of **** & yet he is STILL a more worthy squire than you… look Vdumbass the waffle thread was created for a purpose. It is here to house the people who just aren’t going to make it in the Peng challenge thread. You’ve been here for a year AND A HALF and yet your ‘claim to fame’ is…

    it is not being a proper Knight!

    Just stickypiss off!

    Oh and Before I forget…

    <font size=9>BOOT!!! </font>

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