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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I have just started playing this game and have been trying to figure out how to load units back onto vehicles? I can unload them easily but don't know how to get them back on. There doesn't seem to be anywhere in the rules where it mentions this and how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.


    You just select any movement order and point them at a vehicle. The icon should change. Make sure there is enough room in your ride :)

  2. Hello , my problem is that i place the received file in the "incoming mail" repertory ( called pbem 001 for example ), so i play the turn , but when i want to save the file ( pbem 002 for example ) , i can't find the saved file in the "outoing mail" repertory .

    Have you an idea how to solve this problem ?

    Thanx a lot .

    Are you using windows vista? If so here:

    C:\UserName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force\Game Files\Outgoing Email\

    You might have to change the directory and the UserName to match the way your computer is set up.

  3. I just tried the demo and I couldn’t stop playing it. This game is prefect and exactly for me, I haven’t played anything else like it. It’s astonishing and I’ve fallen in love, I ordered my copy from Amazon straight after. I love it.

    Check out the Battlefront repository for more scenarios, mods. There is even a little FAQ (shameless plug ;)) which might/might not help you a long.

  4. I was playing the red vs red Perdition campaign last night. I gave my MG sections orders to move to their BMP:s and acquire MG ammo. Now there was MG ammo in the BMP:s but when i chose the 7.62 ammo it disappeared from the BMP but didn't appear in the MG squad. The same happened to the other three MG sections as well. Anyone else have this happen to them?

    I believe the 7.62 ammo in the BMP are for assault rifles not MGs.

  5. wait, so youve never seen a game that can be totally overhalled into a differant game? check out the elder scrolls Oblivion, one of the most modded games ever, also the Battlefield games have somme really cool mods. oh, and Medevil 2 total war, was recentlly overhauled to be set in a lord of the rings world! its really cool taking over middle-earth as orcs!

    New animations? New AI routines? Made by people who bought the game? No not that many. But then I've been playing the wrong games.

  6. hello guys, ive been browsing the mods available for this game, and I must say, im not that impressed. I mean there are great uniform and weapons mods, and loads of scenarios, but what about full fleged gameplay mods? Like cover animations, smarter AI, Infantry pathfinding, new tactcs, if possible ragdoll physics, and im really surprised that no complete overhalls of this game have been done, like Isreal wars, or even made up future wars. Is this because the game isnt that modifiable, or is it because the fanbase isnt that large? thanks for your time.

    I have never encountered a (mainstream) game where you can modify it to that extent. Usually it's textures and weapons stats. And the occasional scripted bots. Could you point me to one, I'm curious what people can do.

  7. Sure, I get the logic of having experience play a role. But it's a bit confusing when you compare it with other orders. Fire orders are always followed for example even if bigger threats appear (correct me if I'm wrong) and units always stay hidden even when the enemy is on top of them. Cover arcs on the other hand do give units freedom to act and I guess it's that inconsistency that's bothering me.

    Also I feel that the AI doesn't have intelligence to be autonomously taking decisions like that. For example my RPG team fires at a vehicle 100m away because they feel threatened by it, only to be gunned down by an infantry team 50m away (which they can see). If they are surrounded by threats like that, I rather have them cower or route or surrender than doing something idiotic like that.

    I don't remember being too bothered by this in CMx1, so if that AI behaviour can be emulated that would be great.

  8. What's I also don't get is that someone who claims to enjoy the tactical challenge of fighting Stuarts against King Tigers, does not enjoy the challenge of fighting infantry against tanks. That unnecessary swipe aside, I know bogging happening a lot when the ground conditions are set to wet, but I can hardly remember a time when boggin happened when terrain conditions are good.

    It sucks when it happens, and it's out of your control and your opponent's control, but so are fanatical troops, weapons jamming, weak point penetrations, there is no button you can click to make it happen and it is impossible to predict when it will happen.

    If you play QB and you buy two tanks and you know there is a chance bogging then you better have back-up plan or make one up on the fly. That's a tactical challenge.

  9. By the shores of Gitche Gumee,

    By the shining Big-Sea-Water,

    Stood the wigwam of Nokomis,

    Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis.

    Dark behind it rose the forest,

    Rose the black and gloomy pine-trees,

    Rose the firs with cones upon them;

    Bright before it beat the water,

    Beat the clear and sunny water,

    Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water.

    There the wrinkled old Nokomis

    Nursed the little Hiawatha,

    Rocked him in his linden cradle,

    Bedded soft in moss and rushes,

    Safely bound with reindeer sinews;

    Stilled his fretful wail by saying,

    "Hush! the Naked Bear will hear thee!"

    Lulled him into slumber, singing,

    "Ewa-yea! my little owlet! ........


    Then Iagoo, the great boaster,

    He the marvellous story-teller,

    He the traveller and the talker,

    He the friend of old Nokomis,

    Made a bow for Hiawatha;

    From a branch of ash he made it,

    From an oak-bough made the arrows,

    Tipped with flint, and winged with feathers,

    And the cord he made of deer-skin.

    Then he said to Hiawatha:

    "Go, my son, into the forest,

    Where the red deer herd together,

    Kill for us a famous roebuck,

    Kill for us a deer with antlers!"

    Dedicated to the wrinkled olde Seanachai and his little kyak.

    Unless Facebook is lying, it's your birthday. And as a present you can send me my CMSF turn I've been waiting weeks for!

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