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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. How do you perfom propor reconnaissance CMSF? I admit I'm a fairly new to the game and I'm trying to gain some insight on how to do this so I don't wind up in ambushes and can maneuver my forces with some idea of where the enemy is. Like with the HMMWV recon variant, how can I use its infrared sensors to find the enemy in buildings and such? I haven't seen a command for that. Any help would be welcome. Thanks.

    With the HMMWV, make sure it's unbuttoned, so there's a guy sticking out his head out of the roof. Otherwise they won't make use of the optics mounted. Then put it somewhere safe, and where you can see the enemy. And then wait. You probably see every enemy, so use your best judgement :).

  2. Any recommendation on unbuttoning on US tanks? I unbuttoned my Abrams in the first scenario of the main campaign and when I checked back latter, 2 of my tank commanders were down. I think the nearest enemy was almost 1km out, so it wasn't like I had closed on enemy infantry with them or anything.

    Those I keep buttoned, because from what I understand the gadgets on board allows to see much better than with the naked eyes, especially at night. I have no experience in real life with these things mind you, but it just makes sense. Same goes for the newer Syrian tanks like the top of the line T-72s and the T-90.

  3. Well, it's tough to sum it up any better than 19Kyle72 just did.

    There are a lot of seriously great files wrapped up in this one! I particularly like the manner in which several of the detonation effects are initially sharp and then slowly rumble as they fade - quite effective. What's more, the M110 now actually sounds like a suppressed rifle.

    Well worth the download - thank you very much!

    Also a quick question. Does anyone know the name of the "reinforcements have arrived" .wav?

    It's the radio squawk, the lone .wav file. Nice mod btw.

  4. B. That was no FORMAL proposal and YOU know it!

    At the best it was a rough draft which never should have been made public and at worst, it was mere mental meanderings which should have been rendered in code via your Super Secret Space Ghost Decoder Ring (With High Frequency Dog Whistle and Fish Scaler) for peer review.

    4). I don't do Excel. I'm in Creative, and Excel's general office dweebiness.

    Give it to Stikkypixie. I imagine he's great at Excel and maybe it will distract him from turning all my high quality Italian armor into jaggedy paperweights.

    I only use open office. As for the peer review, I shudder to think there are people who call old foul joe their peer.

  5. You are supposed to be the best of us; you are supposed to be a shining example; you are supposed to be an ideal for which to strive. I suppose not; I suppose you are...after all...just common. The world seems a little sadder, a little...darker...this day.

    Are we talking about the same person here? The only thing old foul joe here ever barely managed is mediocrity, and he was very good at it either.

  6. Wow, thanks all for so much feedback and the many offers to burn and send me CDs. It looks like my connection stayed up long enough to download 1.10 and 1.11 over the last 24 hours (hopefully they didn't get corrupted or something), so I'll give them a whirl. I appreciate everyone taking the time to give me both positive and negative feedback.

    My point of comparison has always been CM 1 and 2 -- 1.07 definitely wasn't as good, but it sounds like these might be. Looking forward to trying them this evening.

    If the patch downloads get any bigger, you can bet I'll take some of you up on those offers to download and burn for me.



    You could also look for a cheap internet cafe with a good connection, and download it onto a flash drive.

  7. That is good to read. Following the discussion here, I played my version of Al Huqf yesterday (daylight, crack Red soldiers) and what I saw was exactly along the lines of the issues discussed above: single US soldier moves into LOF of a Syrian squad (at 70 meters, open ground), several soldiers open up on him, missing. He slowly turns around. In the meantime his squad members advance into LOS and open fire on the Syrians which are behind a low stone wall and start to take casualties and cowering almost instantly. The Red squad becomes pinned.

    Later, I had one US soldier exposing himself to three Syrian squads. Not only did he not drop to cover despite being in the middle of a hailstorm of bullets, but he effectively started to return fire!

    On the other hand, I eliminated a whole US squad without own losses in the beginning of the game, in a house-to-house fight.

    Still, I am supporting the theory that crack(!) Syrian troops are undermodelled. That, or their AK rifles really suck.

    Best regards,


    I'm pretty sure there is no distinguish between nationalities. Perhaps fire on the move is just too effective.

  8. 30m against a moving target wearing body armour?

    Plus its 24 seconds, which is decidedly less than half a turn. In fact it takes 7 seconds to down the first man and a further 7 seconds to hit the next two.

    What you are really showing is that the Syrian squad, no, half a Syrian squad - those that can see out of the windows - can eliminate all US soldiers they can see within seven seconds.

    That's more than a little bit different to the original statement.

    When the action was played all soldiers in the house were shooting (or can shoot) except for the guy with the RPG as you can clearly see from the first screen shot. And I already mentioned I exaggerated the time.

    Even so, do you think this situation feels "off" or not. I'm not saying there is a biased against Syrian squad, only that the accuracy value for their rifles might be a bit on the low side.

  9. Stikkypixie,

    "Better part of a turn" means something like 40 seconds? That's not a very long time to wipe out a squad. Plus, what was the experience level of the US squad? Any Leadership or Morale bonuses? In other words, how much of the "extra" time it took to wipe out the US guys was due to a few seconds worth of better survival skills and some body armor? Try the same test against a Green Squad with bad bonuses and see if that makes any difference.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that it's hard to compare one squad to one squad because the weaponry and (often) headcounts are different. Generally speaking, the US Army has an edge and the US Marines have overkill.


    Ok, this is last I'll say of this because it's holidays and all :). I understand that a US squad is much more lethal, I have no problem with that.

    And I replayed the turn, the squad was a regular squad and the "targets" were veteran or better.

    Having said that however. I said it took the better part of a turn to hit 1, that is not the same as wiping a whole squad out. Although I was wrong about the time it took.

    Hopefully the pictures below will make my point clearer. (You have to click on them)

    24s left on the clock (when first soldier runs in to view):


    17s left on the clock (when that soldier got shot and the other soldier come in to view)


    10s left on the clock (when the other soldiers were hit, though they had time to aim their weapons before their day was ruined)


    distance to where targets were hit (31m)


    It just seem sooooo odd that a 9 man, supposedly trained Syrian squad can miss that much. Because 30m is pretty damned close. This is why this scenario is so frustrating with less experienced troops. They will miss the US soldier, who will then raise this gun in the middle of the street and gun one or two down in the house, causing the rest to cower. A perfectly good ambush ruined.

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