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Posts posted by 37mm

  1. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    Yes, but ignoring him doesn't seem to be helping much. He's still doing it. But he won't for long...oh no, my dearlings...he won't for long...

    You know I like this Justicar… I’m not too sure where she stands on the conflicting relationship between Pengless bureaucratic empire-building and Pengful witty, hatred & vitriol but still she seems a marked improvement on the old one… hmmm… Perhaps it’s time for Joe to leave these lands & *cough* ascend *cough* to the wilderness with the other Olde ones?

    Either that or make him the Mutha Beautiful Scribe & keeper of a ship shape website (which nobody is sending newsletters to… looks like YET ANOTHER thing for ME to do… sigh)

  2. Originally posted by v42below:

    One paragraph? That's all I get? My dear petri dish licker, this simply will not do. It is now apparent that you are incapable of hatred even when optimum conditions for it are provided. I have no choice but to dispatch Harold on a covert mission to refill you with the venom that you lack. Operation "Desert Proctologist" will commence as soon as you are sound asleep.

    Oh I’m sorry have I entered the ‘rub v42below thread’ (yikes that’d be one Mutha Awful Thread)?

    No feckwit… this is the Peng CHALLENGE thread! I’ve challenged your contemptible little ass in considerable style & you’ve declined (I would’ve said it was due to me being so intimidating except it sounds like you’re running scared of the Belgian as well) in a manner that must upset all the watching squires & SSN’s (Is she REALLY a Knight mom?).

    You should be thankful that I speak to you at all… if on some occasions what I say amounts to only a paragraph you shouldn’t be like…

    “Oh no! The sky is falling, why can’t he write to me more? I’m so lonely”

    Instead you should be like…

    “Yippee! I was ignored & now I’m not, let me savour every single word… for one is infinitely greater than zero”

    So rejoice you puny, delicate, skirt wearing, sheep shagger for I’ve not forgotten you (yet) like so many others have (Peng some people have ALL the luck)…

    [ March 10, 2005, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

  3. Hatred update

    5.30pm Monday evening to 11.30pm Wednesday evening… One great seething ocean of hate. Oh sure I did ‘other’ things; I slept a little, I ate a fair bit, I drank adequately & I gathered some results but essentially they were mere distractions from my true purpose which is to love Peng & hate all unsaved folk.

    V42below has been vexing me… the lily livered, ‘please don’t shout at me 37mm’, stool sniffer (and I’m not talking about the carpentry kind) has seemingly been ‘rejuvenated’ by my insults. He now writes a few things that are almost interesting… only the things about me of course

    The Dear Lady Morraine has been vexing me… why can’t I have my turn?

    The Dearest Lady Y2K has been vexing me… “and has been on a mission to take over the MBT since he began posting

    Take over?

    I’ve been sent by Peng to save us all & keep the Cesspool as it should be*… a malign & festering sore seeping putrid hatred & rage.

    Every post I write, every word I utter, every thought I form is fated to bring us ALL (yes even rleete) closer to the ‘golden age'…


    ...I’m also a Knight of the House of (sigh) JDMorse (sigh) & my secular responsibilities prompted me to offer my service to the Justicar (despite our religious differences) if this is now deemed to be trying to ‘take over’ then I’m greatly saddened.

    *shakes head solemnly as if the whole world has gone mad*

    The Justicar has been vexing me… why are you so surprised that Seanachai STILL wants to end your tyranny? Did he not try to install a benign & loved King years ago?

    Lars has been vexing me… Harold (spelt but not bolded) has been washed in the Blessed Holy Water of Peng (which reminds me, O' great & lurking lord you’re late on delivery… if this keeps up I’ll have to supply my own Holy Water!) he can not possibly serve as a scepter

    *alternatively I’ve been sent to herald in the coming apocalypso and to punish you all for not hating Canadians enough but I try not to mention that possibility…

  4. Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

    If that *DWEEB* 37mm is left in charge in your stead, Fowl Joe, you will rue the day!

    Well derr [that by the way is the really annoying sound that young yank's make in those Peng awful high school movies], ain't that the point?

    As for the hatred update v42below, it is an UPDATE not a 'regular as clockwork' blog.

    I've adopted Harold (spelt but not bolded) as a disciple… a pretty fine fellow really

  5. Originally posted by v42below:

    Hmm Darth Vader… sounds a little lame doesn’t it really?

