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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. You've been playing some version of CM for how many years and didn't know this? Tsk, tsk.


    It kind of was pushed back to the back of my mind. Often I called artillery support and it seemed like (some) of the spotting rounds were falling out of LOS yet the mission was still on target. I'm guessing you don't need all spotting rounds in LOS, but only a few.

  2. Hi,

    I'm playing the Rahadnak Valley Search scenario that comes with the marines module. I decided to call in artillery support with a HQ team that has not suffered any casualties, is unsuppressed, and has full C2 with people higher up in the chain of command.

    But for some reason the mortars rounds are dropped way off mark. I have never seen this before playing as marines. Is this a bug? Or is this there a logical explanation for this? Save game is available.

  3. One school of thought is kneeling on the edge of a rooftop in the game isn't really kneeling on the edge of a rooftop. It's crouching behind the hung line of laundry, its hiding your weapon out of sight and acting like a civilian going about his business. One reason why there's a 'civilian density' option in the editor is so troops will have increased difficulty distinguishing friend from foe until the foe does something to get your attention. That's why you can 'walk' a spy right up to a blue unit but if you try 'running' him up he'll get shot down.

    One thing you've got to remember about CM scenarios - they aren't 'puzzles' to reason your way through like a scripted shooter game. Sometime you're presented with an impossible situation. If your goal is protecting your men I can think of a couple scenarios where I wouldn't do anything but get them behind a tall wall and keep them there... And maybe frag my CO later that evening in retribution for putting me in that situation.

    The problem is that is also happens with fully uniformed Syrian squads who aren't affected by civilian density. I'm thinking it's more of a bug.

  4. Returning to the issue of unallocated weapons. In CM:SF this is accomplished by having them stuck in a ride of some sort. This approach has run into very few problems except for what to do with the rides are left out of the scenario. Usually people include the vehicles since that would be SOP in real life, but in WW2 the rides often weren't present on the battlefield. As AKD pointed out they were stuck in a soft-skin truck in the rear and brought forward "as needed". This means in CM: Normandy we're going to have to allow scenario designers (and QB users) the ability to have unallocated weapons optionally preallocated. There's no UI support for this yet, but there will have to be.


    Could you please change the way you pick up weapons so you can don't have to go into vehicles first before being able to click the acquire button?

  5. In many other simulation games, you have the option of continuing a battle after the alloted time as expired.

    Is it possible to do this in CMSF and if not, is it possible to edit the individual "Battle" files to increase the time alloted?

    If so, could someone explain to this dingbat just how you do it.

    Thanks in advance.

    You open the scenario in the scenario editor and change the time parameter. The manual explains in detail how to do this (making a scenario that is).

  6. What I really dont get is if the tank is using a fire control computer that takes a laser rangerfinder and elevates the barrel correectly then why cant we use just 1 sight for all types of ammo?

    I'm guessing in case the laser range finder doesn't work.

  7. From another thread:

    Stikkypixie, the bullets aren't turning due to some programming error. This is neither a bug nor a feature. Simply put (in deference to certain other participants in the MBT (I'm looking at YOU, Boo)), the game abhors your very existence and is attempting to discourage you from further play.

    Like many of us here, CMSF's AI would prefer that you give up the game and resume your former life's work, i.e., hiding in your mom's basement and posting unintentionally humorous personal ads on the Internet in what will ultimately be a futile attempt to locate a mate.

    Or at least, to suffer humiliating rejection from real live girl.


    I like to think it's my raw charisma that turned, what would otherwise be a horrible miss from that pilot's plane, into a battle-changing direct hit.

    But explaining violations against the very fabric of space-time is one thing, understanding why a anyone would spend their day reading personal ads of cheese obsessed young men is beyond me.

  8. Hi,

    I just noticed in the second mission of the marines campaign that destroyed building (in this case at least) are not handled correctly by the pathing AI. Basically it was a group of three building adjacent to each other, so that there is a path via the rooftops of the three. But the middle building was destroyed. Yet my marines still climbed to the rooftop of the first building, ran to the second (destroyed) building. The fall down three storeys and then fly up again.

    Save game is available.

  9. Ok, Suggestions that could be in the realms of possibility could include real time day/night cycles whereby the sun,s postion and moon,s cycle would have to taken into account before taking an objective. The implementation of realistic weather such as fog, as this alone could have interesting ramifications on the battlefield. Destructable environments such as building rubble which snipers or AT teams could take advantage of. A non linear or branching campaign. An overall improvment to the interface (see the miriade of current suggestions) and an update to blufor and opfor AI so realistic QB is possible.

    Day/night cycles are already in the game.

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