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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Folker you stated "the name of the Native American tribe that you and i were referring to was the Cherokee tribe, who were very peaceful."

    The Cherokee was "trained" out to Oklahoma. IN US history it is called called "the trail of tears." (called that by the Cherokee's). However, they are not the only tribe that was deported out west. The Seminols from Florida were perhaps more wrongly treated than the Cherokee's in this regard. Many "white men" in that day (The Cherokee's were deported I believe around 1830) thought they were doing a good deed for themselves and for the Indians. Obviously we do not see it that way today.

    However, one point I disagree with that the Cherokees were "very peaceful". That argument can be made of some native American tribes (mostly our in the far west) but I do not think it would apply to the Cherokees nor would they desire it themselves for they were tough warriors. The Myth some have is that the Indians got along with each other until the white man came. That is just a myth. The Indians had great battles and wars between tribes before the white Euro's ever game to America.

    [ September 19, 2003, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  2. Piumarcobaleno - First off I think I understand your main point of how we view things in the past and how one persons patriot is another persons outlaw.

    However your illustration of Hitler and his cause is distrubing to me. You stated. "i believe that Hitler's kills are no worse than everyone else's, the only thing is he lost his war, and so he's blamed as a killer."

    Hitlers so called Kills by you are far more distrubing. First, he was evil and not only was responsible for the killing of many outside of his country and many jews but of many decent and truth seeking Germans such as Dietrich Bonhoffer and the list goes on and on. His reponsibility with the Nazi's for the holocaust if far more distrubing than per say one black man who was wrongly lynched in the south in the past century. Just the magnatude of what he and the Nazi's were responsible for, the destruction of Europe. The loss of homes, the almost extermination of one race from Europe, 20 million Russians, the destruction goes on and on.

    Truth is truth. Regardless of whether Hitler and the Nazi's would have won the war or not. What he and the Nazi's did was the most evil of evil that we have known as man in the recent times. That truth is the same no matter.

  3. Oliva stated "I mean that there are more explications about the "poor" jew holocaust, the history tell us that the winners want to tell. Remember this:The history is written by the Winners, not by the defeated"

    1. I dont understand what you mean by "poor"? what do you mean by "poor" jew holocaust?

    2. Yes history is written by the winners. But that does not make it untrue. Are you therefore saying that the history concerning the start of WWII or of the holocaust is somehow untrue because it was written by the winners or Hitler and his fellow evil men are somehow not to blame?

    I do not understand your post and its implications.

  4. I have formed a new league for PBEM players of SC.

    *** It is via myleague.com

    *** You may find it at http://www.myleague.com/scpbem/

    *** Check out the houserules. It is meant to be simple. Players can set their own houserules for their match. If no houserules are set then anything the game allows is permitted.

    *** Reloads - Check under houserules for this. I will act as the league administer and will make a ruling on any disputes of this nature.

    *** This leauge is meant to be a means for PBEM players to record wins and losses. It will also have the secondary effect of providing players games with a competitve flair for those that desire that. We will see if it takes off is used by SC PBEM players or not.

    This now gives PBEM players the same type of league and opportunity for recording wins and losses, and for more competition, that the ICP players have and use. I hope that it does not turn into "I only play the game to win" attitude. But that the overall purpose of this is to provide more "fun" for playing SC for the purpose of fun and enjoyment of the game.

    [ August 30, 2006, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  5. Congratulations.

    I spent three years in the US Army. Boot camp is all a mind game. I never saw or heard of any marine or soldier drop out because of the physical aspect. They will work on that with you. Or better, they will work you into physical shape one way or another. But all the guys who drop out did so because of the mental head games they do. Perhaps we could tell a few stories here... oh no, you will find out for yourself. Congratulations and remember you CAN DO IT and will do.

  6. I've tried the Spainish gambit as allies and its really hard. I think only an experienced and very good player like Terif or Rambo can pull it off for the win (as allies). Terif is so correct in that it creates a totally different game from the normal "cookie cutter" game that we all get use to. That is what makes it fun.

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