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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. The goal of the default scenario is to give each side a 50/50 chance of winning.

    Although I prefer if it were historical, simply giving USA their proper Industrial output does that, tested this many times and I made a mod out of it.

    I totally understand why Hubert would chose the 50/50 route, it simply has more mass appeal. And if I were in his shoes I would do the same thing, after all he makes a living out of this game.

    Historical for me means Axis holding on until August 31st 1945. If they have Koenigsberg, Warsaw, Munich, Berlin and Rome = Major victory for Axis by succeeding in getting a peace treaty on equal terms and a minor victory same as above but without Rome, armistice is achieved.

    Not many people would like the challenge of knowing victory is achieved through resistance as Axis, most people prefer a concrete victory by defeating their opponent.

    [ August 14, 2007, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

  2. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @Blashy --- By the way, you are completely backwards in your thinking. You believe "Man" is good, and "God" is bad.

    Here's your global warning, son...and the problem with modern thinking.

    And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

    We shall see who has the true power of weather, the enviornment, etc. Every knee shall bow. Love or hate that God, his judgments are righteous, not yours.


    First of all you quoting the Bible means crap to about 90% of the planet.

    But me believing man is good? You really show that you do not register what you read. I do not know how many times I have stated man is letting itself be guided by greed and has done more harm than good to this planet, the wildlife and towards himself. There is but ONE imperfection on this planet and it is us, we act more like a virus than a mammal.

    As for God, if there is such a being that created us then he is without compassion. Any good being with the power to help the suffering or the innocent would do so in a second. Oh wait, you will say the only response that all believers give... ''god works in mysterious ways''

  3. Targul do some research because archeologist's and historical scholars on a HUGE majority do not believe he existed because of lack of evidence and also tons of evidence that the story in the bible is the same as previous religions.

    You mention you think of him more as a Buddha, well part of his story in the bible comes directly from how one man became Buddha which was told 1000s of years before the bible ever started to be written. And then they tried to sell it as a historical occurrence.

    The few scholars that do claim a "possible" existence are based on speculative evidence and even they admit to this.

  4. Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

    to me Jesus was a rather good guy (what he preached - I mean himself- is not that bad)

    I figure since you are not a religious fanatic you are open to the concept of science and actual history.

    And so I'll let you know that outside of the Bible there is no historical evidence that Jesus the man ever existed. For a man to have done so much (even with miracles not been accounted) you would think there would be much more history outside of the bible, there is none.

    His name and what he did is also nothing knew as the SAME story was told 1000 years prior to year 0 in Egyptian, Greek, Buddhists and Persian religions.

  5. I ain't no bigot criminal
    Anyone who wishes to impose their religious beliefs on others is a bigot. You've made it clear you would do so if you had the power or have someone else do it (Bush).

    A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own. You can not deny that your religious fervor does not put you in this category.

  6. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @Pascal --- What you don't understand, there is a HUGE Christian base in the United States, we want a President who will defend our basic beliefs of morality...Abortion, a sin. Sodomy, a sin. And all that other queer stuff the Democrats are always trying pull.

    You just proved to me that you would IMPOSE your personal belief on others. Basically you do not believe in freedom of choice.

    Wars are caused by people who wish to impose their beliefs (religious or not) on others, you fall into that category.

  7. Responsible Capitalism. We don`t have that, we have greed capitalism.

    Religions are greedy for power to spread and impose their beliefs.

    Governments are greedy for power and will oppress other countries or exploit them for their countries benefits.

    Companies are greedy where the top executives will do virtually anything to make that extra buck even at the expense of the environment, wildlife and people.

    People are greedy.

    The answer is the suppression of greed as our main catalyst as human beings.

    The answer for me: Be taken away by a Utopian society of Aliens and leave humanity behind :D .

  8. Originally posted by Lars:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blashy:

    Yep and he needs a 2/3rds majority to get it done. AND he said he would also have a public referendum on it. Sounds like a pretty democratic process to me.

    Sure, sounds like it.

    Pretty easy to get 2/3rds when you have driven out your opposition and packed the Parliment with your cronies.

    Now all he needs to do is to burn it down and get his enabling acts through. ;) </font>

  9. Originally posted by Lars:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blashy:

    The Venezuelan elections were monitored by all the major election watching organizations in the world, even the well renowned Jimmy Carter organization.

    ALL of them without exception have stated the elections were legit.

    Anyways, he does not need to cheat to win, he simply needs to say he will help the poor and the people of his country and not cater to resource robbing corporations who care nothing for the people. He got elected once on that platform and went ahead to help the poor immensely and so winning follow up elections and referendums were not that difficult when the majority of the country is very poor.

    Oh, you're soooo deluded on this one, Blashy. Been following it. ;)

    Chavez seeks end to term limits

    All Hail El Presidente For Life!!! </font>

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