    “Hi I’m Darth”

    “Yeah sure you are buddy”

    No I’ve already stated that you are a ‘smear on my life’…

    Perhaps I should clarify this statement.

    ****e… faecal matter… turd’s… poo… greatly unpleasant stuff I think we’ll agree?

    So what if I was to say… I don’t know… “the last time I saw a piece of yellow ****e like you was when I was staring at the rear end of a French Poodle” (I know, I know that begs more questions than it really implies insults but still it’s just a ‘top of my head’ hypothetical insult).

    Would you be insulted?

    I don’t think so… or certainly not enough anyways.

    You see think about ****e for one second…

    Are you thinking about ****e?

    D’ya see what I see?


    ****e has substance, it’s natural, it provides life for hordes of creatures, ****e has impact, community. ****e is nothing to be embarrassed of or ashamed of… we all ****e. It is BENEFICIAL to ****e, having a ****e can be relaxing… not having a ****e is bad for you. ****e matters… people study ****e or the history of ****e disposal. There are experts on dinosaur ****e because it’s really useful stuff… ****e can fertilize fields which allow agriculture & civilization & BFC & CM. I also expect that a piece of ****e could probably play Combat Mission far better than thou. Indeed, all in all, it might not be too much of a leap of imagination to claim that ****e makes us what we are!

    And yet these are all traits I don’t want to bestow upon you with my, supposed, insult!

    This you see is why I consider you merely a smear… I cannot think of anything good to say about a ****e smear… JUST like you.

    EDITED a little bit, but to be honest I don't care... I get passionate when discussing ****e

    [ March 07, 2005, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

  6. Justicar Joe wrote...

    If no one else steps up to the plate I might have to consider making you the Probationary Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure In Training of the Peng Challenge Thread ... always assuming that Berli hasn't had you flayed and crucified first.

    You don’t mind if I take that as yet another title, do you?

    I’m starting to have difficulty in keeping track of them all

    [ March 07, 2005, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

  7. Originally posted by Lars:

    There were insults?

    Damn, now I have to go read the rest of that thread.

    Hah you call those insults?

    They're BARELY worthy of the Waffles… so (and forgive me if I’ve gotten the wrong end of the stick… which is presumably the left end) now that it’s confirmed that PBEM wont be in the next Combat Mission can we ask will CmXii feature new & improved Peng Challenge features?

  8. Justicar Joe wrote...

    I'll be gone for two weeks but as I've abandoned all CM games it won't matter in that department. I AM concerned, however, that the CessPool will fall into rack and ruin in my absence and without even the highly dubious assistance that was once lent by Boo Radley the rules will be neglected once again.

    What to do, what to do.

    I’d offer my services… but it could be dangerous merging the secular hierarchy with the religious hierarchy.

    Still I’m overly qualified for the task… I turn up at all the wrong hours in relation to the yanks, I’m often drunk and I’m ALWAYS cranky, I’ve been trained (if it can be described as such) by your former helper and I might be able to find time to bust v42below to SSN…

    Heck with traits like that do I even need to send in my CV?


    I’m the only one who actually noticed (and I suspect EVER notices) your post

  9. Originally posted by v42below:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by **YK2**:

    Hell Anton.... you got a STALKER!!!!!!!!!!

    [smilies in this post were ruthlessly smitten]

    I know! It's kewl, and by "kewl" I mean totally sweet! I hear - if you feed them right - with time they turn into half-decent mortal enemies. Either that or die a slow and painful death, which can't be all that bad to watch either. </font>
  10. Hatred update…

    Yesterday morning 2 to 5am… couldn’t sleep and drinking the lab ethanol doesn’t seem to be helping, why won’t Seanachai answer my questions? Perhaps I should’ve mentioned the rifle butt fantasies?

    Yesterday morning 5 to11.30 am… I sleep dreaming of rifle butt’s & v42below

    Yesterday shower time 11.30am to 12.30pm… daydream about v42below slipping in the shower & cracking his head on the end of my rifle butt…

    Yesterday afternoon 12.30 to 2.30pm… I see that v42below has posted, I cannot tell you how much each & every detested word vexes me… I’d probably detest it only slightly less if he said the words I want to here ‘Doorknocker PLEASE put down the rifle & why’ve you got it the wrong way round?’

