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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by GhostRider3/3

  1. Right on, thanks for the heads up Vanir. Cant wait for the next module.
  2. Say is it just me or are there no JagdPanthers available. Do I have to tweak the dates? Most of them served on the Eastern Front if I am not mistaken except for the 654th Jagd.Abt.(Heavy) Anyways just checking, was looking to do a scenario with them. Semper Fi.
  3. Womble thanks for the heads up, and yes I have been caught a couple times by the Hunt of death. what is your method if there is no real Hull down position available,. Do you use slow and then reverse, that way the tank can at least shoot on the move? I normally scout with troops but sometimes you do not have the luxury, even then its a crap shoot if the enemy tanks are in a wood line, hull down themselves and not moving, infantry still is not 100 percent... but such is war.. the fog of war.
  4. Of further note, especially to those that are possibly new: German tanks have advantage obviously at long range, so if you can, keep distance with soviet tanks, even the Pz. IV can penetrate a T-34/85 at a decent range, however it would be prudent to be in hull down or in ambush.. surprise and retreat. Hunt to a point pause for 25 seconds or so then reverse.. Pop up tactics when you have an inferior tank. Panther, Tiger I, Tiger II at ranges will. take on anything the soviets throw at you, but again range is your friend, the Superior penetration values of the German main gun is amazing, its probably why most modern tanks today use Rheinmetall main guns. As far as SPG like the Stug, Jgd Pz.IV obviously they are great defensive pieces, and cheaper then tanks as far as points go. If you have not done so, making a quick battle with about 50 tanks on the board is amazing, especially with mods from Aris and Juju, and other sound mods. One last thing that I observed in my tests were that when tanks explode, or near misses by big caliber guns, can create issues with LOS.. normal for combat, so my tests were done in a combat type environment, not just lining tanks up against each other and blasting each other. both sides were moving, and not moving to get LOS, and in combat you have crew skill, turret traverse speed, optics if it actually has values, and obviously speed of tanks, (T-34/85 can be hard to shoot if moving fast) Armor values at odd angles and your main gun. So in the end I would rather simulate combat conditions then facing each other, unless all you want is a frontal penetration value.
  5. Well I just made my own test of sorts. Meeting engagement starting at 2200 meters. JS-1, JS-2, and a bunch of T-34/85 vs 3 Tiger II, and 14 Tiger 1. Basically had 15 JS1 and about 6 JS2, and then for kicks about 12 T-34/85. Played this 5 times, results were German victory every time. #1. All Russian tanks knocked out, 3 Tigers I KO, 1 KT weapon damaged. #2. All Russian tanks knocked out. 4 Tigers I KO, 1 KT KO, 2 Tiger1 with weapon damaged #3, All Russian Tanks destroyed, 3 Tiger I KO, 3 Tiger I weapon damaged, and 1 immobilized, 1 KT Immobilized #4. All Russian Tanks destroyed. 2 Tiger I KO, 3 Tiger I weapon damaged, and 1 KT immobilized #5. All Russian Tanks destroyed, 3 Tiger I KO and 1 Tiger I immobilized and another with weapon damage. NOTE: All German crews were Veteran, with 3 Elite King Tiger crews, motivation High. NOTE: All Soviet crews were Regular with JS crews being Veteran and JS2 crew also veteran with High morale, and one fanatic. half of the T*34/85 crew were veteran with High morale as well. Analysis: The Tiger 1 proves lethal at ranges of 1500-1700m to JS1 and T-34/85 frontal armor. Hull and Turret penetrations. The Tiger II (KT) was lethal at ranges up to 1800m or possibly to 1900m especially to T-34/85 and JS1. However even at ranges up to 1700m or so the KT was knocking out JS2 tanks. (I have to admit it was difficult to see what was up until I replayed each round or combat and tallied the hits from tank to tank, with the hit decals its easy to see the ballistics of what is actually happening, so my hats off to that). Soviet JS1 and JS2 do not have the rapid firing capability as the Tigers, so they are somewhat handicapped with the rate of fire they can throw against the enemy. They themselves would have a hard time to gain fire superiority unless they outnumber their opponent at least 3 to 1. The T*34/85 put up a decent volume of fire, but cannot penetrate the Tigers at distances over 1200m, by the time they closed in to around 1000m their numbers had been reduced. The volume of fire they did pour on to a number of tigers rendered their weapon systems or main gun to malfunction, there were a couple low hits by JS tanks that had rendered a couple to be immobilized. The Tigers that were knocked out were done by JS2-Js1 at a range of around 1300-1500m. of the 15 Knocked out Tigers, 9 were destroyed but not set on fire by JS1 tanks. The other 6 were set ablaze by JS2 tanks, most of which had taken side hull shots as they closed range to about the 1300-1200m range. The T-34/85 helped to suppress a few of the Tigers, which probably resulted in their demise. Such is war. 17 vs 35 my guess is, if there were another 5 to 10 Russian heavies, the figures would be much different. In the end the Soviets could afford mass losses while the Tigers were hard to replace and fix in a reasonable time to put back on the front line. Even the loss of 4 Tigers would hurt.
