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Everything posted by 37mm

  1. The modern MBT's are practically immune to the older RPG warheads & ATGM's (AT-3's & 4's)... at least from the front anyway. Strykers (with their cages) & IFV's (with era kits) can also get lucky, if hit by such older weapons. The older weapons also have higher dud rates & I've, occasionally, seen old RPG's do absolutely no damage even to the weaker vehicles. Either way, the modern RPG warheads & ATGM's have increased capabilities. The AT-14's & RPG-29's especially, are extremely deadly... even to the most advanced & upgraded Western tanks.
  2. Thanks guys, that was just me playing around with the old Clear & Present Danger scenario originally made for CMSF. I expect I'll be making conversions for months, if not years. This one, for instance, is an underway CMA conversion... Slated to be the first map of a VC People's Militia campaign. Speaking of campaigns, we've begun testing of @puje's campaign... ... tense, very tense.
  3. @Stagler made them and apparently he uploaded three of his uniform mods to the site in April 2016. Presumably the links were working because @AtheistDane downloaded from them. However, by May, @Erwin reported the links were broken & @Stagler suggested the links had been "removed". I was just wondering if you recall anyone bringing this to your attention at the time?
  4. Hmmm, I must've messed that up somewhere... not that it really matters, as the tag is destined for the dustbin.
  5. I think it's a multi-part .rar file... you need parts 1 & 2 in the same folder & then you unzip part 1. Part 2 will then be unzipped automatically.
  6. Does anyone have the flora mod still? @Bootie Do you know about the CMMOD's links being "removed"?
  7. Nice pics... it's interesting that you've gone for dry conditions & the vehicle [dust] tag. I keep umming & ahhing at whether or not to make the vehicle dust default for the Bong-Hai Civil War era (it's already default for the Modern/Aftermath era). Originally, I envisioned most scenario makers would opt for damp (or even wet) conditions but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'll probably get rid of the [dust] tag for 0.95 & just create a new tag ([darkdust]?) for the black combat dust.
  8. With help from @Aquila-CM & his showcase scenarios, I think I've filled up all the gaps that he identified in his preview video. The modpack is fairly flexible these days. Hopefully 0.95 will be ready fairly soon, the 'Open Beta' is slated to be version 0.96.
  9. It would be a relatively simple model swap to make these low walls, unfortunately however (as far as I can tell) there are no wall .mdr's. Without access to the .mdr's, the only other option would be to create a (floating) railing flavour object in blender & then painstakingly place them along low wall sections.
  10. That's the general idea, both of the urban campaign & the [ikke] tag in general. I spent last night mostly fixing missing vehicle textures & silhouettes however I did find time to revamp that map slightly (a conversion of 'Rock around the Block')...
  11. Either way, your tendency to locate your scenarios near & around water has proven most useful for us*. My December work schedule is looking jam-packed so I'm not so confident of this "before Christmas" deadline... that does mean more time for Kham Duc, I suppose. *I was just playing around with some boats this morning.
  12. Yeah, another one of yours. In my defence, have you actually ever made a scenario which didn't prominently feature rivers or canals?
  13. I've recently playtested one of the larger (if not the largest) scenarios @puje has made for this map. I played on the, recommended for H&E, balanced "3d model quality" setting & the fps, as far as I could tell, never dropped below 30. I'm confident everyone will be able to play H&E.
  14. I'm surprised this thread fell off the first page. Here's a few screenshots from an H&E playtest...
  15. The Dutch were using DPM back in 2008, so I'm okay with them using a slight variation of the British Placeholder uniform seen above. It should be noted that I have little real skill with texture mods, so these 'Placeholders' are likely what you're going to be using for quite some time. I will be having a go at giving the Germans Flecktarn...
  16. After playing around with some of @Oleksandr's work, we have this Canadian uniform...
  17. @Aquila-CM has made another preview video... ... looks like I'll have to go over those Brits in particular. Anybody with the latest (0.94) build can check out @Combatintman's amazing map for themselves (it's, unsurprisingly, in the map folder)
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