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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. OTOH had they followed your order and been knocked out on the bridge, you would have the same situation. Big targets are easier to see. You may have been better off walking the troops across the bridge. I find HTs on both sides to be a pain unless you are in total control of an area. See the other recent thread on HTs.
  2. Somewhere in between the Hollywood movie FPS crowd and the plastic figure on a stack of chips crowd is what I want in a computer game.
  3. Actually I have to give BFC credit for the default artwork. As much as I like your work Mikey, someone did the butt ugly as best as they could.
  4. "BACK OFF - I mentioned Smell-o-Vision in the 1:1 thread...." Damn, and I have an ATI smell o card...
  5. Have you ever played a board game where you roll dice?
  6. For me, only on the move, at an angle. When not moving, things with close lines apear distorted and wavey, but stationary, again from an angle. i.e. roof tiles
  7. I have been accused of Haiku here already so that one is out. In the ACW, wasn't it the tech advances that shaped the war?
  8. When I try to make a building mod with corrugated metal or bamboo I get the "swimming" I think he is talking about the twinkling christmas tree lights in the distance effect. Juju's website suggest adjusting AF as a fix for that.
  9. Sorry, it is at Pud's website not cmmods While you are there, take a look around his site. He has some good maps and other bits.
  10. I have two new tiny battles at TSD for Vietnam. Both are based on miniatures table top scenarios and use special scoring. Devil's Dust Bowl is a search and destroy mission. Kham'pa Village is not for everybody. It is an avoid contact exit scenario with dynamic flags.
  11. I went there last week. Hope they get more contributions.
  12. IMHO from my other experiences, after the first time it becomes an annoyance. Then, sooner or later, the OS doesn't support the type of playback ...
  13. CMx2 will be a remake of Black & White whereby god's eye view is the whole point. Space Lobsters are sneaky ya know.
  14. From what I have read, France had the best tanks in the world in May 1940. They just didn't know what to do with them.
  15. " text would turn for crap in .jpg format." I've not tried that with a small font. HTML would be the same as creating a webpage and there are simple freeware programs. You are saying that could be loaded into the game (CMx2) the same as a .txt file?
  16. A simple way for Windows users to do this is create the briefing in MS Word, paste the text to a map and picture in MS Paint, then save it as a jpeg. If BFC specified the briefing to be xxx size and xxx kbs per page it would be doable.
  17. For the newcommers, CD cover inserts are at Tom's TCMHQ for CMBO and Pud made one for CMAK. Any others?
  18. I am hoping that split squads in woods makes treebursts hit more things Let us know.
  19. I agree with that! Many times I have played a scenario and thought to myself "in RL a commander would have called this off until support could take care of this" Usually the designer puts something in the briefing to suggest that you don't have the time or support and you really need to take the objective at all cost. B company is depending on you to save them... blah blah. I once read a spoiler after a loss to find that Rommel couldn't win the battle either and chose to go around the enemy.
  20. In CMAK a USA 12 man squad has 11 rifles and 1 lmg, grease gun or tommy. When I split, the Sgt with the lmg is in one half and no leader in the other half. For recon / assault purposes, the no leader squad does seem to take a penalty and panic quickly. For combined attack where the Sgt and Lt are in command range, that half squad seems to behave as normal. My observation, but may be wishful thinking.
  21. For Windows, navigate to the folder where CMBO lives. Find the exe icon. Right click on it and a popup will give you and option for send to.. The side popout will give you send to desktop as shortcut. Do it quick. Once you are addicted to CM the wife will hide the disc and blame the kids.
  22. Thanks for this thread guys. I tried splitting squads in a small battle and it worked well for the guys that didn't hit the dirt and crawl away. An MG42 was in that house. But now the AI refuses to play me anymore. BTW, my understanding of spltting squads was the smaller visual target as a tactic for recon. I had never used split as an attack tactic.
  23. From Use of armour in Vietnam an article at ktroop dot com. The last sentence is for this thread. The US Army, in particular had a long history in WWII and Korea of the aggressive use of armor and this carried over to Vietnam where by its ability to force the pace and outmaneuver the enemy units were of considerable value. However, as Starry points out, whereas in previous wars armored units had been used as the forces which probed and outflanked the enemy, in Vietnam, "armor was used as a fixing force," essentially engaging the enemy and bringing him to battle, "while air mobile infantry became the encircling maneuver element."(14) Whereas the French, in the previous Indochina war, against the communist Viet Minh had suffered severe casualties within their armored units whenever they had been ambushed, the US and allied forces found that usually, "the armored force, led by tanks, had sufficient combat power to withstand the massed ambush until supporting artillery, air, and infantry could brought in to destroy the enemy."(15) So throughout the war, engagements for armored forces usually took place with the armor forcing or creating the fight, often through invasion of the enemy's "safe areas" and infantry being used to reinforce or encircle were typical. Perhaps the only real success for armor from the outset amongst the Americans and ARVN was the way in which mounted combat came to the fore for infantry in the form of the ACAV (Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle). Until Vietnam, the US Army's doctrine had been that infantry units should dismount before assaulting an enemy position. However, as the ARVN discovered, this meant that when facing the massive amounts of firepower that the NLF or VPA could bring to bear during a firefight, the infantry was exposed to needless casualties, as well as losing the momentum of the attack.(16) Indeed it was the ARVN which pioneered the use of mounted tactics from APC's when they first deployed the M113 in 1962. They were also the first to discover the need for increased firepower on the vehicle by mounting an extra .30 Cal. MMG beside the commander, fired by an exposed prone soldier lying on the roof of the vehicle. Perhaps more importantly, they also discovered the vulnerability of the exposed track commander when manning the pintle mounted .50 Cal. HMG during the battle of Ap Bac where 14 out of 17 commanders became casualties.(17)
  24. will someone send Andrew a CMAK disc so that he can finish the AK mods? Then he can work on his CMBB redoos.
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