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Everything posted by stikkypixie

  1. Their both complementary, designed with a different purpose in mind: CMMOS: you can add ruleset (i don't know much about this) ==> more flexibility in the options McMMM your average mod installer, unzips the mod, replaces it in the original folder with one click
  2. I've seen 1's and 0's with more personality (and better comebacks) than tacky elf's. I have notebooks with better conversation skill. I have spreadsheets with more intelligence. They just don't make SSN's like they used to... </font>
  3. This is not a testing ground for your moronic mumblings, tacky elf. Go test your 'humor' in the gawdawful thread. Go away. That you could have any kind of signature apart from a scrawled 'X' is a testament to the chaotic and fickle winds of chance, and nothing more. It really is a monument to your social skills that the only 'action' you can get is through such a useless post. Perhaps the gods will smile on you and you'll get lucky with some REAL 'action,' like editing the smiley out of your post. But that won't happen. Let's face it. You're dim. You're not welcome. </font>
  4. I didn't know New Zealand sounded that much like dutch!
  5. I guess will just have to stuff her full then! Although to be honest i'm not looking forward to her miauwing.
  6. Well i have seen various Canadian tv-movie production for children, does that count too?
  7. You guys get drunk by drinking caffeine? Canadians are even weirder than i thought, and i've seen Due South!
  8. That's even more incoherent than the original post. For crying out loud my english is better than that AND I'M NOT EVEN A NATIVE SPEAKER!!!!
  9. no you're not the only one, ever played CMBB cracking the egg?
  10. Dump CDV? and who would you suggest to fill in their place? The waffengrenadier thing has something to do with German Law, they are quite sensitive about this (and who can blame them). It is hard enough as it is to find combat mission (for me at least).
  11. I want a nuclear sub.... . . . . . . . . . . . . but i didn't get it for Christmas, besides i would be gamey to nuke my opponents at the first turn. Napoleonic cavalry charges wouldn't work, BFC have always for some reason refused categoricly to put in horses...
  12. Are you sure? Would be willing to start a setup, and wait for an indefinite amount of time, so people can join?
  13. I'm currently playing a PBEM, where timing is everything so I have a very small suggestion for CM, when plotting a movement could the distance also be displayed, like it is with LOS, i know i can check it with the LOS, but you know... or how about giving a ETA? What do you guys think.
  14. I usually use MTC in areas like woods, buildings, because i'm not sure if advance, will make my troops fire back, i'll have to look it up in the manual.
  15. I don't know the difference, and frankly I DON'T CARE. If i want to told to sod off, i would try to get a date!! GRRRR
  16. There are plenty of (good) games who DON'T use gamespy for multiplayer. Starcraft (Battle.net) Rainbow six (ubi.com or something), ok these are the only games i know. And all those microsoft games... Gamespy has disadvantages and advantages some people who use it are, very childish behaviour, sometimes racism, etc... But also good ones, where people were friendly and actually helpful (what cannot be said of the PENG thread damn you all!!! :mad: ) Besides i don't most people here have enough time to spend searching to play a full tcp/ip game... And maybe i'm blind but people seem to find people to play CM with very easily...
  17. I've heard often that with the new engine it will be easier to model different theatres, does that mean that BFC will make expansion packs for each different theatre instead of makin a "new" game like now. I think that would be better because all improvements of the expansion could also be applied to the old one. But i suppose it would be a bad thing if you were only interested in say the east front,... Your views on this?
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