  6. Ok very strange. I have never noticed this before, I had just upgraded everything for 3.0 with my purchase of MG. Seriously the only new things I have done was downloaded a couple of Battles from Green as jade, and 1 campaign. Just seems really odd now.
  7. Hello, I have pretty much all of Aris mods very awesome. I recently downloaded Juju's UI and Aris Pz IIIG. Played a few missions everything is normal, then played another mission and all the Pz IV H Late tanks looked like bunkers when you got close, zoom out and they look like tanks. I took out the UI and the Pz IIIG mods and it still does the same thing. Any suggestions? I reinstalled Aris Pz IV megapack but the IV H still looks like a bunker up close with a 75mm gun in it. Zoom out and its a tank. thanks for any suggestions. J.
  8. I think I am going to do some testing myself this weekend. Sherman and (76) M10, Cromwell, and Churchill using the minute clock see how many rounds they can get off in a minute. Same thing with Pz IV H, J, Panther, Tiger, Tiger II T-34, T-34/85 JS-2 will do each one for 5 minutes to get the best average.. will mix it up with Regular and Veteran troops to see if there is a little difference.
  9. you hit it just right. Wanted to learn about how to create Triggers. Big help Pete, they should sticky all those videos as a Map editor tutorial section.
  10. Thanks Mark, I will check this out and experiment, the editor has always been pretty easy to understand, sometimes you have to look at it from a different perspective. thanks again.
  11. Yeah the "mortars" you get the 50mm are nothing more then glorified grenade throwers. Its a frustrating campaign.. well its really not even a true campaign as your fighting from Arnhem to Eindhoven. I would have rather seen maybe 2 German Campaigns, one around the Arnhem bridge entirely and the other of the counter-attack and defense of Nijmegen bridge. I do like the new material and the patch updates so making my own scenarios will be very fun.
  12. Good discussion. I have learned the costly way myself. No matter if the enemy is buttoned, or unbuttoned they will always, well mostly see you first if your moving into position, whether you are unbuttoned and hunting, the enemy if stationary will have optimal spotting advantage. As far as taking out IS-2 no problem there with Panthers or even a Pz IV from the side Hull. Taking on IS-2 from the front not such a good idea. Unless you have King Tigers, or 88mm AT gun hiding and in wait and they are moving, like everyone here taking them on the flank is best. NOTE: Has anyone noticed the rate of fire of the IS-2. I read somewhere the max was around 4-5 rounds a minute and that was with the later version, otherwise it was only about 2-4 rounds per minute.
  13. hello everyone. Say I was curious as if anyone has a video tutorial showing how to apply triggers and using the unit time entry and departure feature. Not that I find the manual to complex, but maybe I am more hands on. If anyone could post a quick video that would be extremely helpful for me and I know a few others on how to properly use triggers and the unit time delay feature where you have them arrive at or by a specific time and then exit.. which I cant figure out for the life of me. plotting down a nice waypoint is nice but I want them to stay at one place for awhile before assaulting, or hunting to another point, but I don't get how to apply the time feature for units. thanks for any assistance on this.. great new feature with triggers, just want to be able to use it right.
  14. In all Honesty the first Divisions to receive the Stg.44 were the 1st ID, and the 32 ID Divisions, both on the Eastern front. I read somewhere where the combat elements were so equipped to test the weapon. This occurred after their refit on the Eastern Front, and because of ammo shortage only the 1st ID was fully equipped. after testing I believe they were sporadically sorted to premier divisions first on the Eastern front, this was supposedly to combat the Soviet SMG squads. Obviously with transfers of units they would of course be found on the Western front, and obviously the Ardennes area. I cant for the life of me find where most of them were kept in a warehouse. I also looked up the cartridge as well, and there is a unknown amount produced, but the round was very much used by about 5 different weapons in the later stage of the war. The round was developed as early ad 1938 I believe. If anyone has literature to where or why the weapon was hidden , I would like to see it for myself, I think it is sort of myth. but maybe not, the weapon was used by the East German Police an manufactured although somewhat altered I believe in Argentina.. and was used in the Syrian civil war.. which makes sense as they actually had some Pz IV tanks.
