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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. Joe, my fine feathered friend....are you that obtuse that you cannot discriminate between politics and the tongue being placed firmly in cheek?

    Thought you were better than that....you're right I am a freaking idiot.

    Please, pleeeeeze, send me a turn, I want to see more of your petro fuel burning, expensive high tech weapon carrying, high Carbon Footprint producing armored vehicles blow up.

    You can't talk yourself out of this one now. The justicar is cross with you now. And even though it pains me I agree with him, you do need to work on your carbon-turn sending.

  2. Could you clarify that statement. Is that something you did when installing CMSF? How?

    I set up my laptop with two accounts, one administrator account that can change anything and anywhere of the computer (e.g. delete files, add files) and a user account that cannot change things except for certain part of my files without permission of the administrator account. So for example my user account cannot delete anything or add more files to the "program files" folder. It can also not change security settings or install software. For every day use I log on with the user account, and should my pc get infected by a virus or something similar (in theory), the virus cannot cause too much damage because it cannot change only a limited part of my computer.

    My guess is, because CMSF is most probably installed in "C:\Program Files\Battlefront\CMSF", which is off limits for most user accounts (assuming you logged on with user account), each time a save file or PBEM file is created it cannot be stored in the "save game" folder of inside the CMSF folder. So Vista moves it to somewhere weird (appdata something).

    What I did was to right click on the "Data" folder inside the CMSF folder, and there you can change the "read and write" permission, and I change it so that my user account can write new files or delete files there (you need access to the administrator account for this). So I think that's why I don't have that problem. Any case you found where your computer puts the files, which is the most important thing. All you have to do is create a shortcut to where these things are saved and you don't have to mess with these things :D.

  3. Just make sure you understand the consequences. For example Rule 6 is quite clear ...

    Giving me the lie OR striking me can have critical results as you can see, however some lesser offense may allow additional options.


    Although I do dread having to read your drivel on a regular basis, nidan1 here is not exactly sending sending the turns at the speed of light, although ironically that is exactly what he's doing if he's using fibres. I think I'll risk it, my super-duper free webmail account still lets me add more email filters.

  4. The absolute epitome of this was the inability of an Syrian army RPG team (regular experience) to ID and therefore fire at a LAV 120 meters away, standing broadside in clear sight (one would think, the target command showed LOS to everywhere within a 20 meter radius around the vehicle and everywhere between the RPG team and the vehicle, which had been ID'd by a different REDFOR unit close by). The LAV was on the other side of a slight depression in terrain, with no obstructions save for low grass to block LOS, and my RPG team had a tight arc covering its position. No go, however. At least 3 minutes passed (RT so not sure how long exactly) without the RPG taking any action other than spotting (they had a question mark at the exact position of the LAV all the time, of course), then they got blasted to bits by an Abrams that came out of the woods some way to the left of the LAV and spotted them immediately.

    Now, I find this wildly unrealistic in terms of the RPGs ability to see in the night. Try going out in the countryside where it's really dark at night, with a friend, give yourself 5 minutes to adjust your eyes to the darkness, lie down in low grass and pop your head up. Scan the area around you roughly, but keep your main attention in the direction you're facing. Now see how long it takes you to spot a car parked, with its engine and lights off, about 120m away right in direction you're facing under the terrain conditions described above, using nothing but your 2 sets of Mk1 Eyeballs. See how long it takes you to roughly ID the size, color, type (compact, sedan, station wagon etc.), maybe even the make of the car. I guarantee it will take you less than a minute unless you both have extremely bad eyesight and no glasses or are, in fact, blind. Which are not characteristics I realistically expect of two Syrian army regulars. To this I slyly add the fact that a LAV-25 is rather larger than a passenger car, and makes a noticeable bit of noise even when idling. I'll grant it was probably not showing any external lights at the time, but you get my point :(.

    Have you checked the weather condition and what's in the sky for that battle? A while ago there was a thread about this and spotting for infantry without night vision improves dramatically when there is moon light. But when it's overcase without any stars it's just absolute pitch dark.

