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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I'll try the scenario again. The objective I have to take are located inside deep forests, so going around them is just not an option. It was just frustrating as my guys were being mowed down without me being to help.

    I wonder, is there a way to have a squad move in line? I had a couple of instances where they were moving in file and took heavy casualties right a way, and I was wondering whether moving in line would help.

  2. How do the heck do you do this? I'm playing the warrior in the sands campaign and I have to fight through a patch of very thick forest (visibility around 50m). I order my squads to hunt, but as soon as they take fire at least 2-3 guys die immediately with the others cowering. Sending other squads in to help is not an option, because they too get mauled down by an invisible enemy. Grenades are especially deadly.

    What's the best way of doing this?

    Ps. I have a sneaking suspicion my guys bunch up too much.

  3. Exactly my feelings.

    I don't think anyone is dishing out the game because of the graphics.

    I did point out a couple uniform-related inaccuracies just because the CM series already spoiled us in this regard. And I didn't comment about the accuracy of the simulation itself not because I favour eye-candy ove realism (I'm a wargamer not a modeller) but because I consider it a given, judging from my CMBO/CMBB/CMAK/CMSF experience.

    I will get CMA as soon as possible because I like the CMx2 game engine and I am interested in that particular conflict.



    The skins are probably just place holder until everything else is sorted out.

  4. Is that why your attacking force of approximately 574 tanks and 892 HTs, three trucks, two carriers and an Alsatian umbrella mender on a pogo stick suddenly STOPPED and didn't move for THREE ENTIRE TURNS?

    You were so intent on watching other people do... things... that you couldn't concentrate on anything else?

    I think you may have stepped up your Ritalin dosage just a bit too much.

    My forces stopped because it was tea-time you dolt. I had to rush the biscuits because of your incessant whining.

  5. Okay guys. Thanks for the help and advise. Your ideas really work great ingame.

    Though right now another question popped up, while playing a scenario.

    As it is right now, Soldiers obviously get wounded, but I somehow can't see through the whole wounding mechanics.

    Can anybody explain the whole thing to me? Like why are there sometimes brown and sometimes red circles around the wounded? And can soldiers die immediatly after a hit or basically always are considered wounded and just die if no treatment is recieved?

    A red circle means the soldier is severely wounded, a brown circle means he's dead. At the end of the game there is a chance that soldiers who are severely wounded "die" after the battle. Giving treatment to these guys reduces this chance. Whether they live or die after getting hit depends on lots of thing like where they're hit, wearing body armour or not, etc... (but there is some leeway to this). Best is to try not to let get hit :)

  6. Hey there guys. Bought CMSF today and I'm having a blast so far. I only encountered a minor problem which I haven't found a solution for so far.

    I prefer playing WEGO, but I'm having problems with dismounting Infantery after Stryker movement.

    What I mean is that instead of ordering the Stryker to drive somewhere, wait 60 seconds, then order the Infantery to dismount, I rather want to let the infantery dismount the vehicle immediatly after it reached its final waypoint.

    I searched on the forum and looked into the handbook, still no solution. Any professional help?

    EDIT: Quickly asking another question. Is it still possible to drag certain waypoints, like in previous CM title, instead of completely doing them again?

    Just give the guys inside a movement order to where you want them to dismount AND at the same time give movement orders to the vehicle. Once the vehicle comes to a full and complete stop the guys will dismount and move to wherever you want.

  7. I've never been so insulted in my life ... this is your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread you idiot, not some ... some ... some mere Other Recognized!

    For your penance you are required to write on the blackboard 100 times the following:

    "The Justicar is the Justicar and nothing less."

    Well, the sooner started the sooner finished ... get to it.


    I wish you all 2010, especially you Emrys.

  8. Hey, thanks Nikita.

    I thought about altering the pitch of the voices when I was making the mod but sometimes I get a degrading effect in the game when I play and it already changes the pitch of the wavs. Sometimes the voices will be slower and lower and sometimes a bit faster and higher, so I didn't want to alter them anymore in case it warped them even more. I don't know if this happens to other players but it happens to me quite a lot. They border on cartoony, so I am afraid anymore changes in pitch and tone will make them laughable and unrealistic.

    The key to making it better will be to get a couple more voices into the mod for some real variety.


    What format are you using? I seen similar things when editing jpeg image files. Apparently because it's a lossy format, each time you alter and save the image, the quality degrades.

    Maybe it will help if you convert your sound files to something not lossy alter them and then save? Just my two cents.

  9. Firstly, what steps would I need to take to go online with this, as I have patched it to 1.2, and have the paradox version, but the fact that there are multiple versions, and some versions are 1.21 and such is boggling my tiny inferior brain!

    Secondly, I like to play on the most realistic settings possible, it gives me a greater feeling of accomplishment and all that, but right now on iron and elite, my guys dont seem to radio spotted positions (I use command units as spotters as I assume they will be able to manipulate the chain of command more effectively). I assumed they would do it automatically, but thus far after 30 mins they still havent. Is there some sort of command or setting I need to put them on to get them to radio in? Because as things stand using my tanks as effective fire support is problematic.

    Or do units radioing enemy positions never give the absolute position and type so at best to other units it always appears as the general enemy close symbol thing?

    And lastly how do I stop my strikers retreating from innane threats without keeping them selected and mashing the cancel orders button? I know theyre scared but screw em :D Thus far keeping abrams behind them and telling them if they flee they die isnt having the desired results :D

    Thanks for any answers.

    1.21 is the latest version of the game. There are many "versions" of the game, and unless you see Paradox mentioned, that version isn't available yet.

    I usually don't use the HQ units as spotters. Any information they have will go faster to the subordinate units, but if they are killed/scared/etc... you will lose the bit that's keeps the communication going between the subordinate units.

    If you want information to pass around make sure everyone is in command (the relevant icons are all lit up) and then wait :). If you use a squad, the information will be first pass the HQ unit who then pass it on to the other units.

    And as the previous posters have mentioned only (?).

    Have fun!

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