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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. It's not sticky, it gets bumped each time someone posts a mod. Cheers, GaJ
  2. Did "CMSF clubs" spring up, like CMx1 Clubs did, with tournies etc? If so, how well did the victory conditions/points whatever of CMx2 feed into tourney results, ladders etc? GaJ
  3. Who cares whether instant id and borg awareness is realistic in the modern milieu or not? That's a CMSF topic. The point is that in WWII it is both realistic (that that enemy units take time to identify) and a desirable game play feature. It strongly affects tactics. Remember the mission of BFC: to keep our strategy wargame experience alive? Even a WWII board game can have mechanics for unknown precise identity (in an honesty system) and it is a desireable feature. It's a bitter irony that the more realistic implementation of the game has made this harder for BFC to add in, c'est la vie. GaJ
  4. The posting about "at least display them as ? till we know what they are" triggered a sudden realisation for me why this is hard in CMx2, compared to CMx1. In CMx1, the unit was just a point on the map, as far as the display was concerned. A type, a coordinate and an orientation, probably: very abstract. The rendering of it could take that information and display whatever it liked: decoupling the visible geometry of the unit from its behaviour. However, in CMx2 it suddenly clicked for me that the behaviour of a unit is tied to its geometry. For example, we read that the trajectory of projectiles is plotted, and displayed (?), and its actually calculated which surface of the target it interacts with. So the rendering of things is intimately tied with it's interactions/physics. Just a guess. But I can see how that makes it hard to change the rendering based on identification status.... GaJ
  5. Totally unbeknown to me (not being a CMSF player) CMSFMODs stopped posting these updates about new mods some time early last year! Well... hopefully it's fixed now (thanks to kind cooperation of Martin@BFC): please let me know if you post a mod at CMSFMODS and a notification fails to be posted here... GaJ
  6. Having been away from BFC all last year (not being a CMSF player) I had not noticed that the CMMODS site was no longer posting updates about new Mods into the forums here... it appears this stopped around March!! Thanks to the kind cooperation of Martin@BFC, this is working again, and when CMBN mods start coming along CMMODS is ready for those too. GaJ
  7. Well I'll be darned. Unbeknown to me, it appears that CMMODS has been quietly failing to post notifications of new mods here, since March! I wonder why someone didn't say somefink? Anyhow, it's nearly fixed now... GaJ
  8. It kind of goes to prove my point doesn't it: maybe those who left behind the game with this great feature have become accustomed to not having it, and have forgotten what it really was. It's also possibly the case that it is devalued now because it means less in the modern warfare arena? In CMSF, there appears to be less variety of "things out there that look similar", and less criticality on what it is: most AFVs can kill you Wheras in the WWII arena, it very much matters what kind of AFV that thing might be, and there is a wide range of things it might be, and the same with units that identify ambiguously as "crew". The funny thing is that it's not even BFC that are devaluing the feature, only some commentators in this thread. Steve didn't say "I don't think this is a worthwhile feature", he said "this is a hard feature for us to implement right now, so you won't be seeing it for a while". GaJ
  9. Actually this isn't the case, at least as far as I'm concerned. I think it's more likely that those who used to enjoy it and have moved on to games without it have forgotten just how good that feature is, and the added "immersion realism" that it gives. Sure, it has some imperfections like the direction facing thing. But having to wonder "gee, I wonder what that thing really is, I need to find out" is a significant and very good piece of the CMx1 gameplay. I think BFC would be doing themselves a disservice to play it down. My experience comes from having played CMx1 right up till now very regularly, then trying another WWII game that doesn't have mid-id. It's like OMG, this sucks!! A whole aspect of recon and tension is removed from the game. While "how should it work with relative spotting?" is a legitimate question, there are perfectly tractable answers. The more fundamental issue of "it wasn't allowed in the designin beginning and now has to be patched in" is the real killer. Darn shame to hear that really, but c'est la vie. My main point here is "don't underestimate the power of this feature: it really really affects gameplay in a positive way". GaJ
  10. I don't mind what happens with "optics" in CMBN: Steve's description of the gun being the determining factor at that range works for me (I"m no grog). I'm curious about c3k's long post though. I though the who discusison is about the optics that are in the gun sights. So how can we be talking about "sights, not optics"? I had always thought that referring to "optics" in this way was another way of referring to "the sights" ... the optics that are in the sights being the main factor determining how good they are? GaJ
  11. I think that the web-based file transfer utilities (either dropbox-like or sendthefile-like) are actuallly genuinely preferrable to attaching rars or stuff to an email. For example, when receiving a sendthisfile link your download accelerators can come into action, which is not the case for an email... GaJ
  12. Try out sendthisfile.com ... as I mentioned in another thread, at WeBandOfBrothers.de (a mostly PBEM CM club) we've been looking for the best solution to this, and at the moment sendthisfile.com is at the top of the list. Possibly the only disadvantage of sendthisfile.com is that it's file submission page is a bit "clicky" (a few things to fill in each time). I'm looking at what might be done to streamline this.... GaJ
  13. Dropbox is nice, but has some drawbacks. As someone mentioned, "deleting" files can be something of an issue (I've read, not experienced), and also not everyone can install a new app like this one. An alternative is sendthis.com. Over at WeBandOfBrothers.de (where we are almost exclusively PBEM players) we are thinking that sendthisfile.com will be the best answer, unless something else emerges. GaJ
  14. Man, you are one obnoxious poster! I think we all heard you, already, on this one. How about you give it a rest now? GaJ
  15. It might be where the money is, but it's got to be where the most popular interest is. I for one am glad they chose Normandy! (I'm still finding it hard to picture Normandy without the Brits, but that's a different matter) GaJ
  16. I'm one of those "not interested in playing modern warfare", so I'm still loving CMx1. Recently I tried another WWII game, and was really surprised by just how crap it is when you can ID the enemy straight away! The need to ID (and the possible mis-id) is a really game making feature of CMx1 - kind of like salt really: subtle, but you notice it if it's not there. GaJ
  17. streety posted a new CMBO mod at the CM Mods Warehouse: Some CMAK allied vehicles for CMBO "This is the daimler armoured car, the humber scout, the universal carrier (which is also used for the mg carrier and wasp..." GaJ
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