  5. I have some question about the contact markers.

    First what do they really represent? Visual contacts and (pre-battle) intel only? Or also sound?

    How do the virtual people in the game react to those "?". Are enemies spotted faster if their location has a "?". Is this the main advantage of having a command chain intact?

    Inquiring mind wants to know.

  6. I've tried, GAWD knows I've tried but when dealing with the lower classes it IS a trial.

    Lad you've clearly not paid careful attention (or likely enough ANY attention) to the Irish Code Duello which governs all CessPool challenges.

    Rule 13 specifically states:

    Now clearly ANY attempt by you to play CMSF is the direct equivalent of dumb shooting and I'd point out that you ought not to have challenged without receiving offense. As I gave no offense but merely pointed out the truth of the matter ... i.e. you ARE a Goobernational ... then, as Rule 13 clearly states, children's play is dishonorable and is prohibited.

    Furtherless, Rule 17 states the following:

    So as you can see I would be the one to choose ground (i.e. the game) while YOU would choose the distance (i.e. the size of the battle) and may I point out that a GENTLEMAN utilizes a second to arrange matters.

    Lad the irregularities in your so-called challenge boggle the mind. It's all in black and white lad ... you only have to be able to READ.


    Goobernationals ... who's idea was it to let them join? Seanachai's no doubt ... stray puppies and Goobernationals at the door.


    Only you could turn something as simple as showing up at dawn and pointing the loud explody thing the right direction into something this mind-numbingly...well...stupid. Allright I'll amuse you. Choose your ground, anything 'cept CMBO will do. But if you manage to find a gentleman around this part of town...

  7. By definition Australia is the gooberest of goober nations so it stands to reason that an Australian would be the gooberest goober.

    Add to that the fact that Stuka STILL hasn't sent a turn in, like forever, and it's a pretty damning indictment.

    In other news I'm currently playing Leeo, Nidan1 and Wolfp Mk II in CMSF USMC battles. I promised one to Berli but I'm reminded of a book I read about a guy who had a stomach ulcer and, at that time, part of the treatment involved running a gastrointestinal tube into the stomach. At the end of the tube they had a balloon that they inflated to heal the ulcer but to keep constant pressure on it, it had to be attached to weights at the other end. They needed 10 pounds but he asked his doctor to start with 5 pounds since the pain was just too great if he went with the full 10 pounds immediately.

    Playing Berli at the same time would be like going with the full 10 pounds right off the bat. Why, you may ask, would it be like going with 5 pounds instead of 7.5 pounds ... c'mon ... it's not like Nidan1 counts for the full 2.5 pounds and I defy anyone to show me that Leeo is anything more than 1.5 pounds.


    Ah, so I see you've gotten your dirty claws on CMSF? That leaves me no choice but to challenge you, old foul joe to a game of CMSF:Marines. And since it is I that challenge you, you can pick the setup. I am already playing nidan1, but he just keeps asking why his tanks look so funny, and not like the T-34s he's seen (not read mind you) in books.

  8. this incident or not, the point is that they are shooting from populated places so the civilians will be a human shield.

    this is the point. they did it then and they do it now.

    it is pointless using specific footage or another. the claim is that they fire from schools, hospital and etc. it's well known.

    but don't let the facts confuse you.you already have an opinion.

    And instead of treating these people as hostages, Israel just blows everyone up.

  9. So why bother playing a game that mimics real world situations at all? Our "hobby" will always have a parallel in the real world. War is not going away anytime soon. I think some people need to lighten up. These people talking about closing down threads because they can't draw a simple conclusion to CMSF need to just not read the thread if it so upsetting. I would expect more from a community of war gamers and people who are, were, or going to be soldiers. I totally see the parallels to this game. It is a game about a conflict in the middle-east. There just so happens to be a conflict going on in the middle-east. Conclusion drawn. Are we going to all stop playing this game once a real conflict in Syria breaks out to avoid hurt feelings on the forum?

    Maybe I play my hobby differently.

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