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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. Yes I have a modern 285 gtx card running the 181.22 drivers and CMBB is working. This is under Vista 64. The performance is a bit better under XP Pro sp3 with the same card and drivers (dual boot) but it is totally playable under Vista 64. This is a major improvement over previous drivers/cards I have experienced under Vista.

    How is the frame-rate? I could get my laptop to display CMBB correctly but the frame rate was horrible, causing me headaches.

  2. Hmm, havent you spent a lot of time blowing your own trumpet by saying your company does not go with the flow? Your innovative, fantastic, get a million hits a day and have hundreds of thousands of customers.

    And yet despite all of this, you will peddle the same old vision of Normandy that every other non innovative, non visionary company that cant make it as good as you do. Seems a tad contradictory to me.

    I just find it strange that the first screenshot is of a Tiger, why not a Sherman???? After all, isnt the emphasis of CM-Normandy a US battlegroup fighting in Normandy against the evil Nazis?

    But hey I guess it will be the Tigers that sell the game and not gameplay.

    Jeezes man, you remind me of those music hipsters who only like bands when they are obscure and hate them the moment they get some success even though they still make the same music.

  3. BLAST command has definitely improved over time, but there is one problem I find, relating to WEGO and mentioned above by Stoex: directly after Blasting, sappers charge through the breach they've made. This can be a huge disadvantage, for obvious reasons.

    Unless I've missed something, there is no way of preventing this (in WEGO), ie, having them stay put. I've had numerous examples where my guys have been shot to pieces because of this.

    Implementing some form of Stay Put command would be a huge improvement here.

    You can put the Blast waypoint just before the wall, if it's close enough, the guys will blast it, but only run just up to the breach without entering it.

  4. See? If you weren't a bloomin' goobernational you would have used the much snappier wording of: "Shouldn't you be out testing snow shovels?" See how much more devastatingly witty that is? Well, no, I guess you being a goobernational, you wouldn't see much of anything, would you? Never mind.


    Once again you've missed the nuance completely. With that one sentence I was able to capture with my sheer genius the zeitgeist of Boo's situation if you will, by referring both to the winter conditions in that godforsaken hellhole Ohio and the economic reality, in which according to some we need to consume more to keep things from going south.

    So Emrys if I were you (and I wake up every morning thankful I am not), I would spend time analysing my brilliant post, before make such oafish comments.

  5. Boy, you goobers sure are backwards. Must we explain every little thing for you?

    *sigh* Oh, very well. HAND is universal Web for Have A Nice Day. And I may as well tell you while I am explaining the basics of communication to you, I was being wryly ironic at the time. To tell the truth, I couldn't care less whether you have a nice day or rats eat out your eyes. In fact, that second option has considerable appeal. Now if we could just film it...


    Yuk, "Have a nice day", that's soooooooo 'merican.

  6. Click on the above link to see a brief excerpt of the talk given by the guest martial artist who was at my Dojo last evening. I am usually not taken in by such sensationalism, but if you guys keep belittling and mocking me, I might take him up on his encouraging words.

    I bet it was a whole lot less impressive without the accompanying music. Unless he brought that to the dojo with him as well.

  7. Expect to be surprised, especially if we tell you not to be surprised. But there is a possibility that if we are expecting to surprise you by not telling you to be surprised, we might tell you to be surprised. Surprised?



    Methinks someone spent too much time in front of the pc.

  8. ********SPOILER ALERT**********
































    I just finished this scenario and I managed to beat it after a few tries. The first time I started it, I left my infantry too exposed from the start and I got an arty barrage over me. Also the default setup of the M1s leave the vulnerable to ATGM fire and that cost me a couple of tanks as well. As did leaving the M1s exposed on the hills :).

    Having learned from that, I drop arty on the hills as in the mission briefing and that made things a bit easier. The onslaught of enemy armour was easily taken care of by the use of the Javelin teams and very cool shoot 'n scoot with the M1s. Maybe it would be smarter for the enemy to keep his armour and transport in ambush positions. The positions they took up leave them very vulnerable.

    I did not experience any significant resistance by the enemy infantry. With 45 minutes still on the clock I managed a total victory in elite mode with 4 KIA, 3 WIA and a lost TOW humvee. Enemy casualty ran in the hundreds with all of the vehicles destroyed.

    Cool scenario, but once the threat of the BMPs and the tanks was removed a bit too easy I feel.

  9. Be careful forcing the commander to unbutton in a T34. Most of them have the commander as the loader and won't fire unbuttoned.

    I thought the commander doubled as gunner, and once a target is spotted the tank will automatically button up so the commander can take aim. This is of course only for the 4-man crew T-34s.

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