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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Panzertwat, (Check spelling twice, yep, Panzertwat it is). Beautifull map, going on my copy tonight! DavidI
  2. "'MickeyD' is the name of a burger joint." Sort of. DavidI
  3. Zimorodock, I want to express my thanks to you for opening your site to the great modders during and after CMMODS being down. It looks like being more than a crutch. DavidI
  4. MikeyD, Puuurrrrfect! Oddly enough I am at home and can get them right now. Did you forget the time zones or sumfink? Again, Great! DavidI
  5. Dandelion, TomCMCHQ was also working on a Greece 1941 project that would have changed the textures in the early war (North Africa) portion of the game. Very ambitious. Overly so for this boy. Eichenbaum, Thank you. DavidI
  6. Eichenbaum, I sincerely appologize. In the event that I take on another project like this, which I doubt, I will make a greater effort to contact the artists prior to use. DavidI
  7. Brent, Mention not either butter or lemon. Disgusting! Yours, Sithedeth Spokesman, Space Lobsters Anti-Deffimation League
  8. Larry & British Tommy, Thanks for your support. Again the scenarios were included to get people started right away. Since I released this 3 days ago a number of Scenarios have been added to The Proving Grounds and The Scenario Depot. From now on everybody's on their own. And now that CMMODs is back up every one is on their own in the mod department too. Right now I am busy bringing my CMAK game back up to late war Italian standards. Again thanks, DavidI
  9. What a great day! DavidI
  10. Simovitch and Windy City, Thank you very much. Some how I missed Twin Villages, but folks can go to the Depot to get it (as will I). I ment the scenario portion of the mod only as a get started now kind of a thing. Again, thanks for your support. DavidI
  11. MikeyD, Heady praise indeed, coming from one of my mod heros. Thank you, DavidI
  12. An added note: I removed the Eidelwiesse (I am sure I just misspelled that) from the German Mountain troops. As far as I know no Mt. Divisions were deployed in NWE. They do make a fairly good substitue for VG SMG Platoons for those of you designing Scenarios with VG units in it. DavidI
  13. Athlete, Be not ashamed! Behold! ETO = European Theater of Operations Go forth enlightened one! DavidI
  14. Le Tondu, Thanks. It was actually TomCMHQ's vision. BTW I can't wait till we cross swords in BON. DavidI
  15. Aragorn2002, It doesn't really matter when you install the 1.03 patch, as long as you do. DavidI
  16. Pzman, I was concerned about adding the scenarios. There are a number of authors, and I did not think I was violating any of the rules of "The Senario Depot". It took me about 2 hours to download and unzip them and I thought I would spare those seeking scenarios for ETO that time. I thank you for your support, and I hope the other designers agree. I will glady remove that convience from CMETO if necessary. DavidI
  17. Well here it is at last: This is what it looks like in the summer: This is what it looks like in the winter: Instructions for Installing CMETO: 1. Reinstall your CMAK game. When prompted for what directory to put your game in change "Battlefront" to "BattlefrontETO" and "Combat Mission Afrika Korps" to "CMETO". You will be prompted again for a destination change "CMAK" to "CMETO". Let the game install. You now have another copy of CMAK on your computer called CMETO. 2. If you have heavily modded your CMAK game to include winterized tanks/vehicles/uniforms, etc. You will now want to transfer your modded BMPs to CMETO. Go to your CMAK BMP file and "Copy" the files you want then go to your CMETO BMP file and paste them in. 3. Go to the CMETO "Scenarios" folder and delete all the scenarios (they are all North Africa and Italy scenarios). 4. Go to the following Site: http://www.tspindler.de/cmak_mod/ and download the CM ETO Mod. 5. Download the CMETO zipped file to your downloads folder. Extract the zipped file directly into your CMETO BMP folder and answer "Yes to all". Note: The extracted zip may form it's own folder inside your CMETO BMP folder. If it does you will need to open that folder and copy all the BMPs and paste directly into your primary CMETO BMP folder and answer "Yes to all" when prompted. 6. On the same site you will find a CM ETO Uniforms file. If you need 1944 uniforms, both summer and winter, Allied and German this is where to get them. Follow the instructions given in "5" above. 7. On the same site you will find a CM ETO Scenarios file. This is 70 NWE Scenarios from "The Scenarios Depot". Follow the instructions in 5 above, but extract into your CMETO Scenarios File. 8. Make sure you are on version 1.03, download from BFC if you are unsure. You are now done and have, in effect, a new game to play (sorry still no Tiger II's or Cromwells). Until such time as a real artist takes on this project you are stuck with with my clumsy cut and paste technique. The concept for this Ubermod was TomTCMHQ's. Over a year ago he announced that he was going to put out a "Combat Mission: Beyond the Seigfried Line", but then he dissappeared. I hope I have done justice to his concept, and I hope he is OK where-ever he is. None of the original artwork in this Ubermod is mine, I am simply a cut and paste hack. I would like to thank the following true artists for their excellent work: TomTCMHQ - Light Snow, Splash Screen, Tree Bases and Muddy Roads (which I modded heavily by narrowing the "Gage" so that the vehicle wheel bases rest on the muddy tracks instead of between them). Eichenbaum - Grass Panzertruppen - NWE Buildings (some of which I modded) Undaunted - High Res Skys Junk2Drive - Wire fences (slightly modded) AndrewTF - His incomparable Uniforms (some of which I modded) All the scenario authors at "The Scenario Depot" - I did not make a single scenario - all the credit belongs to them. I would like to thank Junk2Drive for his encouragement and sage advice, George Mc for playtest and Torsten for setting up the Site. I hope you enjoy this ETO look as much as I have, DavidI [ June 07, 2005, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  18. Frenchy, Thanks alot for sharing! Some absolutely great pictures and tons of them! DavidI
  19. Gurra, I dig the Panther A's! They look perfect along side your IVH, SPWs and Jagdpanzers. Give me a "G"! I eagerly await your mods in this series, they absoluletly are perfect for ETO. DavidI
  20. From what I can observe it is determined by whoever is my opponent of the momment. If he needs five more turns to reach an objective, he gets it. If he needs the game to end immediately in order to keep me away from an objective, it ends. Thats my theory and I'm sticking to it. DavidI
  21. Yep, Pzman is right. I have redone the muddy roads so that vehicles fit on the tracks rather than between them and a few other things. I am just a cut and paste man (or hack, if you will). I hope it will stimulate some of the real artists to do complete new NW European buildings and light snow. That said, my testers have been happy with the results. Having some problem with arranging the site, but am still working on it. DavidI
  22. Dey, I would be very interested in a reworked "Goulash" scenario. Anything to do with the Hungarian entry point? So please do. As to Panfilovec I need to complete my CMETO project and get over my self administered drubbing. We'll see. DavidI
  23. For Those interested: Ran into a couple of little snags trying to get CMETO out. I am hoping for Monday May 16, 2005. DavidI
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