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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Patboy & mike8g, I did some compair/contrast experiments with the Pak 38 & 40 and you are absolutely right! These are not Zimorodok's guns, ergo they must be Gordons! I will change my credits to reflect the real artists work. Thank you for pointing this out to me. DavidI
  2. Sticks head above lip of hole, looks around, no one throwing rocks. Climbs out, dusts himself off, and shuffles away whistling some unknown tune. DavidI
  3. KG Jag, EEEEEKKKKK! :eek: I am mortified! I used the wrong BMP numbers for the late war AT Guns! I have corrected them at CMMODS. I sincerly appologize for any inconvience this may have caused you. I will go crawl in a hole now..... DavidI
  4. EEEEEKKKKK! :eek: I am mortified! I used the wrong BMP numbers for the late war AT Guns! I have corrected them at CMMODS. I sincerly appologize for any inconvience this may have caused you. I will go crawl in a hole now..... DavidI
  5. KG-Jag, Did you create a seperate CMETO game, as per the instructions? Do you have both a CMAK game and a CMETO game? If so, your mods must go in the CMETO BMP file to show up in CMETO. DavidI
  6. Patboy, Then I am very confused! I took the pictures of the same guns I zipped. :confused: DavidI
  7. KG-Jag, 1. I really don't understand why the 75 Pak 40 AT gun didn't appear if you just downloaded and installed. Are you sure you installed it? If you unzipped it into the CMETO BMP file it would appear as a folder, you would then have to open that and copy/paste the BMPs into your BMP file. 2. COMMODS 3. I'm not sure that one has ever been successfully done for CMAK - the BMP's are different than CMBB - you might want to put out a "Can someone do this" on the forum. 4. CMMODs DavidI
  8. I have just posted at CMMODs the following Winterized German Guns: 75mm Infantrie Gun 1918: This is Gordon Moleks winterized Inf gun from my CMBB Special Edition disk. I did no artwork for this mod. 50mm Pak 38 AT Gun: This is Gordon Moleks winterized AT gun from my CMBB Special Edition disk, renumbered for CMAK. I did no artwork for this mod. 75mm Pak 40 AT Gun: This is Gordon Moleks winterized AT gun from my CMBB Special Edition disk, renumbered for CMAK. I did no artwork for this mod. Enjoy, DavidI [ June 05, 2005, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: David I ]
  9. KG_Jag, Will have winterized German AT guns up today. DavidI [ June 03, 2005, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  10. KG-Jag, "What are the BMP numbers for the winter PAK 40? I believe that that one is missing from ETO as released". Odd, I didn't include any Support Weapons, Tanks, etc. just terrain & uniforms. :confused: DavidI
  11. Late War Heer Panzergrenadiers - Italy. After I put out CMETO I went back and looked at all the ETO mods I had done to the Late War Italy units. In an effort to re-Italian Front the look I have changed them all out. Here is the first of my mods to bring a distinctive "Italian Front" flavor to CMAK. These Panzergrenadiers wear light weight cotton "Reed Green" uniforms topped with Water Pattern Smocks and Helmet covers. The Squad Leader wears sturdy wool pants. Options include helmets with out helmet covers and wool pants for the squads and crews. A very distinctive Italian Front look indeed. I did not include Company and Battalion Officers in this mod because it would change your C&B Officers for your Infantry and Mountain Troops. For the Heer you cannot go wrong using Andrew TF's excellent "Late War Reed Green" uniform pack. All of the original artwork is that of AndrewTF (The Great and Powerful), I meerly cut & paste. More to come. DavidI
  12. Kellysheros, Hide ye hence to the Scenario Depot and Proving Grounds, both of which can be found under "Resources" above. Glad you like it. DavidI
  13. Jurgen, Click on Zimorodok's link above for some of the latest tank mods. The primary source for all types of mods is CMMODs. DavidI
  14. Gurra & MikeyD, Downloaded your mods last night, and let me tell you, they are superb! I'm kinda a Gurra man for CMETO, but MikeyD's Pz IVH lurks the hills of Italy and rolls on the plains and forests of the Russian Front. Keep up the good work, both of you! DavidI PS - Gurra, don't forget those SPW's! di
  15. Andrew, Screenie: Features Heer Panzer Grenadiers in Cotton "Reed Green" uniforms, with "Water Pattern" smocks and helmet covers. Squad Leader wears sturdy wool pants. Options would include wool pants for squads/crews, plain helmets. No Company officers, but would recommend your Reed Green, Late War uniform. SS would be kinda the same, greener smocks, tan tunics, pants, wool pants for the SL & CO's. DavidI
  16. Andrew TF (the Great and Powerful), I have been re-Italianizing my late war CMAK game. I have done some of my cut and paste modding on the Heer & Waffen SS Mechanized units. I think they turned out pretty good and would like to upload. But I do want to make sure I am not working on something you are working on. In short - Is this alright with you? DavidI
  17. Gurra, But I am killing him with your beautifull Panther A's! (don't get cocky Dave, scenario isn't over yet - go reread "how do you lose" thread at CMBB). DavidI
  18. Gurra & MikeyD, Beautiful! Gorgeous! I can't wait to get home and download those puppies! (Looks up at wall clock in office - notes that hands apparently have stopped moving. Sighs, resigns himself to a long day.) DavidI
  19. Junk, Hadn't noticed that yet - will play around with it. DavidI
  20. Scipio, I'm with you on that one! I think that would be totally cool. Let's hope BFC agrees. DavidI
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