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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Sorry if this has been discussed, there have been more threads than I can keep up with. When I start the Tutorial in Basic mode I get _zero_ in game information about where the enemy is. When I start it in Warrior mode (supposedly harder/more realistic) I get "?" icons in all the major enemy locations. I'm thinking that this is likely due to C&C operating in Warrior mode, telling my gues that the company HQ knows roughly where the bad guys are. In Basic mode the manual says C&C is not operating. But this is a bit silly, right? In Basic mode things should work "easier" not harder... GaJ
  2. Alt T works for me I wonder if the '3D model accuracy' setting, or someting similar, is messing you up. You could play with that... Empty tank state and buttoned state: totally agree. GaJ
  3. Things I've loved in the few more turns I've played: soldiers hopping over walls, tanks destroying them as they go through them. My first real dislike: tank movement. Oh deary dear, are these drivers learners? Are tank controls really that binary? I'm watching my tanks rush forwards then slam on the breaks, rocking wildly, then turn, then rush forwards again, then repeat... those poor guys inside must be getting sick-as. I'm getting sick just watching them! I'm no tank grog, but a quick youtube search turns up lots of video like this, where it seems possible to drive a sherm smoothly... It speeds up, it slows down, it turns, all without lurching... GaJ
  4. Whoa - sorry for asking a dumb "didn't read the manual properly" question. But since I have asked it ... how do you turn on "all movement paths and targets"? (Edit: thanks AKD! I thought I reviewed the hotkeys, but I missed it!)
  5. Well, I think the subject sums it up: I've got a bunch of units, I'm ready to hit "go" on WEGO. How do I know that I'm not going to have some lazy bums sitting idle for a minute? (For reference, in CMx1 I would turn on all movement paths/targets and be able to see that eveyone has a movement and/or a fire order ). GaJ
  6. User38 I'll give you the LOL, but man how do you have time for making complex jokes when there's a new game to play!?
  7. There's another thread nearby talking about using Pause to save ammo while blowing holes. I haven't tried it yet, just letting you know...
  8. OK, it sounds like the alternate file is the one for me. Out of curiosity, has anyone made a file that is "this makes it most like CMx1, as far as possible"? Maybe that's what the alternate achieves? I better go look GaJ
  9. I visited the CMSF Tips and Tricks section. I didn't find it overwhelmingly illuminating. There was some useful information, iterspersed with reams of discussion about weapons etc that I have no familiarty with or interest in. And a read of the T&T section isn't going to pre-answer the basic sorts of "issue questions" that newcomers to CMBN will inevitably have. So we (newcomers) might as well ask the questions, and those that know the answers might as well answer them Then we'll get all the answers into the CMBN forum and get past this phase ASAP. I totally agree that this would be a great thing. I don't think it will make the problem go away though GaJ
  10. CMx1 was darn hard to get good at as well. This is a feature, not a bug GaJ
  11. How many more times will we read "Oh, it's like that in CMSF"? I don't play CMSF. I don't like CMSF. It doesn't help one bit to say "it's been like that for 3 years in CMSF"... is there some rule that to qualify to play CMBN you have to play CMSF first or somefink? Sorry, I missed the memo... GaJ
  12. Fair call. The game's "RT" roots show through in moments like these GaJ
  13. Bloody oath. Spread the word, tell your friends: FileFactory is a disgrace. GaJ
  14. It's a work of art. BTS can rightly be mighty proud of it. GaJ
  15. The manual says that you can see through hedgerows if you are close to them (I seem to recall). Maybe that's it?
  16. That's pretty nasty isn't it. The fact that Bail and Hunt are the same hotkey... You can screw your WEGO game by hitting Bail when you mean Hunt at a critical moment and it's game over for that tank... a full 2 minutes before the crew can be back in and operational, if they are lucky enough to survive the process... One would think that the Bail button (etc) ought to just toggle... GaJ
  17. Right OtherMeans ... I think the manual is saying that free-look (pan and rotate) should be less sensitive if your cursor is near the edge of the screen. It specifically makes the point. OooH! I just realised I can cut & paste from the manual: Maybe this just never made the final cut. Curse these gamers who read the manual GaJ
  18. This is a WE-GO question. So, you press "K" meaning "hunt", but inadvertently were on the "special" tab. Now you've told the tank to bail. How do you say "oops, I didn't mean that"? Similarly, it appears (to my limited experimenting) that if you click the "Evade" button, a tank starts popping smoke like mad, and once again I can't see how to say "I didn't mean to click that"... I've done some manual reading, couldn't see it ... did I miss something? GaJ
  19. The manual says that if you use panning and rotation control near the edge of the screen it will be less sensitive to mouse movement. I'm not experiencing that: it seems exactly the same. I would like less sensitive movement... do I need to do somefink different? GaJ
  20. Maybe your TC was making sure there were no live dudes on the other side of the hedge
  21. A minor thing, noting it here just in case anyone cares. Experimenting with the controls, I pushed forwards into the next to which the eastmost tank in the tutorial scenario is parked. This is what I saw: ... an plant pushing through the wall, and a curious gap in the wall. (Note that the gap in the wall does not coincide with the doors in the same wall: the door is about at the place where the "eye" is in this picture) GaJ
  22. U DA MAN !!! 30 mins, it reckons, to get it from you! Yay! (While I'm here: FileFactory _really sucked_. If they were hoping for a good effect from hosting CMBN, let me tell you its the opposite for me! I'm in the moot to tweet and post and whatever means is out there: FileFactory sucks!)
  23. It's not corrupted, its some silly redirect link. I'm guessing you tried to directly download using a download manager? If you rightclick and do "save link as" in your browser (or whatever equivalent functionality you have) then the US one downloads. No downloadmanager assist though
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