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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. I recently bought an iMac after my pc died on me.

    I knew I could still play SC2 by installing windows on a small partition and booting in windows when I wanted to play but seeing as I would need this partition just for SC2 and TF2 (another game) I was hoping I could play them without having to boot in Windows.

    For SC2 I have www.vmware.com/fusion software running and it plays the game superbly. I can run in full screen 1920*1200 on my 24" monitor.

    You will need a copy of windows as you will be installing windows via vmware. It actually installs faster than the typical MS installation.

    I have a 2.4Ghz duo core, 2 gigs of ram with a Radeon 2600 card.

    NOTE: I tried using www.codeweavers.com/crossover but that was not successfull and they do not officially support SC2 even if you purchase a copy of crossover.

    EDIT: Players considering making a purchase for a MAC should still verify that the applicable Demos work as expected.

    [ December 03, 2007, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

  2. Originally posted by Moonslayer:

    Space Sharks, eh? Looks like I have a new race to work on ;)

    Not really, I remember one episode where there was this giant space creature and one of the babies was following the enterprise thinking it was its mother and sucking off the energy.

    The parent was huge and could have possibly destroyed the ship.

  3. www.cmmods.com

    1- Diplomacy has been tweaked so the minors are more active in regards to Majors conquering other minors.

    No changes have been made to how majors react to any invasion. Only minors reacting to minors being attacked by majors has been increased in activation % and movement %.

    The Activation % have been doubled. If it was 25% before, it is now 50%. No activation goes higher than 90%. So if the default was 60%, it is not 120%. It is 90%, always leaving a small chance for it not to trigger.

    Movement % have also been doubled. If it is 15-20% in the default scenario it is now 30-40% in this scenario. The movement % is never higher than 80-90%. So if the default campaign has a movement of 40-50%, it will not be 80-100% in this one but 80-90%.

    These changes make for a much more dynamic Europe where minors do not just watch all of Europe being taken over without doing anything. By either side.

    2- Russian sub starts at STR 10 instead of 5. They had over 300 subs at the start of the war and this forces the Axis to deal with the port as it was historically.

    3- Research progression is 5-2-2-3-3, it makes for a much more linear progression of technology.

    4- Cruisers now have 0 attack value vs. soft targets, tanks and airplanes. Shore bombardment on the level of SC2 should be reserved for BBs. although a cruiser can still cause damage.

    5- Research costs, see the picture.

    There is a readme in the campaign folder.


    [ November 06, 2007, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

  4. Originally posted by n0kn0k:

    You will regret that Blashy ;)

    Performance ain't what it is under XP.

    Not to mention various compatibility problems.

    I've worked with the bloody Macs, they are way to expensive, slow and annoying to work with.

    The thing is, with that software it is not running virtually which does slow performance allot.

    With that software it actually runs straight from OS X.

  5. Originally posted by Honch:

    We ABSOLUTELY have to have a larger map. Its way too crowded now with all of the extra units that can be purchased.

    Hubert, have you looked at the scale of the map for Commander: Europe at War? Its fabulous. (About the only thing about that game that is)

    Modders may try and expand the map (reduce the scale) but the scripting would be a nightmare to update for most modders.

    It needs to be a Battlefront project.

    Actually it does not get more crowded because the MPPs are pretty much the same. You just have to make choices on what you need or which tactic you intend to use and by the units accordingly.
  6. Originally posted by borsook:

    I'm sorry if this has been asked before but are you considering porting SC2 to Linux (as native app not via Wine etc) at any point in the future?

    I'm 99.9% sure I can answer that for Hubert. But I will obviously leave that to him.

    Just remember... it is a one man game for about 99%, 1% representing beta testers, manual writers, campaign creators etc... Noway anyone outside Hubert put in 60 hours a week for YEARS.

  7. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    @Kuni, Blashy & the other anti-US healthcare people --- Check out this article about that magical socialism North of the border:


    You're just proving my point, this is the problem with FAUX news, they right out of context to confuse people but if you know how to read through their bull ...

    It says we FLY them over, so our Health care system is paying for ALL her expenses.

    And saying one out of every 7 Canadians is sent to the US by a Doctor is a fabrication. Canadians who go to US for treatment do it on their own. They have the money not to wait or don't mind getting a loan.

    BTW, you don't wait for emergency treatment in Canada... cancer, heart problems or anything the requires immediate attention you get it NO CHARGE. In USA... "pay up" or if you have an insurance company they'll say we'll cover X amount which is not the full amount most of the time.

    We are not perfect but at least we help each other out when someone is sick and do not PROFIT from people's sickness.

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