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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. I have XP and a partitioned drive c: e: f: CMBB on e: I copied the folders from the disc to a folder on e: Try that first. Did you download the 4.03 from CMHQ and try running it? Your antivirus or something may be preventing access to the disc file.
  2. Ironic Steve should mention SP. For a couple of reasons I installed SPMBT this week. I still don't understand the people who play SP and don't like CM.
  3. Night battles I don't mind. Big battles don't do well on my PC. I'd be happy to try. I wouldn't know if it's historical though. Maybe that'sa good thing.
  4. "And the designer can always claim that his unrealistic foray into map-editing was an intentional exercise in producing a training scenario." Then they can check the box that says "fictional"
  5. I googled for schmegg and gnep and couldn't find any historical references. Maybe that is why the designer fudged it. Seriously, you had me reading your post as if it was a real scenario. The wombats and the rest got me wondering. Sometimes CM doesn't do what you want but the designer should state the adjustment or liberties they took in making the scenario.
  6. Paul AU and Exeter, the normal CMAK install puts a Battlefront shortcut on your start menu. In that item is the game and a pdf icon for the manual. I just checked my BB install and do not see the same. Since I have the BB paper manual, I guess I never looked. Sorry for the misinformation.
  7. Following David's post, sometimes designers give you setups that are out of the scope of CM. Things that take an hour to setup in a 30 minute battle look nice in the tables and balance the points total but just add to the frustration. Same with accurate maps with roads that don't work with CM vehicle movement.
  8. If crews can only exit the map then they would not be able to recrew abandoned AFVs as some people want. Another idea would be to have no crew units at all. The AFV is out of the game and no one appears outside.
  9. While delays and loss of contact may be more realistic, if the new game is worse than Soviets in BB, it is not going to sell IMO. It has to be a fun game first. Make x2 too frustrating and complicated and it's going to bomb.
  10. Sounds like you learned a lot. Guessing that you are new to the games, you will find out lots of little changes in gameplay based on weather. Night battles add a whole other dimension. And fear of friendly fire from behind. Come on over to the proving grounds and have a look at the new learning tips.
  11. At www.cmmods.com under CMBB Ncrawler's is under Astrocat's name. OE8 is under his name. Capt Wacky's came with the CMBB SE disc. It is good IMO. It also comes with MPEG suite to convert mp3 in wav and instructions on the proper wav output. email me if you want a "sound map" of the sound numbers in bo and bb.
  12. My troops were sneaking down a slope and well below was a mg bunker that started firing on them. The LOF from the bunker bent up, over the rise, and down to my troops, who were hugging the ground. From level one I could not see the bunker. So it works both ways.
  13. Mikey, scenario orders, you mean briefings? What I was talking about is the same as the 3 .txt briefings we use now only as a html page instead of text. You type some text, import a jpeg map and save a html. Like Juju's small arms lists, McMMM instructions.
  14. I don't know enough to give an overall opinion, but I like the shadows and details.
  15. Doesn't Warcraft/Starcraft have a come and go FOW system? Been a while since I played it but I thought it did FOW well.
  16. "IIRC Westy had an outstanding military record of WW2 as a paratrooper. During the Korean War he commanded the only involved airborne regimental team. Later he commanded the All American division and worked in some committee. There he was one of the developers of a new conception of airmobility. This conception completely changed the face of the battlefield - from 2D to 3D. It was that revolutionary future that overhelmed the VC and NVA, who found themselves completely unprepared for this new style of war. " Playing CM in Vietnam, you no longer feel guilt for viewing from level 3-5. Maybe CMx2 will be..... (Quote from a post at Axis History Forum What did America need to win in Vietnam ) Some interesting Sun Tzu thoughts in the thread.
  17. "I know where the Manual is. All I wnat to know is how to put damaged and heavily damaged buildings on the map in the scenario editor. I would rather play the game than navigate through the manual, and only posted this since I should have been faster. " That post stopped me from helping.
  18. I think I have burned out on the big stuff. I have gone back to 1-2 platoons plus support per side and find it enjoyable.
  19. Scouting is a good term. Does it include poor tactics and being shot up to find the enemy location? lol
  20. I think there is a terminology issue. Recon Recce is RL and out of the scope of games. In CM the problem with gamey tacics is with LOS or spotting. I used to take a glider or 2 in SPWAW to overfly the map and uncover enemy units. That was gamey.
  21. I got my set yesterday. At least DavidI is not at work. Tooz should be happy.
  22. I don't know what happened to your link Marl Gallear's Mod Corner This one is the main page. Be sure to read his tutorial pages.
  23. I do the work for you this time Tips and Tricks click here But at the top of the page is a search button. It isn't always easy to go through all the results but sometimes you get more than the three posts here.
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