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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    Of course he might have said that the government in question, with or without WMDs, having invaded two of its neighbors in less than a decade and committed numerous war crimes against civilians, was a menace and needed to be removed, but for reasons known only to him, he didn't.

    The reason is known quite clearly, he was immensely supported by that same invading country when he was committing those war crimes, even being sold materials to produce chemical weapons to do so and he was also supported in his attack on his neighbor.

    Can you imagine the country that supported him the most during his most barbaric period now say they want him out for those same reasons??? :rolleyes:

  2. Well if we gave USA proper MPP representation the victory conditions for Axis would need to be changed.

    This is what I do in my historical MPP mod.

    As you can see, even at full tilt USA still easily outproduced Germany and it did not fully mobilize its manpower (Industry yes), add in UK and USSR... they never had a chance. Best bet would have been to hold on long enough to get peace or armistice on "their" terms.

  3. Any unit that IS highlighted means it can be attached to that unit, if it won't it simply means you already have all 5 (6 for Germany) units attached.

    Range is affected by land this is why sometimes a unit who is 5 tiles away can not be attached, you might have a mountain in between which costs some extra action points.

    Basically one thing you have to know very well for SC2 is how land affects your movements. It does the same for HQ attachments.

  4. I wonder how long and if Germany could have eventually sued for peace or armistice if they had started to max produce in 1939 like they did in 1944.

    That is probably Germany's biggest flaw in WW2, as JJ put it they had no goal or idea of what they were going to do.

    Check 1944 productions and manpower here:


  5. Destroyer has its own icon, I'm sure you'll see all new units in his ongoing AAR.

    Double strike is simple, a unit has 2 strikes instead of 1. So you move a tank, strike once and can choose to strike again at the same target or another if it is within range of course.

    railroads, if you're unit is ON a railroad tile, you can operate that unit if it has proper supply, same supply rules as SC2 except now you need to be on a rail tile or a city.

    You also need a rail connection to operate to a city. If someone bombs Paris under 4 of supply then you can not operate to Brest, Caen and Bordeaux, unless you have Vichy France, if so you'll be able to operate to Bordeaux providing Vichy France and Bordeaux have 5 or greater supply.

    Map is bigger in North and South and the Atlantic is also bigger East-West.

    Amphibious invasions have a change that does not make it so easy to amphib so many troops.

    I'm not going to go into more details since I for one am on NDA and I think you should have the chance to discover some new elements on your own smile.gif .

    [ July 20, 2007, 07:03 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

  6. Originally posted by n0kn0k:

    Normally it would send combat vessels along with the transports.

    Didn't it do that also?

    Or did you kill those already?

    It in SC2 the AI is not so good at escorting its transports, I've seen an improvement in WaW.

    Also, he did state he killed the Allied fleet.

    But if you kill the Allied fleet the game is pretty much over, if the AI took the time to rebuild them you basically have killed USSR by then and can easily stop any invasion with land troops.

    So keeping Allied units on land or sending them out makes not real difference. But as I said, this has been improved in the expansion pack.

  7. Yep, I have thought about suggesting this before. The only thing is it starts to get a little too much into micro managing.

    Right now even with ALL the new stuff, the game play managing has not changed at all for me.

    This game is the ultimate beer & pretzel war game and I say this as the utmost compliment to Hubert's most ingenious design.

  8. JJR, what that "jews" supposedly said is ONLY in the bible AND the bible is a work of fiction.

    There is not ONE single historical document outside the bible about the life of Jesus or ANYTHING else that is written in the bible.

    But, there are many historical records about religions 1500+ years BC describing the EXACT same things that occurred in the bible. The difference is they never tried to make it looks is if it was actual history, they were stories written to help people in their spiritual discovery.

    Name ANY of the major events in the bible and I can point to a much older time when that exact same story was told.

    So slamming the jews for a story that has no other evidence outside a work of fiction is none sense.

  9. Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

    They didn't try to kill him because until Stalingrad Hitler was obviously good for Germany - did you not notice that they'd conquered France and half of Russia in that time? Why would you want to kill him until then??

    That does not display how he administered the logistics horribly, sent two people or more competing against each other to get one job done. It must have drove the military leaders crazy (maybe that's why they did not kill him, they went nuts!).

    Not following on his plan to build 300 subs instead going for a surface fleet that all military leaders knew was of no use against the massive english armada.

    Not letting his leaders follow through at dunkirk.

    Not sending Rommel the proper troops in Egypt, had he I can't see Egypt resisting.

    He showed that he always made up "half" his mind, build a trickle of uboats, send a few troops to dunkirk, send Rommel minor reinforcements.

    Like I said, for me it remains the greatest mystery of WW2 why that horrible at anything administrative, logistical, tactical, strategical was ever left alive by men who knew very well that his decisions were going to fail.

    That's my big question of WW2.

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