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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. The Venezuelan elections were monitored by all the major election watching organizations in the world, even the well renowned Jimmy Carter organization.

    ALL of them without exception have stated the elections were legit.

    Anyways, he does not need to cheat to win, he simply needs to say he will help the poor and the people of his country and not cater to resource robbing corporations who care nothing for the people. He got elected once on that platform and went ahead to help the poor immensely and so winning follow up elections and referendums were not that difficult when the majority of the country is very poor.

  2. Buddhism is IMO not a religion but a life philosophy.

    It is funny how Rambo never answer my question, would you impose your religious values on others if you had total power in your country?

    I have yet to know a priest or true believer (like Rambo) say no.

    Arado, Greed is the most prevalent human emotion and instead of trying to control it, our societies feed it our out of control money at any cost capitalistic system being the prime example.

    I always say: Greed will kill us all .

  3. I do not believe in God and if some super powered being was to present himself and somehow prove he was our creator... so what? We have to bow to him now just because he created us? I would never bow to anyone or anything willingly.

    And the biggest difference between non believers and believers? One side is most likely NOT going to impose his beliefs onto others while the other (religions) would if they could.

    If Rambo was given power over law in USA he would create laws that do not respect others, for example; gay marriage & abortion & mandatory teaching in schools. He would create laws based on his religious beliefs.

    He would therefore be IMPOSING his beliefs on others. A person who does not follow some doctrine of religion is very much less likely to have this view.

    I don't believe in religion and would NEVER ban it, although it would get NO support from taxpayers and it would have to be to kept for yourself, home and place of worship.

    I would not ban gay marriage as it does NOT have a negative impact on society (not ONE peer reviewed study has shown this, on the contrary).

    You want to have wars? Let people with hardcore religious beliefs have total power and you'll have wars because a simple person like myself who despises war would go and fight for my freedom in an instant.

    Imposing your religious beliefs on others is simply attacking freedom of others and people will fight to the death for their freedom.

    That is the problem with religion and why it is the biggest cause of death in human history, it wants power and it wants their beliefs to be imposed on the masses.

  4. Voronezh is taken, I used a fighter to hit the tank once and then used a cheap Italian anti tank unit to deal serious damage and my German troops finished it off. Leningrad unit is brought down to 4 STR.

    1 Russian cruiser in the black sea is encircled and brought to STR 2.

    I see Allied troops being brought into Turkey to secure the cities.

    [ August 03, 2007, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

  5. Production was always worth it.

    Industrial tech was always worth it for USA and sometimes Russia depending on your game strategy.

    Now IT is also attractive to Germany because it cost 75mpps for them.

    Infrastructure is very interesting for UK, Germany and Russia. A virtual must for USA.


    The two first mines are evacuated by Russia so I take them without firing a shot.

    I killed one anti tank unit.

    Leningrad is besieged but not surrounded as a couple of Russian troops are behind fortification preventing me from cutting it off.

    Both Turkish cities are bombed to 0 and so is Syria.

    My Axis fleet in the MED makes a run for safety.

    Allies bombed Ankara.

    A break at the end of my turn as Turkey decides to surrender even if it still had a significant force, I'm guessing my 3 L3 Tanks might have something to do with it.

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