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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. JJvR again flying off the cuff without reading.

    I'm not against capitalism, I'm against a system that does not demand "Responsible Capitalism". Because when you don't have that you have "Greed Capitalism" and that system will never function long term as it is all about making money at ANY cost; destruction of the environment, wildlife, other lives are all good as long as there is a buck behind it.

  2. Axis Turn 1:

    Two Polish unit are destroyed, I have 2 units next to Warsaw and should weather be nice I should take it next turn.

    Warsaw unit down to 4.

    6 units are cut off, STR 10x3, 6, 2, 2.

    Hitler is sacked for trying to dictate military orders and racism towards anything not white.

    The war shall go on to liberate Eastern Europe from Soviet occupation (Baltic States, Ukraine, etc...).

  3. Actually you can understand one without the other as they were written by different people and the NT comes mostly from much older religions than the OT.

    If you read older religions, Egyptians, Persians, Greek for the most part you'll find all the storyline of the NT in them, especially the Egyptian religions.

    The only difference is those religion were not literal about their writings, they were stories told to help people spiritually while the bible writers copied those stories and try to sell them as actual history which is totally untrue.

    And the people who made those discoveries are not against religion, they are actually Christians and believe strongly in religion but have learned to understand that the writings are not history.

    But then again, most hardcore religious folk would never believe the contrary even if there was irrefutable evidence (which there is).

  4. But the bombing was pretty ineffective throughout the war but in 1945 they did switch a strategic bombing and not bombing towns in the hope of demoralization of popular support.

    When they did that, they almost brought German production to a halt.

    So they had figured out to use their huge bombers to deny the enemy of supplies and they would not have reverted to ineffective city bombing and thus with strategic bombing they could have denied all that manpower up front resupplies.

    I don't like wars, but I don't like letting people suffer in oppression and that is basically what the majority of political leaders of the Western Allies decided to do. But that is not surprising, they have historically thought of East Europe as lesser people (racist I know, but true nonetheless) with little value in terms of resources (not so much anymore).

  5. It is a 10% chance every turn until the trigger is satisfied. Once it occurs it will not occur again.

    These are all the triggers regarding landing Axis troops on UK Island.

    ; Axis land units in England resulting in a

    ; 15-20% increase in USA activation towards Allies:


    #NAME= Sealion #1 (USA->Allies)


    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #AI= 0

    #COUNTRY_ID= 3

    #TRIGGER= 100

    #DATE= 1940/01/01

    ; 15-20% activation increase towards Allies

    #ACTIVATION= [15,20] [2]

    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 1st Line - Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0]

    ; Axis land 1 unit in the UK within 1 tiles of London OR

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 64,15 [1,1] [1,1] [1] [0]

    ; Axis land 1 unit in the UK within 1 tile of Manchester

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 61,13 [1,1] [1,1] [1] [0]

    ; Axis land 1 unit in the UK within 1 tile of Edinburgh

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 62,12 [1,1] [1,1] [1] [0]


    ; Axis land units in England resulting in a

    ; 30-35% increase in Soviet activation towards Allies:


    #NAME= Sealion #2 (USSR->Allies)


    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #AI= 0

    #COUNTRY_ID= 4

    #TRIGGER= 50

    #DATE= 1940/01/01

    ; 30-35% activation increase towards Allies

    #ACTIVATION= [30,35] [2]

    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 1st Line - Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0]

    ; Axis land 1-2 units in the UK within 1-2 tiles of London OR

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 64,15 [1,2] [1,2] [1] [0]

    ; Axis land 1-2 units in the UK within 1 tile of Manchester

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 61,13 [1,1] [1,2] [1] [0]

    ; Axis land 1 unit in the UK within 1 tile of Edinburgh

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 62,12 [1,1] [1,1] [1] [0]


    ; Axis land units in England resulting in a

    ; 30-40% increase in Spanish activation towards Axis:


    #NAME= Sealion #3 (Spain->Axis)

    #POPUP= Franco Mobilizes His Forces

    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #AI= 0

    #COUNTRY_ID= 38

    #TRIGGER= 10

    #DATE= 1941/03/01

    ; 30-40% activation increase towards Axis

    #ACTIVATION= [30,40] [1]

