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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    The God of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ. There are no other gods beside Him.

    Thanks for showing exactly why religions in the end are no good for nothing but war...

    As a friend of mine said of how religions behave towards other religions: "Mine is better than yours and I'll bomb you to prove it"

    Also, virgin birth? Did you know that Ra the Egyptian sun god was also born of a virgin birth and his mother's name is similar to Mary.

    Here is a list long before the new testament of gods born of a virgin mother and look at the name of that mother.

    Adonis was born of Myrrha, Hermes of Maia, Cyrus of Mariana or Mandane, Joshua of Miriam, Buddha of Maya and Khrishna of Maritala.

  2. Originally posted by Timskorn:

    As I predicted. The non-believers prod and poke, no intention of learning anything, and the believers keep on believin'. Let's see how long it goes on. smile.gif

    I went to church every Sunday and spent 2 hours Monday evenings in a church group for 18-30 year olds to learn about it (for one year), I learned allot but I came out of it more convinced then ever not believing I should worship one entity. And I had a feeling most of the stories (if not all) are just that "stories", not history. And this past year after doing some research I discovered that in fact they are stories and most of them taken from religions MUCH older. The only difference is those religions never took their words literally, they were stories written to guide you spiritually.

    [ July 30, 2007, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

  3. ROFL, this guy trully believes the WHOLE world was covered in water and Noah and his small crew sailed on top with EVERY other type of living creature on board.

    1) When did it occur? Date in history? no one has it.

    2) He would have needed a boat the size of New York island to carry every living thing on this planet and this is not counting the food to feed themselves and the creatures AND cleaning out the crap would have needed thousands of workers.

    3) I asked a friend of mine who is a priest to explain the logistics of it all and how it was possible... "God works in mysterious ways" was all he could come up with. That's the standard answer for all religions when they are shown their writings are stories to help guide people and NOT actual history.

    It is a metaphor not an actual event!

  4. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @targul --- You plastic doll ain't going to do you an ounce of good. Salvation is of grace, not your works. Giving all your money away is a good deed, but can never take away sins. Haven't any of you been to Sunday School? Unreal.

    That is the lazy way out, the church made up those words so they could keep piling on their riches while still claim to be high and mighty.

    Bottom line, actions speak louder than words.

  5. Not at all, I said it earlier, I don't mind religions as long as they stay in their places of worship and do not try and impose their religious beliefs onto others, problems is 99.9% of them do.

    At least I don't claim to be one and then go totally against the teachings of the religion by saying the sick can get a job, making profit on a basic necessity like food and water is fine.

    NOTE: Communism has NEVER existed. Russia was a totalitarian regime. Communist can not exist and neither can responsible capitalism because GREED supersedes all other human emotion, basically at this point and time humanity is a failure.

  6. For a man who believes so hard in this Christian religion of yours you're like someone who talks the talks but does not walk the walk. Believing and praying is not enough, acting on his teachings is and you obviously do not since you believe that making profit on medicine and food (basic necessities for life) is all good.

    Helping sick people and feeding the hungry is called being human, caring and civilized. It is also the foundation of your religion.

    And I don't need to be born again, I was born once and quite happy not into a family of religious fanatics, although my parents do believe in god and pray on their own they let me decide for myself. I consider my parents the representation of how religious people should conduct themselves, they keep it to themselves and don't try and impose their values/beliefs onto others.

    Yogi, before my wife had problems I paid 10 years of taxes and never got more than what I put in, I did not mind since that money was to help the sick, the hungry and make sure everyone gets a free basic education.

  7. Same in Canada all free.

    My wife was on dialisys for 4 years before getting a kidney from one of her sisters (THAT person I admire and respect immensely, I consider her a hero).

    The cost... 40 000$ a year, no way I had that money. Had I been in USA and one of those 35 million people with no healthcare or those that do have it but does not cover everything my wife would be dead today.

    My wife's anti rejection medication is 12 000+ a year and I have to pay no more than 76$ a month then the rest is free and this is not from my employer but the provincial Govt that now offers almost free medication (76$ max per month).

    Do I find I pay high taxes? Yes, but that's because tons of it is wasted in useless areas. If I had to pay the same level as I do now but every penny was used properly I would not mind.

    60% of all the money I make goes into taxes every year so I know what over taxation is.