  15. Did Germans use Green tracers? I remember a mod with the old CMBB, but was not sure if its even possible to have two different colors of tracers with Red Thunder, or that even of the other series. Have not seen any so I guess not. James PS: I apologize if this had already been discussed, I may have put in incorrect search data.
  16. Well I replayed the scenario with the Patch that fixes HE rounds... works both ways, so be careful out there. Its much easier to suppress or even have the gun crew abandon the gun if under heavy fire. So things are working better then ever, but the flip side, it can happen to your crews just the same.
  17. True.... I basically scrubbed the KM attack mission and restarted from where they defend the bridge. It is interesting at the last minute they have almost 3 platoons that devastate the one side of the bridge leave not much time to retake that side. Anyways again just another odd scenario but it is challenging and I like that.
  18. Thanks for the advice, I don't think I will replay the Kreigsmarine scenario.. it was too linear, no support, and if the scenario requires that much "gamey play" to find the right position to employ the HMG...then to me it really does not feel realistic. Scenario's in my opinion should be created to let the player be creative, not restricted to a couple avenues on obtaining a victory. Anyways the ambush one I will try again, however I feel that it is abit gamey as well in my opinion. I do appreciated the time involved to create these maps... lord knows I have spent weeks-months sometimes just creating one. Thanks for the hints... will try again.
  19. Has anyone modded the Ausf. J with Wire mesh? conversion from plate Schurzen to wire-mesh Thoma type. Just checking. Thanks for any assistance.
  20. I actually found the missions more difficult. After the first mission.. which I could only achieve a tactical victory the next 3 were complete defeats. Maybe you can explain your method, because I found the German campaign to ridiculous. The Kreigsmarine, low ammo, no support with 1 company attacking Crack troops that happen to be able to have kill zones on all points of the map.. I did that mission 8 times, every single time complete defeat, too many casualties. Its obviously correct to make them green, vs Crack Veteran troops but they are virtually in my experience at least worthless. Attack from the left, 3 points where the US forces see you and suppress the advance. Right flank same thing although the Germans can be attacked by 3-5 buildings. Center... out of the question, Using smoke was a joke as it goes back up the hill in your face, so you cant even cover your advance... The Ambush mission I found to be a joke as well as the map is perfectly created for advancing armor, there are extremely few points to even put the 88 Flak gun, and the AI usually goes in the wood on the far right flank where the lightly armed Germans are overrun quickly by the mass infantry... which can spot your hiding defending troops pretty effectively from both sides of the map.. I have played that about 5 times and at the most I can get 2 Sherman tanks and a few of the AC.. no thanks to the 88 which is large and gets suppressed easily and then destroyed. so you effectively have to use infantry and by that time they are mostly pinned down, suppressed or already annihilated, as the designer created the AI wonderfully to advance the scouts and infantry ahead of the tanks making sure that any Panzer Shrek teams, and infantry would be dealt with by the time the tanks roll. Great maps, I like the use of the interesting equipment but if anyone has any pointers on how to actually make it thru the campaign at least maps 2-4 that would be great. I feel they should have been stand alone missions and not a campaign. If the missions were so important as to affect the entire campaign in which the allied forces would make it over the Rhine I would have expected different scenarios. I guess I feel that the German campaign was designed with only maybe a couple ways of winning, the maps themselves do not offer much for the player to do as it seems possibly there are only one way to achieve victory. I guess when I create maps, they offer the player multiple ways to achieve their goals. I feel like the German campaign was like going thru a tunnel, while on the other end is the enemy.. not that many choices on how to win. Like the German defense of the bridge, The right side of the bridge gets completely overwhelmed in infantry at the end, and by the time you get reinforcements they can not cross the bridge because its already being attacked on the left.. Right side gets overwhelmed and again no time mission ends and you get what you get. Thanks for posting any hints, although I am a veteran player, I don't mind being critiqued. I guess I perhaps do not enjoy such linear maps where there is only one way to successfully achieve a victory.
  21. Center Mass... besides in combat a immobilized tank is still a threat. If I have rounds available... I make sure every tank is brewing.
  22. I watched the movie.. and although I agree heroic actions did happen... the ending was laughable. Bottom line.. Its hollywierd.
  23. Nice... Idiotic me... I knew looking at the map longer and planning better this would be the better approach.. But like some grunts.. I like to learn the hard way.. Loading it up now.. third time should be a charm.. here is hoping for at least a tactical victory. Semper Fi.
  24. Thanks Bill, I remember the first version was fun.. but it looks much more grandiose now.. So I will give it a go.. need another game anyhow.. the Market Garden Campaigns are taking a toll on me.. Thanks for your post.
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