    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 1st Line - Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0]

    ; Axis has captured and holds London OR

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 64,15 [0,0] [1,1] [1] [0]

    ; Axis has captured and holds Manchester

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 61,13 [0,0] [1,1] [1] [0]


    ; Axis land units in England resulting in a

    ; 45-55% increase in Turkish activation towards Axis:


    #NAME= Sealion #4 (Turkey->Axis)

    #POPUP= Turkey Strengthens Pro-Axis Relations

    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #AI= 0

    #COUNTRY_ID= 43

    #TRIGGER= 10

    #DATE= 1941/06/01

    ; 45-55% activation increase towards Axis

    #ACTIVATION= [45,55] [1]

    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 1st Line - Germany politically aligned with Axis and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 5 [1] [100] [0]

    ; Axis has captured and holds London OR

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 64,15 [0,0] [1,1] [1] [0]

    ; Axis has captured and holds Manchester

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 61,13 [0,0] [1,1] [1] [0]


  6. Kuniworth, you keep forgetting that USA and UK were supplying more than 75% of all logistics equipment and some materials.

    No more convoys and it would have hurt them significantly.

    Total manpower in 1945 was 16 million UK/USA versus 11 million for Soviets, who I agree had them pretty much in the same theater but the Germans had a couple of millions left (9.5 in 1944).

    425 000 warplanes versus 157 500.

    US GDP 1500 + UK 346 vs. 362 for Russia and it would have dropped with convoys being cut off.

    Air power alone with the Allies massive bombing capabilities and the soviets having no chance of winning the air war would have been utter destruction.

    In 1944 the allies were still bombing cities and German production increased, in 1945 they finally got a clue and started to bomb strategic targets and German production virtually came to a standstill. They would have done the same to Russia and all those troops would have been out of supply by bombing and by no longer receiving convoy from their ex allies.

    No A bomb needed (although it makes things easier).

  7. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    This one is the hottest video out! I just got it in my e-mail. Internet travels fast.

    @Blashy --- Warmonger? For what, defending our Nation. "You have no idea how to defend a Nation" --- Col. Jesssup.

    Patton did a great job in WW2, but anyone knows he was pro war ALL the time, that is all he knew he said it himself.

    The only thing I agree with him post war is the support to take on the Soviets right away, although him it was not for the sake of liberating all those twice invaded countries but just to keep having a war.

    Luckily he was not the head guy.

  8. Some if not most hard drugs are addictive and it is not a state of mind, it affects you physiologically and your brain chemistry along with your nervous system is so altered that you basically just live for that next fix and will go to any lengths to get it. Even the nicest person you've ever known can become violent and would commit a crime to get that fix.

    So all the supervision and information will do nothing as it is not a state of mind.

    I'm for anything that does not have a consequence of hurting other life being legal but there will always be a few things that just can not be made legal because it simply can not be controlled.

    SeaMonkey, they should make people who smoke having to pay for their medical bills that could "possibly" be related to smoking, even if they are not sure it is the cause but could have been. If you pass the message this is the consequence and people still smoke... that person is an idiot.

    Same with alcohol you get hurt drunk driving you pay for all the costs related to the accident.

    I'm sick and tired of always talking about more jail time, hit people where it hurts MONEY, this is a capitalistic world when your pocket book gets hit it really freaking hurts and especially if it is long term. Then we can put hard crime in jail for the long haul in military style jail.

  9. I agree with you Targul but somethings DO affect others.

    Like hard drugs that can turn a person into an addict after a few uses. This will affect society as that addict will end up not being able to perform his work and will end up stealing (they could even kill) to get his next fix.

    Some drugs you just can't make legal for that reason.

    You have to take into context if making this legal will have possible future effects that could be dangerous to society.

    Bike helmets are another example, in a universal health care system like Canada the taxpayers end up paying for those that do not wear a helmet. What we should do is have guidelines and if you did not follow it ALL costs go to you. No helmet, no seatbelt and you get an injury for that you pay the bill.

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