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Everything posted by John1966

  1. I thought this was a thread about pixtruppen forcing windows so they don't die in a hail of bullets going in through the "wrong" door. Disappointed.
  2. This is where it's already pretty dark and theoretically getting darker. About 10pm in the summer. I thought it might be to do with the time though.
  3. But why does the lighting effect change a few turns after turning it on? It's a very sudden and definite thing.
  4. Bit puzzled by this (new to me) feature. Actual night (with the artificial brightness) seems darker than it used to be (I've been away). Is that right or my imagination? So you sort of have to use the artificial brightness (when it didn't seem a problem before). Turn it on and you get a very pleasant "moonlight" effect that looks pretty cool. Still seems night but you can see enough and it's atmospheric. Then after a few turns, it suddenly lurches into a sort of 'orrible artificial day that looks nothing like night at all. Easy to forget it's night, in fact. And you can't get it back as it was. Turn off the brightness and it's pitch black. Turn it back on and your back to the artificial looking light. Can't get the moonlight back. Is this all deliberate? Am I missing something?
  5. Where the enemy arty is landing is something I often treat as an indicator of whether I'm ahead or behind schedule. If it it lands right on top of me, I'm obviously in the right place.
  6. Absolutely. And if you're playing the Brits in a WWII scenario, they're essential. Amazing how difficult it can get for the Brits without them.
  7. I assumed as much but I wasn't sure if it was modelled into the game. From what you're saying, it is. I only play the WWII version of the game so that doesn't come up very often.
  8. Slightly off topic (but not entirely): If you order your FO to hide after calling a strike, does that affect the accuracy? Being doing it a lot lately to avoid the scenario in the OP but it seems the arty is coming in all over the shop.
  9. Er, no. It's my name. You may be able to guess how old I am.
  10. Once you get used to it (and it seems to be better without shaders), it looks garish and hideous when you turn it off. So I'm stuck with it now.
  11. Imagine my horror when I spotted my typo when it was too late to edit. Hoped no-one would notice but here we are. Oh, the ignominy.
  12. Actually, no that was someone else. I did post something about Holy Ground but not about the doors (which I didn't notice, TBH).
  13. I'll try and remember next time it happens. But recent examples include one-storey isolated house and a two-storey town house adjoining an identical one. Both had doors front and back and the door in front of the pixeltruppen was ignored in favour of the one round the other side with unamusing consequences. I'm normally too busy swearing to remember to screenshot.
  14. It happens in CMBN. Saw it last night. Seen it many times and I haven't got the MG module yet.
  15. This was actually done in real life by the 43rd Wessex after some unfortunate incidents around Caen.
  16. You'd think soldiers fighting in an actual combat zone would be able to get around the problem of a locked door. In fact I'm always slightly baffled they never elect to use the windows. Given the choice of walking into a hail of bullets or inconveniencing themselves climbing through the window, I know which I'd choose. And trust me, I'm far too old and fat to treat climbing through a window lightly.
  17. Only because someone alluded to it further up the thread. I'd have thought they were the same too.
  18. Due to my frustration with doors I searched "doors" and came up with this. My pixeltruppen ignore perfectly good doors in front of them all the time only to run round the building into a hail of fire. Particularly frustrating moment last night when I patiently waited for the engineers to arrive to blow a hedge so my guys could get into a building through the "safe" side. Guess what they did? But reading some of this thread, is this largely a problem in CMBN rather than the later releases? I note someone saying it happened occasionally in CMFB but "occasionally" is preferable to the regular frustration I currently seem to be experiencing.
  19. The problem with the first mission is that your tanks can't go off road due to the mud and there's mines at the crossroad. That's the only place the tanks can get into the town. So you're bound to lose at least one tank. In my case I also lost the second to a Panzerschreck round trying to get round the first. I then compounded that by realising taking the second objective was now impossible so committed far too many troops to trying to get the last two resistors out of the first in a house surrounded by a high wall with one way in. Never got them out and lost a load of men trying. So second mission was without armour and with highly depleted numbers. One of those cases where you'd be better placed not going after either objective, just get a toehold to deny the enemy getting them.
  20. I think there was a Goodwood scenario for CMx1 if anyone is feeling retro.
  21. Believe it or not, I have come on here at precisely midnight just to reply to my own comment with, "I'm talking cobblers, it's Epsom." But you beat me to it. I'm sure naming operations after race courses seemed a good idea at the time. I'm sure there must have been Operations Chepstow and Uttoxeter but I can't be arsed to check.
  22. Isn't the Scottish Corridor campaign Goodwood?
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