    Yesterday afternoon 2.30 to 5.30pm… had a walk with friends, fed some duck’s, released a balloon… all spoilt by the crowds. I kept on seeing v42below… a fleeting glimpse here… a grinning inanity there… a shadow behind a shadow… all very disturbing… I wish I had my rifle… or a rifle

    Yesterday evening 5.30 to 9.00pm… Went to pub with friends… beer, crisps, pool… you know I don’t think a pool cue would be as much fun as a rifle butt

    Yesterday evening 9 to 12.30 am… I finish writing up some results but everything’s odd… According to the graph there is no optimum time for splitting open v42below’s neural cavity with a series of heavy dull impacts…

    This morning 12.30 to 4am… v42below wants to make me village idiot… he thinks flattery will get him anywhere? I’m STILL going to ‘release his potential’ with some major hot butt play… err rifle butt play

    This morning 4 to 9am… sleep, maybe I need more sleep… it can’t be healthy… well it sure beats having your brains beaten out I’d imagine

    This day 9am to 5pm… lot’s of staining, lot’s of hanging around, lot’s of waiting for my stain’s to develop, a bit of a quiet day really, what with all the staining & all… still it gave me lot’s of time to not think about v42below’s face & my butt… lot’s of time

    This evening 5pm to now… travelled home & wrote this, this thing… I think I’m getting better now… Peng that is one hell of an awful newbie… you need a Messiah pal? Cos I need a flock… sigh

    [ March 07, 2005, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Sir 37mm ]

  11. Originally posted by v42below:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Wow! That was wonderfully incoherent. Your Analyst must be a favourite at parties.

    Hmm, hmm, hmm, scrub, scrub, scrub...

    He's all yours, Berli. Don't forget to use square-headed nails.

    You're just jealous I've got the closest thing to a mortal enemy since you had Cabron69 and a Knight of the Pool, no less. Well actually he is less than that, much less. If only Joe had a spine, I wouldn't have to avoid typing that idiot's name (not Joe's, the fact that Joe is an idiot goes without saying) so as not to give him the honour of bolding it. </font>
  12. Seanachai I may be the Messiah & you may be a fecking wi… a feckiwi… a feck wit… but I understand my weaknesses & my strength’s & I understand your own… I don’t have many of the former of course but I do know that you understand hatred.

    It began… I don’t know a few months ago… twas an initial fling really at first a slap, a tickle, a giggle… but oh how has it developed.

    I’m consumed Seanachai… totally

    Last night I couldn’t sleep… every synapse, every space of my being was full of sheer, complete, total & absolute loathing…

    I don’t understand… we’re talking about ME… the fecking Messiah

    And v42below… the… the thing… that has a… v… in its name

    Why can’t I hate you or Joe or my liege or that triple damned Nu-Yoika?

    Why can’t I hate someone deserving of my hate?

    The twisted ‘my 56mm penetrating column is impotent’ feckwit Grog’ole Dorosh or perhaps… I don’t know… that Belgian (I know, I know he may be a piece of hippy Eurotrash but still… compare that fecker with v42below) or maybe… that other person… the one with the limp…

    Oh who am I kidding… I don’t CARE about any of those skidmark sniffing grave diggers… I ONLY care about v42below

    and WHY?



    How can such an unworthy *sigh* man *sigh*… deserve so much WASTED hatred?

  13. Originally posted by rleete:

    Edited to ask: Just what the hell have you been doing with an 88 shell that it pains you so?

    Oh don't worry it's nothing like what Dalem would get up to... I'm sure the Belgian will happily inform you of how much pain an 88 can give... even to one such as I

    As to Joe I consider myself in a truce with him & have held off my righteous attempts to impeach him... you can however bicker amongst yourselves till he ire’s me so

  14. Originally posted by rleete:

    How about we just ignore you, instead?

    Although it pain’s me like an 88 shell I have to say that the Justicar (Peng I hate using that title) is… I suppose he… I mean it appears as if… Joe Shmoe is right (thank Peng it's unlikely that I’ll be called to say that again)… The Wart from Ninny should SOD OFF… or get himself an account

    I mean how complicated can it be?

  15. Originally posted by v42below:

    Oh dear Peng


    Don't EVER talk to me as if we're equals we ain't you are a cowardly, plimsoll sniffing mousehole digger and... err I'm not


    The thread you helped close (perhaps the ONLY example of an interesting thing that you've done) was the second thread that I've had closed (and therefore I didn't really care... you get used to these things after a while)... I'm still pissed about the FIRST thread that I've had closed...

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