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Everything posted by Jaska.

  1. Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to not to follow it. Maggot. :mad: GGGRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH !!!! This morning at work I had frikkin' Tina Turner singing in my head. It can't get much worse than Tina Turner in your head at 4 am. :mad: I've begun a PBEM with a long time opponent of mine. We've had some good battles between us. It's good to be back (again).
  2. Could you send it to me for testing via email please ? I haven't registered to The Proving Grounds.
  3. Sodding maggots. I've started working out, so newly-chucked TNT reaches whole new heights before raining down upon you miserable sods. I've also been trying to reawaken my CMBB-habit, and at the moment am doing a scenario featuring Wittmann in his Tiger-tank. I'm supposed to assault this open map with my 4 Tigers, two platoons of Pz IV's and a company of motorized infantry. When I started the battle I nervously awaited for the first ambush. And waited. And waited. The first contact was some measly ATR slash ATG killing a half-track. He was taken care of. Swiftly and with anger. One of my Tigers has also destroyed three T-34 m43's, singlehandedly. Those tintanks probably had zero chance of a kill. It's not been too exciting so far...
  4. It's quite sad to see an old, feeble pensioner such as yourself taking pride in that someone referred to him as a "man"... But then again, I suppose the pleasures of life are few and far between in your old age. :mad: Did you take your overdose of meds yet ? :mad: If you did, take more. :mad:
  5. <font size=6><font color=white>W<font color=blue>H<font color=red>O<font color=yellow>, <font color=green>M<font color=pink>E<font color=gray>?<font color=orange>?</font> </font>
  6. "I WISH TO PLAY 'DR. SARAFINA PENELOPE ATTAR' IN ' UEBER ALLES' " She's got a HOT-sounding name. :mad: Anyone called PENELOPE must be über-HOT. :mad:
  7. Should any of you maggots be interested in some good ole' fashioned swordplay, or I'm gonna get Medieval on your a$$ :mad: :mad: :mad: , then this game should be just the thing you're looking for ! Mount & Blade There's not much in the way of content - as in quests etc - but there's plenty of violence !
  8. How can an artillery projectile be guided inflight ? Did I understand correctly that the shell will alter its flying trajectory while flying towards the target ? How is this possible ?
  9. Actually, you can only speak for yourself, old man. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. I'm sure you've got fond memories of your date of birth, 1848, old man. The rest of us couldn't give a sh... :mad: Don't give up yet on CM:SF, though. I reckon the infantry-battles should kick a$$. :mad: Not that interested in the armour-bits, but the new engine should make infantry-combat that much more interesting ! Allahu Akbar ! Allahu Akbar !
  11. I'd like to pre-order, please. When can I pre-order ?
  12. Take your time. I want to have an outstanding game in, say, summer 2007 before a crappy one this summer !
  13. Great, then you've got plenty of other games to think about while waiting for CM:SF, yeah ?
  14. I do get the message you mention. As I try to refresh the server list, I keep an eye on my modem. The led which indicates activity gives a few blips at the start, then remains inactive. Soon I'll get that message "No servers where found". I did check my firewall settings, and DT is allowed access to the internet. Apart from that, I can't understand what may be the issue here.
  15. Sergei: LOL !!111! Mikä on kun ei taidot riitä, mikä on kun ei onnistu....
  16. It's good to include blue-on-blue and red-on-red fighting imo, it eliminates all that whining about the other player having superior equipment! I mean, it's not once or twice that *I* used to complain about my poor Soviet armour getting KOed several times before I could even get within effective range...
  17. I think Poo Radley is missing his bag of poo here ? *returns it, looks at it with disgust, and leaves*
  18. Cheers Poo Radley, but I don't think we appreciate bags of poo quite the same way you penguins do. Now sod off to enjoy poo with your comrades instead.
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