  8. Originally posted by Timskorn:

    Blashy, how can you say you would never do something? You're shutting yourself down before you even begin. I don't know of anyone who worships unwillingly. Even believers find it hard to set an hour aside for worship.

    I went to church for a full year EVERY sunday and on mondays was a group reunion for 18-30 year olds and I participated in that.

    The goal was to try and see what it was all about.

    After a year I was more convinced then ever it was all about nothing. And religions have a gang mentality at its core.

    Nothing should EVER be worshiped. Respected and Admired ok, as long as they deserve it.

  9. I'm not even an atheist, I'm open to the possibility that some super powerful life form created us but I would NEVER worship "it".

    Why? Because he created me I have too? He would first have to earn my respect which if he exists and has ALL that power while innocent lives suffer without doing anything he definitely does not have. I call that a sadistic entity. Evil in fact.

    But the written words and religions were created by man, plenty of historical evidence to that fact, especially the bible where some of the writers had personal diaries clearly stating what they were writing was from their vivid imagination... or stealing from past writers of older religions.

  10. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    The countries that are in poverty, are in poverty for a reason, it ain't luck. God's judgment is real.

    You think it's luck that the United States became a superpower because of the roots of this country? You think it's back luck the Indians got wiped out because they bowed to statues?

    God is the judge of all...individuals, the church, the non-believers, the nations, groups, creation, etc...God judges all. Better get saved.

    Spoken like a true religious fanatic, blame everyone's misery or problems for not believing in your god.

    Also goes well with greed.

    You know the western world has a word for these religious fanatics in the middle east... terrorists. Guess what word they (middle east countries) use for Christians with those same type of views... terrorists.

  11. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @Blashy --- Working isn't a sin. Not working is a sin. You of the world try to twist the truth. You'd love to feed me to the Lions, steal my money, & burn my Bible.

    I never said it was sin, I merely quoted what you said, that you're fine with people suffering if they don't have enough money or none at all.

    Allot of poverty is simple bad luck of being born at the wrong place. Imagine being born in the middle of the desert to a nomad tribe. You had no choice.

    But to you, if they don't have the money, no medicine and no food... screw' em!

    Food and water should NEVER be a for profit business and access to medical services should be free for all man, it is call being civilized, something humanity is at this point FAR from ever achieving.

    And I would never burn your book, unlike you religious fanatics who given power would IMPOSE your beliefs on others.

    Although I would ban ANY public funding and no special treatments because of your religious beliefs. Keep your religion to yourself and your place of worship.

  12. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    Once again Kuni, you don't have a clue. He gave the fish & bread to feed the 5000...then came the sermon on the mount.

    You ever ask yourself why one of the greatest displays of divine power in all history seen by THOUSANDS is not recorded ANYWHERE outside of the bible? Because it never happened.

    BTW, that fish and bread story... it was already told about 2000 years before it was ever written in the bible.

    Here's another thing, how come not ONE of his grand "miracles" seen by hundreds or thousands was ever written down anywhere except on the bible which was first written over 50 years after his supposed death (most of it 70+ years). Where did those writers get their material from? It was NOT documented anywhere. Word of mouth? Yeah sure, you ever have a simple phrase chain with a group of 50 people? By the time it gets to that last one it is almost always different.

    And how can a man be named "J" esus when the letter J is only about 500 years old... Meaning, of all things Christianity should have correct is the name of the son of god in their own freaking book. :rolleyes:

    And where is ANY history about him prior to around 30 years of age? Non existent anywhere and pitiful in the bible... funny the same story happens to an Egyptian god... told 3500 years ago.

    If the bible said the world is flat high strung believers like yourself would agree with it and THAT is what makes religions scary it turns believers into freaking toy soldiers to go around an impose their beliefs onto others and we wonder why religion is the caused of most deaths throughout history. IT breeds fanaticism.

  13. Rocko, USA has the worst education, health care, death rate, people in prisons per capita, environment record, worst poor to rich ratio, most per capita poverty than all other advanced, industrialize or western nations.

    Now the others are not much better, it is like I always say about my country when we got #1 ranking as best country in the world for 4-5 years straight "Being the best of the worst is not something I would gloat about".

    Of course when 10% of the population owns 70+% of your wealth and the bottom 40% owns less than 1% you clearly see the results of irresponsible Capitalism and Greedy Capitalism shines through.

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